Issues have made it unplayable for me, you spend money and more importantly time and get these on going problems, I fear this may be an issue that will not be resolved any time soon? I do recall a similar issue some time back, which did go on for awhile.
Thanks for reply. Sadly I am still having the same issue. Will give the game a few weeks until I play; maybe the issue will be resolved by then? (if indeed it can be, is it an issue with a windows update?)
Has this been resolved for anyone? Game was working until the update today and now I get the error36 thing. For people that may have paid for Victory Is Life content this is really bad.
When I tried it last, this was a bit ago, it would not let me get passed fighting the intial Klingons when I beam down. I would take them out and then nothing. In that case maybe they dealt with it. Just need them to sort out other problems then perhaps I will give it a go again.
To be honest recently its been getting to me that I play a Star Trek game where Star Trek ships (from the actual series that made me play this) cannot be used. It defeats the point really. I think they need to get back to some of designs used from the series and films and not the silly Iconians that seem drafting in from…
I think the whole war story and the Iconians themselves have been handled badly. Story wise I have stopped caring and even if it had a story there are too many glitches and problems that would stop any enjoyment.
Nyberrite Alliance, this way there could be a faction that utilises existing races and could add several others, KDF and FED boffs and everything in between.
Well having just seen several other threads about servers not working I am going to assume I not completely alone? Nonetheless thank you for the constructive advice. Coincidently the game is not working at all for me now? ohhhh well
So is it just this game that I need to do the proxy thingy for? My other online games are fine. So is there a specific issue this game has? I'm something of a layman you see. So I need to amend the proxy for this game because this game does not work right?
Well, give me a run down on the best way to deal with it? And what was wrong with the oh well I highlighted my deep sadness at missing out on all the great fun this game I'm gonna cry..... but seriously I don't think theres too much I can do about the lag and stuff, play other online games just…
Have to say its happened to me too and is annoying if you happen not to notice, if you are contending with lag and so on its possible that you do fail to spot it until its too late. I suppose if bans do occur theres nothing to do except turn off the game and play something else?
I used to log in and play every day pretty much, but I have not been in for awhile now and the last time I did it was for one or two minutes. I was having a number of issues, some gameplay and how the game is now, others were technical bug type things. I had made numerous reports of these to no avail so I just gave up. If…
I got the Pathfinder and have used the skin on my Captain level science vessel. Now my phasers do not emit from ship, but rather fire from empty space beside the vessel, also plasma fire burns there rather than appearing on my ship. Only have the problem with the Pathfinder skin. Anyone else?
Why should a Hitler reference matter? They use ships called Musashi, Akagi, Yamato and so on....yet people raise an eye brow at one named Bismarck? Crazy!!!!! lol What next a R&D group called Unit 731???
I think people caught it. I think people are just sharing experiences and knowledge. In the event of future problems we may need this insight from the community, some of whom seem to have some knowledge of related problems and issues. I suppose there will be some repeated questions as they are genuine concerns here.
Same here never a problem until last night when I received the strange message. They blame STEAM? Who is to blame? In case I need to contact anyone in the near future?
Well that's it for me and Zen, its going anyhow, but I will not be ever getting any again....the risk is too assigning blame either, it just seems like the best solution.
Like others I was looking to perhaps buy something and invest in the I just bought afew zen now.....rather than ships and so on. Too many problems seem to exist at present and there seems to be a lot of resentment amongst those playing the game and those making the game. Enough hate out there without…
Yes I also got a bizarre message when purchasing Zen through STEAM. Looking here I can see its more severe than I first thought. Now I am going to sit here worrying about bans and so on. Have to say this whole expansion has left me with more than a sour taste. If I end up with more problems I will be less than happy. I…