A limited amount of free items, that you don't have to spend time on? Like the DoFF system? I don't mean to be short with my answers, but I'm not seeing the need you're talking about met. Could you elaborate?
Did you seriously ask for a joker's fun house for STO? What? What? Okay. 1.) Joker's funhouse doesn't go over cr 56, meaning any gear in there you get is capped to that. 2.) You won't make any money from Joker's fun house, you couldn't make from central city dailies. Cash is just thrown at you in DCUO, to the point that…
I'd be cool with a Klingon suicide run on Earth to eliminate the Undine. The last klingon running down the hall of Starfleet Academy, phaser beams bursting against his body as he raises his disruptor up at Admiral Quinn blasting and killing him. Revealing that he was the Undine causing the problem...or something. Or! Or!…
If cruisers were actually fun to play, I might have played it. I have an odyssey, among other items I've bought, because I didn't just want to play the game without paying.
Deanna Troy in the first and second season was absolutely useless. "I sense great rage from the creature captain" "Really, because they just fired 3 salvos at the colony, I thought it was just a hello,"
I'm saving up for the defiant right now! Thank you all for your help. As for the Steamrunner, when Cryptic releases torpedoes that can be fired above the 10 KM range(A pipe dream I know), I'll get the Steamrunner. If you've played the Star Trek RTS you'll know why, the Steamrunner was a torpedo boat and I loved that little…