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kyuui13 Arc User



  • In short, don't bother with grinding Omega rep anymore. The TR Crafted rifle makes the refrequencer set bonus absolutely worthless and not needed, save your time and energy and go get it. As for the costume itself, its been very buggy for a while. you may need to go get the rest of the accolades to get it to show, you may…
  • my beef with them is they auto assigned them. I don't need them, don't want them. leave them in a box and tell folks whats in said box, don't clutter my roster with TRIBBLE I'm going to have to click 36 times to get rid of.
  • the "official" place for communications, should be here. Facebook twitter, et all should lead here, no where else. If its on those platforms, it NEEDS to be here. As far as "you promised" The problem Cryptic has is it had a EP that became known for such grandiose claims and statements. Given them, many of us took a man for…
  • You don't want people to be so judgemental? yet you toss out Fanboy, inane drivel bash Rp and whine about those who constantly moan about the game? Hello pot. have ya met the kettle? I had no idea the stuff wasn't useable on Risa, and TBH didn't care, wish folks would not use the party ball on the race course but hey the…
  • It doesn't matter what we, consider currency in the game. What matters is what cryptic does. Cryptic considers Marks, tokens, and badges as currency, therefore, they are in fact currency in the game. As for needing to do certain content to get certain marks, Given that you can get multiple types of marks from not only the…
  • Given at one point we heard from a Dev that they could remove PVP entirely and it wouldn't effect the overall log ins. I'll repeat what I send then to make my voice heard Do it. Remove it and reuse the assets elsewhere. Don't waste time and money on something that clearly is wasted.
  • When they drive away customers due to how they treat them, are they making, or loosing money? Good will goes a long way. Recently I had a dealing with EA customer support, in which I was attempting to refund a purchase I had made on the wrong account. EA, not only left the purchase on my account, but they put it on the…
  • Given the historical increase in monetary "grabs" by Cryptic, it has only been a matter of time for this to occur, I don't see myself ever using it, ever. The more grind, and money grabs that they implement, the less and less I log in. I find myself playing games like Sim City over this due to those things along. Its…
  • So you're saying that the wonderful Cryptic QA struck again?:cool: having done no grinding for ships, ever, I'm probably not, going to get it, the Ambassador, was ok, and was about my limit. I'm not going to grind for this one unless it has some seriously interesting stuff. 3 bucks says that it gets a "bug fix" within 30…
  • I'm going to hold judgement for a few months, out of kindness. Given my experience with the last time, I'm not investing anything money wise into the game at all, my trust of the leadership of STO, is non existent. Don't tell me what you're "going to do" Tel me what you've "done."
  • Given the history of Cryptic when it comes to something like this, don't count on it 100%. I've seen plenty of bugs hit live that were talked about for a long time. Never mind the few where they tested them all of 8 hours before release.
  • In all my time playing Eve, and its been a good few years, more often than not, they're up, faster than advertised, and only down for expansions, which are few. STO, has been down more and more, and has a extended history of crashing/ lag fests, et all. I came back to try LOR on tribble, it took a week to get, played for a…
  • Nothing, I'm not interested it most of it, Dang sure am not about to regrind any pay for rep.
  • While the situation does indeed suck, I'm going to be brutally honest, and say your leadership failed you. Leaving someone, in the fleet, in a position to do this, while they are inactive, is well, stupid. I have members of my fleet I KNOW will never be back, but because I know them personally, I keep them in fleet, at the…
  • ? We want to add a ship armor slot. Having more itemization is good[/quote] I don't agree, We're getting to the point where we have to much now. Never mind the way this translates to me is (we need more things to put on the LOBI/DIL/CSTORE) Then Don't do it. Then buff the cruisers in question. Problem solved. It depends,…
  • They have had that issue for a good long time. They've been told, numerous times. They've never bothered to fix it. Its not just a few people either. My wife can some times get to the support, but I can't. Same IP, same browser, different computer. One works partially, the other, never. Another in the many failings of…
  • Just one of the many things, we've been told that is coming,being worked on, going to happen, PWE wants, Cryptic wants..... Need I go on.
  • isn't that what the count down is for? I don't need a sale here, nothing I want is in the C store anyhow, its all locked up in Lobi.
  • it would be more so, if they actually did, fix things, more oft than not, they have to fix them, several times. Given their track record, this is more than likely, NOT the case. I've seen so many bugs on tribble, get reported, massively in many cases, only to have them released. IF, it was in the their list of bugs, and…
  • Just want to know what happened to the no outfits in the lobi store? I would prefer no more go into it, and instead go into the C store. I have 2 wells uniforms, I would have 9 if it was in the C store, at a reasonable price per character *100-150Zen* but with it locked behind the lobi, I got 2, and that was it.
  • You, asked why a small fleet should ever get to T5, I gave you your answer, nothing more, nothing less. My small fleet of 8, is right in the middle of going T3 across the board, with the Communications done, the Industrial Fabricator done in 30 minutes, and the transwarp up next. BTW, we started in September.
  • Please, don't speak for all of us. I for one, am not, a sell out, I've used the C store, but I hardly doubt I'm going to win for having all the uniforms, almost all of the bridges, the Excelsior, and the Nebula. For one, It would requirement to "compete" which, I don't bother with here.
  • because, they, said, they could. Thats the reason. and its the only one thats needed.
  • I have no idea on the KDF side, I know that the propensity for Civvie doffs is annoying, the only places they really should show up, in my mind at least, is the sector Cultural exchange. I still say they need to reduce the costs some, and or move that cost to the exchanging of the officers.
  • Bort, while I didn't see it as "broken" I can understand, if it wasn't intended. My one request would be, can we get more vendors that sell at the 50% mark?
  • you still can you just have to know who to go to. Simple rules, never recycle and never go to a ferengi.
  • They made that system, they made it alterable. These dailies were also designed for a system that didn't have money involved in it, Marks. The old marks grind was set up to discourage you from using it to buy ships, it was doable, but it took a long time. now, unless this mission spontaneously popped into existence; it had…
  • Again, created by them. This has been main stream for a LONG time. not a week not a month, Over a year. I used to do this with a group of friends every so often for marks. Its not about marks. its about money, plain and simple, this was lost sales for them, and they will NOT put up with that, regardless of what happens.…
  • As with anything he says one must keep in mind his history of explaining things to the player base This, they have more than once, thrown out these massive numbers, then it turns out they aren't anywhere near what they're being made out to be. They won't answer how they get to this, because it will reveal to much for them.…
  • this "exploit" was created by them, the players used the match system as designed to maximize their rewards for time. Again, if they were concerned with it so much, 1 why put it in, in this fashion, and 2. Why not fix the "exploit" much sooner? Answer, its costing them money. Plain and simple greed folks. nothing more…