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eatenbykitsune Arc User



  • I only use swords as a melee choice because unlike bat'leths or lirpas, attacking with it from a distance in rpg mode will automatically perform a catian/ferasan style distance closing attack, Very very useful, especially during infected ground final room for example. Unless lirpas and bat'leths can get the same ability to…
  • Practically don't even use twitter, I'm so opinion-less :P, but followed =^.^=
  • Yeah we need CP operators, but otherwise, the whole fleet setup and policy as is now, I wholeheartedly agree with. When it comes to a fleet itself it's better to be a tad short on the cooks than to have too many, unless some can be thrown into the soup as well =^,,^=!
  • Surprised they didn't make it higher tier! Either way, much needed addition, was about time we got it!
  • Oh I completely missed the part about the damage of borg torps being reduced, thought they only fixed the visuals, still remains to be seen by how much they are getting reduced, Considering the minor tweaks from before, like nothing more than 5% I bet...
  • I'm a torpedo boater all the time and always was underwhelmed by that console so ended up being forgotten about on a ship in storage, if anything it needed a buff.
  • A small help, but still means little more than I can now know when to perform my emergency re-incarnation rituals when I see a potential 100k regular torp is on the way to my B'rel :D , not much will change for me!
  • Oh I know how the expose and exploit system works, but an example would be the secondary fire on a compression pistol should always cause it to happen if it succeeds in being the killing blow, exposed or not. It would feel much closer to how disruptors and phasers really were in star trek, it was all about the setting.
  • And even better, should actually disintegrate anyone it kills, sort of like what happened on cutting the cord. This game needs more disintegrations! The omega torp and tos phasers were a step in the right direction, but we still need more!
  • And the doctor wishes the professor a happy birthday as well =^,,^= And, *scratches at the screen* M'vore MUST pet the M'rekka's wolf! =^.^=
  • M'vore fears that he may just have to pass on his dream of defection for now, he wanted to join the true green side, not the yellow or cyan side :(, he was hoping to be in a faction independent of the dogma of either the federation or klingons. He will only compromise now if a feline species is added so he can truly remain…
  • I am another that's in the "High yields aren't the issue" boat. It's the regular plasma borg torps you can't do a thing about once on their way! 50k damage? I wish that was all the damage those torps could do, I've been hit for 90K/100k by regular torps, that is absolutely insane. I have played over 1000 Elite stfs across…
  • He may have made changes since the last time, it's been a while, but he loves the romulan torp, as much as I do :P! Reason I sometimes swap it out for just regular plasma purple acc3x torps so they are untargetable and have a constant stacking of plasma fires that way.
  • It's ONLY good for clearing high yields and small pets, I used to use it a lot, but ever since I've become very adept at my build and evasion and so on, I never use the assimilator anymore as it's a waste of a much needed slot on my B'rel, it's not anywhere near the nuke people make it out to be, unless you use it against…
  • More than once I've had my eyes on that fine ship, if I were considering federation gameplay again, I'd get it! Watched several videos of that ship in action, truly looked neat!
  • Believe me, Scimitar will have the thalaron weapon! I bet 5 mil EC on it :P! And if it didn't, the devs know they would never hear the end of it! Besides, the thing takes forever to fire, and considering the damage multiplier that NPC's get, our version of it would likely at best drop nothing more than the facing shields…