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jayfresh11 Arc User



  • It’s on sale for this weekend. I picked one up on Friday. Lock box and promo ships that are account wide, and the sale price makes every ship below 20 dollars. With all the traits and consoles, makes this bundle an absolute steal. Hope you’re able to pick one up before they’re gone again!
  • I definitely agree. Even with the half price discount is too expensive for one ship. But it makes the legendary ship bundle much more enticing with the discount. 19500 for 10 ships, glad they brought it back this weekend.
  • > @galphram said: > I am waiting to spend money on these ships, PLEASE BRING THEM BACK. Honestly I had just returned to STO and was getting my bearings and this pack was pulled. I want it. Let me buy it! I also came back recently to STO, feel sick over missing this and hope they bring it back soon
  • I’m really glad you can now buy the EMH and also Geordi La Forge bridge officers, I’ve been wanting them for a while now and happy I was able to snag them. I really like the fact that they are account wide.
  • > @sheldonlcooper said: > hey, does the old key ring take stuff to 15 now too or only 14? I mean if you bought it before there was a 15. I’m pretty sure it takes it to 15. I recently used some on my new Jem’hadar toon, and it upgraded to 15
  • > @tyler002 said: > I'm bummed that I can't use the Starfleet Uniform on the Vanguard Boffs on my Federation characters, but it's not enough of an issue to stop me playing a Jem'Hadar. > > Neither is the lack of female ones, despite the fact that I'd probably play one if I could. While canon never said female Jem'Hadar…
  • That would be cool to play a vorta, and have a bunch of jem’hadar under you. You can choose your first, and give them the white when you feel like it.
  • I been playing STO since 2011. It was a God send when I discovered this game. I was out of the military, going through treatment for my injury at the veterans affairs. This game got me through so much of the hard times. My doctor used to tell me after I’d see him, to go home, and play some Star Trek. This game is one of my…
  • @thlaylierah, thanks again for clarifying. I was looking at the ultra rares and they had some other stuff, and they are specific to damage resistance. Thank you again, I am in the process of setting up my characters ship sets, and I'm glad for your suggestion
  • @thlaylierah I found the shields on the exchange, besides the [cap]x4 I'm noticing other abilities like [cp/rg] [pla] anything you recommend?
  • @thlaylierah I'm sorry about that mix up. I have an engineering officer that has the Borg space set and the obelisk warp core. I do not have the 4 cap shield. From research I found a shield called the hyper-capacitor shield array. So I'm going to see how much it is on the exchange. Thank you again for letting me know your…
  • @peterconnorfirst first thank you for showing me your set up and sorry, I thanked the wrong person. You're set up is awesome, and thank you for the advice for upgrading. It does take a lot of resources so I'll definitely wait for the upgrade weekend and I'll upgrade lower mks for the chance of better rarity. This has…
  • They pop up in the exchange periodically. Before I got mine, there was one on the exchange, but someone snagged it. I waited a few days after and one popped up at the exchange and I snagged it. You might want to check periodically. There might be one that pops up. I would just type t6 or jem and go to the end of the list…
  • @thlaylierah, thank you for showing me your setup, it's awesome! I am definitely going to tac vulnerability consoles. How long did it take for you to get all epic? That's my new goal
  • @peterconnorfirst thank you for mentioning this. I am planning on getting the full set possibly for more than one of my toons, and thanks in regards to my ship. Also congrats to you for getting the strike ship. It is awesome and I do enjoy it a lot. I tried to check out your set up but I can't access it. Do you have…
  • @spiritwalker1969 thanks very much for posting your set up. I am already in the process of getting the bio neural gel pack, I'm also going to check out the other items you posted such as your space set as well as your console setup, like tac vulnerability. I've never had any clue with making a good setup so thank you for…
  • @thlaylierah thank you for the suggestion. I actually have a toon that has the necessary pieces for your setup and I will try it.
  • @vampeiyre, thanks for your input. I been hearing about how well the iconian set is and just may get it as a go to space set when needed
  • @spiritwalker1969, thank you for your comment, it does make sense what you are saying, kind of let's me know that there are a lot more factors to look at. Also with picking and mixing, are there any space sets you would recommend and what specific equipment to choose?
  • Thank you both for suggesting Astika. I will also consider this ship. I am going to wait a little bit, and if I don't see any t6 bug ships, I'll definitely check it out.
  • Thanks for your suggestion, I saw the video and thank you for posting it. The Krenim warship does fairly well in the pve missions on the video and isn't bad at all. And you're also right about the turn rate. I'll definitely keep it in mind, since the cost isn't too bad, I could snag it with another ship, but definitely…
  • Thanks for your opinion, I will check those ships out, but I agree on waiting for the ship I want. I been waiting for the jem'hadar recon ship, so I'll probably sit out and see if anyone posts one on the exchange.
  • Well the launchers up, but servers red, at least they're progressing.
  • The hair definitely goes with the nose, very beautiful indeed
  • As an army veteran watching Star Trek there is a clear chain of command and rank structure, and talking to my buddy who's a navy veteran, there are a lot of navy terms regarding the ship, officer rank and other stuff I don't remember, but I think it goes to that extent, starfleet has similarities of the military but I…
  • I've been a lifetime member since 2012, and I've spent probably 3000 plus on this game, but I'm guessing the appreciation gifts are reserved for the people who contributed the most money. They deserve a gift for helping to fund this game and ensuring our enjoyment of playing
  • I have a vengeance and was lucky to get two constitutions from the lock box. I never really received hate. I did receive a compliment from someone during pve saying my Connie is sexy. I can see why people may dislike the kelvin ships being from the new movies, but there are fans such as myself who enjoy it. I grew up…
  • I've been a lifetime member of this game for about 4 years now, and I can say it is totally worth it. It will also pay off because you get 5 dollars worth of zen each month. In about 3 years and 4 months, you'll get 200 dollars worth of zen which equals the amount of the lifetime sub at 200. You get perks and they all come…
  • When I first tried out lock boxes I bought 50 and was disappointed when I didn't get the prize ship. I didn't understand the odds at that time, when I tried a second time with another lock box, I bought 130 keys. I figured this would better my chances and I still didn't get a ship. I realized the difficulty of getting the…