I'm going to try this in my Conni I have been away since the level change to 60 I think I need to re acquaint myself with the game and this would be a good way to do it so ill roll a new toon (Fed engineer) and give it a try.
The op is stupid the Connie was the top dog of the day in that era and if these idiots come out with this w/o putting that ship in the top of the lineup then they can kiss a lot of people that was thinking of coming back goodbye along with there money I came back just to check this out after more than a year away and have…
The current totals are in the game and are readily available to you I would suggest that you learn the game a little bit before you go and make suggestions for the rest of us.
I would do the month to month untill they come out with another sale on lifetime memberships thats what i did and dont regret it i have alot of perks and the extra ships was awsome not to mention the monthly 500zen you get ;).
I havent had any trouble with disconnects i would say to check your connection first before posting here with a i need help post that dosent explain anything and knowone can help you with a post like that.
In my experiance in online games the word balance means please bring the game down to the posters level of gameplay. This is a diverse game with endless ways to fit and equip your crew and ship and it needs NO BALANCE that would take away from the game and turn it into just another booring mmo.
Ok guys here is what i have done to work awround this i select the officer that i want to assign and put him in the Shuttle slot that will allow me to assign him to my ship i just do this for any bo i want to assign a station to and it works i hope this helps.
Can you please fix the stations on the ships so that we can save the current setup of boffs and abilitys for each ship. Every time i switch ships i haft to redo the stations and abilitys for the ship this is VARY frustrating and time consuming to do.
I like it there is alot of new things to do and its not a stf grind just for higher tier gear there is more you can do to get it and i like that change.