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joseph#2003 Arc User



  • As most of you have pointed out already, there is a serious lag issue that is persisting in the game. There is a lot of rubber banding in the PvP matches, becomes more than a little annoying. However, just a note, I do love the map. Novel idea, and makes the game a little more seamless. Something to consider, before…
  • So far, there is nothing from Cryptic acknowledging this issue. Instead, what we have been recieving are news and content updates. Which, aren't useful to those of us that can't even log in. Best guess, hopefully they completely remove the patch that created all these issues on the next patch day. Then again, they haven't…
  • Crypt, Do you have a web link for Steam? I see a lot of listings, which one are you referring to?
  • Crypt, Wow, that is absolutely brilliant and very well stated. However, if I may. Wouldn't a lot of these issue have been solved had they just done prior planning for all of this? Setting milestones, stress testing and ultimately identifying all the issues before hand would have saved them a lot of precious time. Not to…
  • Val, First, thank you. No, none of us have any idea what the DEVs are up to. Here is a clue bird, stop what they are doing and fix the issues affecting the player base. Which, as well all know, buy Zen and ulimately pay their salary. I personally don't want to see any more content or news updates until this issue is…
  • We all do wish you the best, however, until the issue is addressed none of us can expect to be able to log in and fully enjoy the game without any issues. For most, getting past the launcher would be something. The fact you have done that is impressive. I just hope this is something we can do very soon as wel.
  • This thread does server several purposes. It has clearly identified an issue, and quickly concluded that it most definitly is on Cryptic's end. And, regardless of how many Traces they ask you to run it will show the same thing. This issue is on their end, and that is exactly where it needs to be addressed, resolved and…
  • I believe we have all done this, and by now we all know it isn't any of us. The issue is on Cryptic to resolve, it has progressively only gotten worse over the last week. To the point, very few of us can actually log on. If very few of us can log on after you did a patch doesn't that make you stop, pause and consider the…
  • No, you are right. This has been an extremely aweful week for a lot of us. To be frank and candid, I have never experienced these type of issues with any game. Certainly not for an extended period as we have been experiencing recently with STO.
  • No, I have to agree with you. The method, or lack thereof, that was used to impliment Delta was poorly done. The game is under way to much stress for the amount of players trying to actually log on and enjoy it. I do believe we all know what the answer is, the question is will Cryptic do what it takes to correct it? The…
  • For me, it's been 4 days of not being able to log in.
  • I do understand this is something that has to be remedied, however, I would be nice to be able to log in. This is day four of not being able to log in.
  • Okay, I restarted the PC. Turned off the Firewall, attempted to launch STO from the gameclient.exe, still nothing.
  • I keep getting this message, it doesn't go any further. I have uninstalled the game, reinstalled it. Updated all drivers. The launcher updates, then when you see "ENGAGE" pop up I click. Goes to the Cryptic loading page, then it stalls. A few seconds later I click on the screen and this message pops up Gameclient.exe is…
  • I think there are a lot of us that would enjoy joining this, however, many just aren't able. The game isn't playable, and some of us have been trying all weekend to log on. Maybe you need to postpone this until the game is stable and folks can actually attend.
  • Sug, The issue isn't you, the server is overloaded. It is timing out before most of us can get in and play. You in good company, you aren't alone in this. Hopefully it is remedied very soon.
  • You have to consider, Cryptic hasn't fixed existing issues. Understand, they are all fairly easy to remedy. Like a lot of people, they get the "Grinch" factor kicking in. Or, just plain greed. Instead of putting money back into their business, which is a very good practice, they streamline. Meaning the put as many games…
  • I have to agree with you, considering they made more than enough money just last year to put every single game on it's own server. Not to mention, there was also more than enough to have a full staff for each and every game. This will be interesting to watch it play out.
  • That's a fantastic question. Here is something to consider as well. How much is a state of the art, brand new server? And, how much money did Cryptic claim to have made just last year? I won't spoil this for you, but the answer is certainlly worth finding. They made so much money they could easily afford a new server for…
  • Thank you, yes they did say this. However, what is also true. Do any of you like having pressure put on you? Here's the thing, as a consumer you do have certain rights. I will only give you two examples, there are a few more things you can do. But I will leave up to you to figure out. First, contact the state agency that…
  • The message I get when going through just the launcher and not through ARC is gameclient.exe is not responding. I've updated all drivers, and still nothing. I even tried going in through safe mode, nodda. Sooo, I am pretty much stumped.
  • John, I have no idea Brother, the furthest I am able to get is watching the launcher update. Pressing "ENGAGE" Then see the screen with Cryptic slowly loading. Then at about 80 present it all just goes black and poof, that's it. It drops you see this little box that say "Oooops" Cryptic Crashed. Very annoying seeing it…
  • Actually, there are a few choices. You can contact the state that issued their business license and file a formal compliant. You can also file with the Better Business Bureau. Both take time, but both are available for any consumer to exercise. Regardless what you decide to do, I do encourage you to be patient and allow…
  • I believe the solution is right down the middle. Why not impliment a few ideas into one? Persoanlly, I agree that AFKers' were and still are leeches to the rest of the active community. However, something you are missing and I am only going to point out for you to think about. I too got assessed the AFK penality, though I…
  • You may have not noticed, but if you can log in at all you really are ahead of a great many folks that can not. If you aren't doing the missions, you really are missing out. I was enjoying playing the Delta Missions until three days ago, four days ago was the last time I was actually able to play. I am not certain what has…
  • Same for me, this is day three and Cryptic has done nothing to address it thus far. It is doubtful this will be corrected by patch day. I am not sure what is so difficult about undoing a patch. It is very, very frustrating. I share your pain. Jus an FYI, tried doing the safe mode. Nothing, same result. So it does seem to…
  • Very well stated, it would be impressive though had they fixed this over the weekend. I do realize I am probably among the few affected in the larger scheme of things. Just very odd that so many are experiencing the same issue and nothing has been done.
  • Man, I don't know if you know this. But there are some of us that can't even get that far, I can't get past the launcher. That's the truth, and I am a life member as well. So this is hitting pretty much everyone. Want to trade places? I would love to be able to get in and actually have some game time.
  • Game still does not work, can't get past the launcher. This is day two. Wanna bet no one working on this because it is the weekend? LOL, yeah really great way to kick off a launch. Make the game completely unplayable. Way to go Cryptic.
  • Still not able to get past the launcher, this is day two.