I logged in last night and it was fine but when i logged in now i started to once again have the login issue.COME ON CRYPTIC,GET IT IN GEAR.If your going to fix something make sure it stays fixed..
snoge,if your so good at pvp then you would have nothing to whine about..you clearly have nothing constructive to say then boast your ego..listen to the facts before you make a comment and as blzn fun said..if you are so good then you wouldnt need to complain about the ship.. ps..perhaps you should put down the beer while…
MAICAKE YOU ARE MISSING THE ****ING POINT..testing is not needed for a ship that is easily blown up..the point is you pvpers dont know how to change tactics..the only thing your good at is whining and singleing others out on the forums as you have just done so..CHANGE YOUR TACTICS AND BLOW THE DAMM THING UP..if that doesnt…
god forbid you people should have to change your tactics to kill it..instead you whine and complain.everytime crypic adds something to the game pvpers have to complain and ruin other peoples enjoyment..i have an idea..how about let cryptic add things and JUST ADAPT,LEARN TO CHANGE YOUR TACTICS AND SHUT THE HECK UP
GROW UP PEOPLE..if you dont like the ship holding you..KILL IT..its not hard to kill,every ****ing time we get something to help us you ***** and whine like babies..first it was the superior shields now the dieridex..GET OVER IT AND JUST SHOOT THE SHIP AND STOP WHINING
and for the record pvp players to do testing for the devs..that a load of horse sh#t..pvpers dont work for cryptic..you dont work for pw so enough of the bull..thats all i have to say im done listening to the pvp babies talk
my statements are true..you pvp players are just upset because you dont like truth it seems after all.truth always hurts to some..i made my statements..i spoke to facts i am now done listening to the whines and complaints of the pvpers
wow..you are waaaay off...every time a new power comes out on a ship its pvp community always crys NERF..dont even try to tell me that pvpers dont do that because its a well known fact that they do
first off im stating facts..its a fact that every time something new comes out..its not the average player that whines..its THE PVPERS..every time and it never fails..the pvp community whines like little children and another fact..anyone at any time can post here.noone has any right to tell somone not to post..its free…
blznfun is right..the pvp community are the ones who are whining babies..every time cryptic comes out with something..its the pvp community that whines..and what happens cryptic nerfs because quite frankly pvp community are the babies of the game..if you dont like something cryptic does then stop playing the game..end of…
i dont agree..it shouldnt take much to get a system like that in place...if cryptic doesnt make changes people will stop playing and this game will shut down
its wrong to be silenced for doing nothing wrong..i was having a polite convo with a fellow member then silenced for no reason..I SHOULD NOT BE SILENCED WHEN I DID NOTHING WRONG:mad:
this silence is bs..cryptic needs to change this sytem..im standing in my fleet starbase pming a fellow fleet member and suddenly im silenced..this is wrong..why should i be silenced when im pming a friend and im not even in a social zone talking to anyone else..this system needs to be changed