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marielang Arc User



  • listen this game has pissed me off more times then I can count. I've raged on forums till they banned me form them [twice in fact] I have never quit. lol only that which you love can truly make you mad but you can whine and quit like a ferengi or be like the borg adapt and overcome nuff said
  • although you never knew me you are and always shall be my friend. godspeed Mr Spock and god bless Mr Nimoy
  • The icons were fine the disappearing boff's however that's not anything that needs fixing well spend our time an effort tweaking stuff that already works fine. wow you guys take the cake. And boff training its easy simple no crafting required but wait it doesn't make money lets make it so if they want really good an cool…
  • The icons were fine the disappearing boff's however that's not anything that needs fixing well spend our time an effort tweaking stuff that already works fine. wow you guys take the cake. And boff training its easy simple no crafting required but wait it doesn't make money lets make it so if they want really good an cool…
  • Hey there if you can do upgrade for 250 I'm defiantly doing something wrong cause I can count and that's what it cost me. LOL my in game handle is same as here if you got the time and patients would appreciate help with it. I was including ground gear in that which might have skewed it and did upgrade ship set which I wont…
  • I've been playing quite a long time and am fairly good. I know my mk12 fleet gear is up to the task of playing advance stf's. I'f English were your primary language you might have noticed that my problem was with team's that are capable. But if responding to my post in such a condescending and nasty manner made you feel…
  • to upgrade one toon to all mk14 gear 800,000 dill refine limit 8000 a day if maxed out each day never missing or coming up short 100 days to upgrade one toon. top that off the new stf difficulty level we had 2 we liked ok fine the hardcore gammers who grew up with an xbox/playstation control glued to their hand whine its…
  • tired of this dips--t argument yea I bought t5 ships so what??? what I'm asking is not that they upgrade for free. just let us pay to upgrade to full t6. I bought these cause I like them. I fly them for same reason. would pay for full upgrade for same reason. cryptic makes money same as if I bought one of the new fugly…
  • its what I've been saying all along. I don't want freebie. Just want to have the option to make my existing ships t6 that's all. yea I bought t5 ships I know that. I will gladly pay for upgrade to t6. buy why this stupid half step upgrade ???? don't want to pay for that. I might buy a t6 ship or 2 but have toons in ships I…
  • If the bottom line is the true driving force then a great potential source of revenue has been ignored. If what I see in these forums is correct then it would seem that this game has more trek loving gamers then pure gamers. at least it seems that way to me. they seem to be ignoring their target audience in favor of trying…
  • I don't want anything for free. am not the best and don't play pvp. what I am saying is if I have to pay through the nose I'd like to get something for my money and some acknowledgement of the time an loyalty I've put in. I'm a trekkie, not a gamer. I love my trek ships paid for them already played 3 years with some of…
  • I have no problem with corporations making money. I know they need to pay their tec's and programmers and show a profit as well. If they make a product that is great I find myself wanting to buy it. I bought the avenger and liked it so much I couldn't wait till I could buy the fleet ship module to make it even better. What…
  • this will probably get me in trouble but I would like to add. If your going to make me pay to upgrade all my ships. Make it a full UPGRADE. I love this game and have spent a fortune over the last 3 years. I really hate the fact that it appears the powers that be spend their days thinking of new and exciting ways to jerk me…
  • lifetime membership ton of money already spent on lock box, cstore, fleet ship modules and now your going to tack on more expense to upgrade ships I've played with and grind grind grind to get to they point they are now. I can tell you if its 10 bucks a ship I quit and as for your 150 dollar delta pack are you insane or do…
  • the new crafting so arduous that it requires its own inventory but they suck up 18% of my doff roster for it need what I have for mission doffs and to recruit commons for fleet projects. this is total TRIBBLE
  • with having to keep good doffs for missions and trying to keep blank slots open to recruit donate doffs to fleet projects now I have to use almost 20% of my roster for R&D??? this is the kind of craptastic thinking that gets yall introuble every season roll out. Why would you not give R&D doffs there own roster if your…
  • what happened did cryptic loose a bet with god???? I've watched 2 movies [true grit, into darkness] still down read 3 chapters in history of teddy Roosevelt still down, fed dog,made dinner, did laundry [still down] watched justified and the Americans ondemand [still down] ran to the store for smokes and snacks [still down]…
  • I have no prob with things going wrong I know s--t happens I would ask for my friends and fleet mates who missed out on getting toons through today that you strongly consider extending the event by at least a day since they unable to get there Q stuff today throught no fault of there own. they unlike me have jobs the poor…
  • WHAT THE HECK GUYS I make a point to sing my praise and you erase all my tribble server toons . why??? put them back please. yes woke this am was going to go enjoy playing my romulan a little and not only is she gone so are all of my other toons on the server. HELP!!!!! THIS is not a good way to inspire confidence.
  • I also could not leave used mission trans warp to get to system 500 ec I know is pain but at least you can do the mission that way
  • bought mk 3 for boffs they start to fire and wont stop unless I take wepon off boff and put back on
  • each time swich map have to redo boff skills in tray and each time I try to assign away team game crashes
  • yea cant get past this point is frustrating
  • Bought the whole pack. love the destiny trilogy and wanted the ship. Now please understand I'm almost a 3 year vet, and I have 27 toons 26 at VA. I am not a noob, having said that I am so so disappointed in the vesta I could weep. I have speced and respect armord to the nines and id still rather use a nebula refit or…
  • vote with your wallets People stop buying zen thats only thing that gets there attetion
  • thanks cryptic for remove fleet marks form foundry missions. afterall we didnt have enough to grind for. the Cryptic Fun Suckers Strike Agian.
  • were the cyptic fun sucker team we cant let you get fleet marks that easy. you must grind grind grind. Who in there right mind plays a game to have fun anyway. It should be a chore grind boreing head ache. thats what we specialize in now. bow down you stupid suckers and GRIND.
  • i can make 20 mill a week easy if i push a little no idea what i could make if i realy realy pushed i bought my Tuffli for 13.5 mill so i wish you luck.
  • reconfiguret to fire tribbles at klingons