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What is the Arc Client?
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hapievo Arc User



  • Hello all, sorry if this has been asked/answered in earlier post (at work and don't have time to read through 76 pages of posts). The blog mentioned that once an upgrade was unlocked it would be unlocked for all characters. regarding Fleet ships. as they do not unlock for all characters, if I upgrade my Fleet Defiant would…
  • Thanks again for the input! There are cannon coming with a beam overload proc also!? Are they one per ship also, like someone had stated the 90 degree DHCs were? Is this on tribble right now? Also, are there screens/charts showing what all will be able to be made with the new system? I tried looking and was unable to find…
  • Hello Everyone, Thanks for all the replies! Sorry I guess I should have put more to the post (just goes to show I shouldn't post while sleepy) I am sticking with phasers not out of a need to adhere to canon, but that I already have 4 fleet tac consoles for them and with my fleet it is hard to build credits. I also just…
  • Woodwhity - I didn't realize the healing form the Borg 2 pc was that good! I can see how using EPtW and EPtS would be highly beneficial. Also, as I had mentioned I most definitely will be getting the Heavy Phaser turret from the Undine set. I just am not Tier 4 yet :( I run the dual APO's to make sure I always have a copy…
  • Asovanra - thanks for the advice on the Adapted MACO set. I'll take a second look at them. Warmaker001b - Thanks for the response. I agree the Aegis is a good set, but as you stated, I also feel it under performs at end game. I've looked at the fleet engines and deflectors and did not see one that I felt would be as…
  • I initially picked up the starter pack, but then later upgraded to the legacy pack (got refunded for the starter pack). I have been very happy with the purchase. Going through the list of ships/uniforms/etc, and estimating the cost of each item I really really wanted, it only cost me about 30$ more than I would have spent…
  • Your welcome! I am not anywhere close to an authority on the subject but I like to share what little I do know. If you did not want to go Aux2Batt, I would definately go with hereticknight's setup. I tried something similar (actually, it may have been cobbled together from an earlier post of his :P) and it worked really…
    in My ACR Build Comment by hapievo May 2013
  • Yeah, pretty much hitting Aux2Batt whenever it is up. As far as damage is concerned, I haven't run a parser so I couldn't say, but with rotating EP2W1 and EP2S3 I was able to keep my weapon and shield power pretty high. My weapon power usually stayed around the 70-90 range with all beams firing and using FAW2 (don't quote…
    in My ACR Build Comment by hapievo May 2013
  • An option you may consider is an Aux2Batt build. Here's mine: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=hapiassaultr_0 Doffs: 3 x Tech with Aux2Bat 1x WCE 1x quartmaster battery time reduced You don't fire as many torpedoes, but you have 7 beams on target and can launch the wide angle whenever the cool down is finished. I…
    in My ACR Build Comment by hapievo May 2013
  • Just about to complete tier 1 with my tac and tier 2 with my eng. So I am just planning ahead. Due to life getting in the way of more STO time I don't have much time to play so when I do I like to do more than just farm dilithium. That's why I was looking to find out if I should get the fleet items or hold off until later…
  • To the OP, here's the build I use and have found it to be very useful. It's on an Assault Cruiser Refit but you should be able to easily adapt it to a standard Assault Cruiser. http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=hapiassaultr_0 Lt. Cmdr Tac: TT1, FAW2, APB2 Ensign Tac: TS1 Cmdr Eng: EPW1, RSP1, EPS3, DEM3 Lt. Eng:…
  • snoggymack22: Already working towards it :)
  • Thanks the cosmic1! Your pricing breakdown is pretty much what I was guessing it was going to be. Also sorry for not completely going through the thread myself, but at 44 pages and counting I became lazy :D
  • Sorry if this has been asked before but I did not happen to see it. Have they announced a break down of how much zen each of the different items in the legacy pack would cost after launch? I understand the big pack says there's a savings of $57 (unless my math/memory has failed me :P ), but I don't want all the items in…
  • Thanks, after I posted my reply a lightbulb went off over my head and I figured that's what you were referring to :P
  • Thanks everyone for the replies! I have since switched her over to DHCs and turrets with a dual aux2batt setup. Current build below: TT1 CRF1 TS1 EPTW1 RSP1 EPTS3 DEM3 ET1 A2B1 A2B2 HE1 TSS2 (3) DHCs (1) TORP (4) TURRETS (3) Tech doffs (1) WCE doff (1) EVM doff Thanks again for the advice/help!
  • Agreed with forvel, totally worth it. 500 zen + all the inventory/ec upgrades very much make it worth it. You may even consider trying to locate the collector's edition as it came with some extra goodies and included a free month of play time. I was looking for it for a friend and saw it listed on amazon for $20. $5 more…
  • Searched for image assets online, the appropriate font, and then cobbled it together with a screenshot from fluidic space in game using Photoshop.
  • smokeybacon90 - that's where my line of thinking was as well, using it as a stepping stone to get the Fleet version (when my fleet gets to tier 5 that is) and for the Wide Angle Launcher. As far as Sci consoles are concerned, are their consoles that I should be using other than the Field Generators? thanks!
  • Thanks for all the advice/help! Just an update I have since dropped APB, and have that Boff now setup with TT1 and FAW2 as Toiva had suggested. Regarding my Eng consoles, I knew that this was something that needed work. I have since swapped one of the EPS for another Neutronium armor. smokeybacon90 - you had suggested…
  • Thanks for all the quick responses! I actually posted the wrong link, I posted the link I found that I then tweaked a bit and thought it saved my changes. Sorry for any confusion but I had never used the STO skill planner before. here's my actual link:…
  • Hello, I was playing over the weekend and got to thinking about the other hybrid energy types. Do they also have the same appearance/color as the type of damage they do? E.g., how phased polaron beams are purple like regular polaron beams. Thanks again!
  • Thanks for the responses!
  • I have used this torpedo boat build in basic PVE only (starbase 24/daily exploration missions/etc.). So I can only say from my experience it was fun once I got used to it, but definitely felt out of the box (at least to me :P). http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=265786
  • Here's my two cents! Short term: Make it so that going from inventory to the replicator does not change the section of the duty officer window (when viewing the duty officer projects from your bridge officers if you open up your inventory and go to the replicator it goes back to show personal/zone duty officer projects).…
  • Hello, So after reading the blog, I'm still a bit confused. If I want to go get the ship from one of the ship vendors, besides helping my fleet get the shipyards leveled to the appropriate level and have the required fleet credits/fleet ship modules, do I also need to make sure the fleet has enough Fleet Ship Provisions in…