i can understand this happening to romulan chars to make them play thru the story line missons. but i am getting this issue with my regular federation chars and klingon chars that have already played thru thier storylines and are at max level?? so the issue if it tied to the romulan chars should not be affecting chars on…
i am also getting this as well but not only with my romulan char which is fed. but also getting it with all my fed chars as well as all my klingons chars. is this being looked into??
this issue has nothing to remotely due to playing the story thru. i have played the story thru both on my romulan and fed chars. and i also having this same issue as the op. in fact i'm getting this same issue as well on every damn fleet action i try to que for on all my chars.
i don't think anyone who is supposed to have que priority is getting it. i know a couple life time subcribers that don't seem to be getting in any quicker or any of of us that bought this game originally either. basically those that bought the game and were subcribers or those that currently subscribe and lifetime…
well this proves that sto and neverwinter is using the the same login servers. as D&D went down exactly at the same time and gives exactly the same error.