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currahee320 Arc User



  • Agreed. Mods, go ahead and warm up the warning hammer. The game sucks now anyway so, meh... Oh, and http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/11/30/captains-log-why-star-trek-online-is-kind-of-a-mess-right-now/ More than a mess but you get the idea.
  • Yes, we were SOOOOO OP as a fleet we vaped the entire PVP component of the game. Grow up and stop QQing. You run in there with FBP and expect to be invincible. Doesn't work that way. WTS broken FBP, dropped once, only shoots blanks....
  • Bravo! Very well said. +1 Some of us are paying customers. Respond or lose them. Why would I buy a lifetime subscription to be told how to play??
  • Concur with the feelings in this thread. Surprise there haven't been warnings thrown out like candy for "trolling and flaming" with no explanation as to why. So just to make sure I understand correctly, Kerrat is not a priority for the development team, BUT getting the gender correct on an insignificant group of soldiers…
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • As usual you miss the point. Last I checked your height was not regulated by the NBA. Regardless, it was meant to showcase the absurdity of the rules. Hence the "requirement" that you can't level up your character because the new traits (which again are built into the game and cannot be discarded) and abilities are…
  • Wow, so now not only are you telling people how to have fun, you are demanding they conform to garbage rules so you don't have to cry anymore? Fun and Fair indeed. Let's all play basketball, but only if you are under 5'2", and only if you wear Converse high-tops with white socks (not black or blue). Have fun playing with…
  • Nahh, those are the most fun to stomp. A handful of deaths and you kids go running from the zone in full retreat while claiming victory. Please try again.
  • Nope, already fell to this trap once and got a warning. Anything spoken against a mod is a violation of the forum rules. Since you are not a mod or anyone with power, then proving anything to you would be a waste of time. If you do not have anything positive to contribute to the conversation, then kindly see yourself out…
  • Thanks for the feedback. I am beginning to think there is truly no support for paying customers. What's worse is the flagrant abuse by certain authoritative figures. The issue I have is unfortunately not something the community can help me with. In addition, I believe it would be a violation of the terms of service to…
  • Respectfully, I am aware that they will not, as a matter of policy, disclose actions taken with regards to other players. However, my ticket is unrelated to other players and deals specifically with me. This forum post is for the mods that have not contacted me regarding my specific issue after it was forwarded from…
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies. ~Askray
  • And your opinion should matter why? As Zelda said, we respond to aggression. There have been more than a few occasions where a feddy wants to get butthurt over dying in a blockade, or vape. Regardless of any of that.... it is a game. If people want to get their fellers hurt over a game and cry, then they should find…
  • Well friend, you have also proven my point on the evidence. You searched the fleet name only, without bothering to check who else was in the zone. No matter. Attitude? That's the biggest case of the pot calling the kettle black I have ever seen. All I see from this community is crying and jealousy. To include you friend.…
  • What farmers? You were there obviously, yet your own evidence only shows HoBOs. Marvelous logic. Thank you for proving my point.
  • So it's ok for panda's to practice, but it is OP for HoBO's to practice? Smells like fear.
  • Says the person that is on here more than most following a fleet they hate. So you're saying you could have played, but didn't want to look bad in front of your "company". When you can step up to the plate, then you can run your mouth like naz. Otherwise, about face and draw fire. PUNISH THE FEDS