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bladepriest Arc User



  • ok I finally was able to get back here to finish out the oversight on the ship. I still really don't have time to do a quick write up of the Capt. I will try to get back to that after I finish moving here in the next few days. lordkasu that looks like an interesting ship plan I will look more into it, thanks.
  • I have heard rumors that using the combat logs is in violation of the user agreement. Is there any truth behind this?? I am just wanting to do some in depth testing on several different ships and configurations and dont want to get banned just for wanting to get some hard numbers on various set ups.
  • ok I will try to get back to that later since I don't have the time now but if you could direct me to an example of the syphon build.
  • i would agree with having to unlock them just like everything else in the fleet level items.
  • Sorry about being the only one to post on my own thread but this is something that I would love to see come to fruition. I am glad to hear that some of you like the general idea or this and I am not the only person in the world who like customization in their game. As far as the skins are concerned I would want to be able…
  • I did some numbers crunching and come up with a few answers. Based on the original numbers that I offered up as merely examples of cost if the dil was bought on the exchange from zen then the cost for a average ship would be $25. This amount has been the cost in the zen store for a number of ships. This has obviously been…
  • I would like to see a system put into place that would allow us to make whatever ship we wanted with whatever console placement we wanted but all of those request have fallen on deaf and hateful ears.
  • I feel for you in your plight of getting a specific ship from a box. I have opened about 500-600 boxes or so, most paid for with cash and not EC and have gotten very little reward. I have gotten 1 ship and used the lobi to buy 3 others. My roommate has opened probably close to triple what I have and he has gotten I believe…
  • Ok how about an upgrade via the Zen stone that will allow you to have a Dil upgrade that allows you to refine more Dill. For instance and this is ONLY an example but for every 1000 more Dil to be converted it cost something like 1000 Zen. This could be a tier based thing similar to the bank slots that had to be first…
  • An interesting idea but games rarely get multiple things powered up in order to be on par with a single aspect of the game. If any changes will be made it would be to nerf the Tacs and not boost Engs and Scis. It all comes down to the power gamers who want to be able to do more and more damage than everyone else combined.…
  • I would love to see something like this added and would for each of my ships if necessary.
  • Im in the same boat as you are only I pretty much gave up some time ago. After opening about 500 boxes I am sick of watching hard earned cash go down the drain and then sit there and watch it come across the screen with a the same person getting multiple ships within seconds of one another. I have seen this on at least…
  • I wold love to see something like this added. I have literally spent hours donating to the mine, embassy and fleet and would love to be able to just say "here take what you need" and just be done with it. How this would be implemented is beyond me but I am in total favor of something being done to speed up the process.
  • Their have been games in the past that did indeed allow players to create missions to send other players on. I can't recall the game as I am fairly tired right now so please for give me. I do recall that the player granting the mission had to provide all of the items and cash that were up for grab as well as the…
  • As I have posted in another post the crafting system has been thrown under the bus. With the insane cost associated with these days its not worth doing.
  • So let me ask this in a different way. What would people be willing to pay to put their fleet shipyards to use making the ships they want to fly? Would it be fair to only have the functionality of a ship be what you want? Maybe it's the skins of the ships that we would like to see changed to something different. With the…
  • I agree with everything that your saying. I in no way meant this to be set in stone or for this to be a 10 commandments of any sort :D My question would be if someone specifically set out to overcome the inherent problems that each class of ships had could they do it? We as we have seen that answer is yes. Even without a…
  • I did not mean it to come across that it would indeed be this expensive. This is meant to give an idea of what could be done. Focusing only on how much it would cost should not be the sole aspect of saying yes or no to the idea. I am just wondering if people are interested in this type of setup in order to truly customize…
  • true even if it was an upgrade that would have to be purchased through the C-store.
  • Short Term 1) Allow more Dil to be converted daily. 2) Fix the rate at which worth while drops come from the lock boxes. 3) Grant lifetime subscribers the ability to purchase items that haven't been available since before they started playing. For example if someone just started playing and paid for a lifetime subscription…
  • First off if any of the following suggestions have already been made I apologize for not reading through nearly 360 pages. Short - Raise the limit of Dil that can be refined per day - Make the cost of the Master Keys a $1 instead of $1.25. I know this is a profit based decision but when so much depends on them in the form…