So would you suggest STO for a home for someone wanting to Play a game and play with others? I mean, is there only 90k total people in all the servers and then have like 15 servers. and then spread that through out the day, so there is like 10 people total on an any given time? Is the community helpful for new players or…
Thank you I felt stupid for asking. I am lvl 4 now, whats max lvl? Sorry for all the questions! what are the omega particals for, I know the story from voyager.
I like the game I am just now at the borg invading the tutorial. When should and which one should I buy first of the packs. or are they just ships and stuff? I was thinking it opens story arcs. I made a freingi star fleet engineer for my first toon, any suggestions? I want to play though each of the factions.
Quick question, is the lifetime subscription include the Delta, Gamma, Temporal and romulan packs. Or do you have buy them even is you have the lifetime? Is the life time worth it?
I am about to start the tutorial and after which which faction should I choose? Are they all pretty well balanced or is one where your going to find more players? I love Romulans and Klingons.