I use arrows to move and I have "run" in 0 num pad. Other than that, it's all about running in straight lines and jumping before turning. But not just jumping, you jump and stop pressing anything else so you stop completely, then continue running in straight lines. Repeat. I tried rolling but it takes more time. It's the…
The black friday countdown clock was already working, and I did get my extra zen from that purchase. I don't remember the exact time, but it was not that long after it went live. The only thing I didn't get were the points.
I made 3 zen purchases. The first one, I never got the points. So I can't get Leeta, which is why I spent $50... I have 3550 RP -_- I did get all the bonus zen, though.
I just left SWTOR for STO :p played it for more than 4 years so trust me, do NOT invest a lot of money there. 5.0 is coming, which means that unless you keep paying a sub, you won't be able to play end game (old) content = ops, or get any end game gear from the new command system (which is going to be rng based). Most…