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dan512 Arc User



  • My fleet we try to inform people how to stf right and take command when we come in, and never have a negative attitude, and are always the last to leave if a group falls apart. I hate negative attitudes especialy before it begins. With my build weve manged to get the gens with only 3 people left in a team because of all my…
  • And you now where the borg set changes came from people crying, the same people crying about whats in this thread. Lol battle Atlantis lol wrong fleet, and not talking about them being pvp even though we do pvp together. Im out of this thread, mostly people who are just complete idiots and cause problems in the gaming…
  • Want some cheese with that whine. No matter when this happens always be someone to complain, when the server is down i just play another game till its up, or go outside. Get some air.
  • Tier 5 military, were at tier 4 and nothing yet.
  • Can i use the fish for phaser practice?
  • Awww someone dont like the truth hmm. I could really give a rats but because ill just find another setup. Oh well. Would love for some of you to play a real pvp mmo, wouldnt last a week. Your post just proves my point of a typical person thinking give me give me give me, i deserve everything to be fair, and TRIBBLE…
  • And we play the game in real life, ever play eve, i would love to see this complaining on those forums. Fact of the matter is, people act he same way in real life as they do in game on what they expect to get.
  • Its a un-fair world, just because you dont want to spend the money on a house, and i do, does that mean you should get one for free? Nope, lifes a TRIBBLE aint it. Stuff like whats said in this thread proves why the EVERYBODY WINS method they are teaching kids in school is a joke, there are winners, and loosers, people who…
  • Lol im just trying to dumb it down for them in a term they can understand ;). Im really tired of this, its not fair attitude, you know what, theirs a first, secound, and third place, im tired of this, well jimmy got first, but you all get a prize TRIBBLE thats going on in the world. There has to be winners, there has to be…
  • Lol tell that to kton last night with my new built. I just sit there take a beating and dont even go down to a tac not even hitting any heals, been waiting to roll this toon out there but i see why i stay away from pvp queues anymore unless its a tourney, alot of idiots that think they are always top game premium meat,…
  • Lol you know if you report people for trolling and cryptic views it as not, which he was not trolling, they have (ive seen it done) ban the person that reported due to false reports. May want to think of that for the future. Also doffs for everyone, i want one that turns my snb into a disco beam.
  • Next one will be the fish tank when you walk out of transporter room and look left under the bar. I bet anything thats it.
  • First i dont have to tell you TRIBBLE, but ill share. My fleet which im not even going to say its name used to be big on the pvp scene taking in ssr tourneys, we were even a run for Spanish inquisition, but many in the group got bored with pvp and we only fight eachother now because we get tired of the idiots having to…
  • Just lol at this thread, oh no something we have to pay for iike crazy may be over powered, lets nerf nerf nerf. Nerfing is what ruins the game, such a joke some of you are, just deal with it. Oh no som eone may have somehing better than what you own, its a game, not everyone is entitled to the same damn thing, its nice to…
  • Either that or they dont want screenshots posted.
  • ALl good things, alternate time line, sorry wrongo again. Truthfully in cannon, all kdf is battle cloak since they can cloak in battle if you want to play the cannon game. The defiant only was supposed to cloak if a romulan was on board, not only that the federation doesnt beleive in hiding. So sowry.
  • Trollolllloooo Best troll thread ive seen in a while. I have both, and you know what, the peghgu dies alot easier than my chimera does both on tacticals, both built the same way. In pvp, and elite stf's my chimera can seem to take more of a beating than the peghgu, so i use the battle cloak to get away. Unlike my bop i…
  • Yah the borg look menacing, but weve had tier 4 for a lil while, and truthfully easy as hell. I have a feeling iconians are going to be tier 5. CANT WAIT!!!!
  • Hate when people who dont even own something cry for nerfs. The abilities are good for a reason, how expensive they are to get with all the lobi's, dont go crying for nerf just because you cant get them or dont want to spend the money. My time ship is good, but to certain players in pvp i still get my TRIBBLE handed to me…
  • Which means alot of people wont do it because alot of people dont like ground, should of made both.
  • Phaser lotus isnt the i win, but this thing out performs the galaxy x minus the cloak. Poor galaxy x on my old tac is going into drydock for this.
  • Captains table should offer old school missions since it was a door on you ship that took all captains though time to it to share stories, you should be able to do old school missions and stuff with it to which would be awsome.
  • Captains table. not chair. You said it right in a few spots and wrong in others lol.
  • I doubt that, if it shows what the cry babies who think they are entitled to everything since thats the way society seems to work now, it will be the galaxy x ALL OVER AGAIN, well i dont know 5 people who will play the game, so give me the ship in c store or we rage about it over and over again, 3 months later its in the…
  • You need to re-read everything again. YOU DO NOT have to buy lifetime to get the vet rewards, only thing they have done is make it so those who have played for lets say, 5 days, can by a lifetime and say they have played for 1000 days, TRIBBLE everyone that has put their time into the game, compared to the people who wine…
  • I wouldnt say im doing something wrong when many MANY ways to do things. :) And i was a coh beta tester, stopped playing a while ago and came back for f2p and saw what they did and got pissed and said TRIBBLE it. Sad that game is closing, but more sad for the players.
  • Thing that doesnt seem right though is i look to people with titles and stuff that over amount of time as being experienced...now you have to worry about a 1 week old player that reached va with the 1000 day title on and not know if hes a newb or not lol.
  • NO! TRIBBLE off on wanting c store versions, i really dont want to see what happend with the Galaxy X happen again and players feel screwed, if that happens again i will walk this time, worked my butt off to get that thing. Now these ships rock, great boff layout, cool unique abilities, and different looking. THANK YOU…
  • All the elite weapons have unique visuals, except the melee weapons they will be releasing to say sorry for taking out disruptors fed and phasers kdf side :(
  • Here come a few pics, one is the sniper and split beam, share same model, other on my small toon is the mini gun. Also put some pics of the temporal guns because i find them weird. The fed preview of weapons was a special project for the interior, it unlocked more graphics around the base, and put guns in the gun/tailor…