Not only did I get it the day it was released, I purchased zen to get it. I have a Warp Burst Capacitor on two ships so far (Fleet Avenger and Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser Retrofit) and I use the Constellation class costume on my Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser Retrofit. I have no regrets because this is a type of ship I…
I would also pay for upgrades for my Mirror Universe ships, aparently Cryptic does not want our money enough to let us do that. Regardless, I will continue to fly my Constellation Class Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser Retrofit AKA: my Tier 5 Connie.
I bought zen to buy one and I now have my favorite 23rd century ship class. Also suddenly overtime sucks less. :D I will call my Constelation Class Mirror Universe Heavy Cruiser Retrofit my T5 Connie from now on, after all both have the same forst two syllables. :P
My Fleet Avenger is my hero ship and she will continue to be my hero ship whether or not she can be upgraded. Now I know how Scotty felt when he first saw the Excelsior. Uhura: Would you look at that. Kirk: My friends, the great experiment: The Excelsior. Ready for trial runs. Sulu: She's supposed to have transwarp drive.…
For utilitarian purposes, the Impulse Capacitance Cell. It has gotten me out of trouble multiple times and all of my ships have one. For fun novelty purposes, the Cloaking Device console. I had some good times stalking enemy ships waiting for powers to recharge. Aceton Assimilator looks fun too.
With all due respect, this is not a global solution, or any solution for that matter, what you are proposing is an unnecessary source of frustration. As for dilithium sinks, as mentioned many times previously, there are plenty especially for ship collectors and I write that from personal experience.
Item destruction is harmful to the workingman and if I (a workingman) want zen I will save up some money and buy some zen. There are many things I can acquire with dilithuim and I am therefore not interested in the dilithium exchange.