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mralphastike Arc User



  • That dev response says it all.... How is this game still here? surely the PvE and Role Players know this game is circling that blackhole spock fell into and the trek they know doesnt exist here. CBS needs to remove the license from these money grabbers and license it to someone who knows how to make a game for instance. I…
  • AP lambda - Any foe damaged by your weapons while this is active will suffer an Accuracy and Perception debuff and has a chance of being Confused... The devs have been playing Pokemon....
  • I'll hit ED up when it hits steam, until then no dice...lol already got enough clients! Nice to see everyone still chatting on here and im no IC guy :) (Parker...got banned like reverse edna xD) and have no Ego to boost either, we all know im awesome... GTAV and SC await!
  • or this wasnt someone from cryptic talking on skype whilst leaving STO VOIP open...this doesnt mean its a devv from STO, but if it is...good luck buddy getting that in wiritng, your all expendable apprently... xD If this thread gets deleted and swept under the carpet then all hell will break loose xD
  • nope, havent logged into STO for weeks
  • what the hell happened to this thread? its gone from why the game is dead to talking about keybinds...lol This isnt the MMO your Looking for....Move Along xD Wildweasal made a silly arguement....and no sense....silly people defending silly dev's, I cant wait to see the faces of people defending STO and cryptic in summer…
  • First in line?.... we've started the queue already so we can watch cryptic dig their own grave.... If i were a dev at cryptic....I'd be handing in my notice...never mind waiting to be laid off...there are other oppurtunites out there... which I know of because im starting a foundation/Honours degree in computer gaming…
  • many of us have time and time again suggested PVP scenarios that would likely draw others in such as epic fleet vs fleet matches etc...and would even allow them to bring in some PVP only relevant gear that could make them money....but alas it falls on deaf ears...because thats the game they dont want to make....
  • you mean 88% ruined....lol
  • I just jumped on these forums to look and see who got laid off and seen this, I didnt think the question being asked is "why is PvP dead?" i thought it would be, "Why are you all still here?" I'm Parker by the way Lag industries Executive, Former Member of Will PvP For Food, Bootcamp coach, Youtube Channel to PvP (STO Will…
  • Sorry sharx i jumped in this topic to argue for the sake of arguing. For the same goals as before and what happened to my main account, too see if I'd get banned for stating opinions and being rather vocal about it. Hence why there was no reasoning....and you know me...lol Comparing the recent DR changes to other changes…
  • that guy was so cool, hence why he got banned
  • By the way, Sorry to OP for sorta Hi-jacking your Post....though in reality it was never going to be answered...
  • I dont need to defend myself for spending a ****ing penny sharx like it makes me a very bad person for supporting this game you love so much power creep or no, i was niave back then and really liked playing the game in my defiant, hell in my kitty carrier as tac...wtf. Again you said "I havent spent a dime" putting…
  • I openly admit i Supported them when everyone else did, yes there was power creep but it was manageable...and if you remember rightly i was always in the corner of the players trying to get bugs and power creep fixed...to no avail i agree, which is when i started not paying any more... I stand by my statements and you keep…
  • Sharx you CLEARLY didnt read my post I've not called people stupid, Ive not raged at other players, ive raged at YOU, for defending cryptic and saying "Aww shucks what can you do, just play" when frankly that isnt a good attitude. Dev's can make whatever game they want, but if we dont enjoy it and others agree and stop…
  • Your tarring me with the same brush, saying im under edna's leader ship. 1 i created this "toon" nearly 2 years a go as a farmer, just never registered it on the forums. 2 I never called people stupid 3 its hard to deny facts, its not just "Us 3" everytime ive logged into sto the past few weeks ive had atleast 3 in game…
  • Because im Parker MotherF***ing King..... (SR4)
  • Sorry Sharx but that list of "Vets" is bigger than you care to admit and you know it...... and This is Parker, my main account is banned "Forever"....like it matters This game has its casket in the ground, even the Staff at cryptic have had enough.....and that JHSS is such a joke....way to inovate cryptic....same ship,…
  • I believe this is Cryptics Employee's hard at work? No wonder the game Has so many bugs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no_elVGGgW8
  • This Chap here clearly has an insiders view at the cryptic studios.....Hence why they have....disposed of him.... Made for an interesting Tea time read for me and the wife...since the corgy shat on the crossword book....