The combat pets are a bit jank in that regard. The only way to find out if you can or not is to grab one pop it on a boff and then see if you can grab another, if not then no you can only have one.
Well the last time I tried it, a few weeks ago, the console let me use it and the cutscene played but the klingons just stood there and nothing happened.
On my main I just gear for total chaos and have nearly every kit and device slot a summon on both my capt and the boffs, and have my army wipe the map while I watch YT TRIBBLE, lol.
I have that phavo mission saved at the ground part and just run past all the objectives and in the back with the terran shuttle there are 3 scans to get.
I'll never understand the complaint about the cat when my main with nearly max ground speed endevor plus disco rep set speed boost can go as fast w/o even sprinting, and with sprinting can go as fast as the ice boots. I would rather the cat grip better than run faster, lol.
I've seen this happen when several player ships warp in at nearly the same time. I even saw two fight to see who could push who to the top of the skybox.
My solution to the witches when I solo ran it was to use the red angel suit, cant be catified when its active, problem is it has a long cooldown and it was an event reward. Also the easy way to deal with the skellys is the sabotage kit module, it oneshots even the skelly lord, its problem is it is a bit expensive and only…
This might actually be a half decent dil sink. Buy upgrades with dil. Neverwinter has an upgrade system for companions, maybe that can be ported over somehow.
I remember that old skill system, you would be locked into a specific dmg type (AP cause that was the only meta back then, lol) and couldn't change unless you did a full respec.
For your char you have to use the dropdown menu in the skills page to activate TO, you also have to put spec points into it. The manual you have is only for BOFFs.
The big difference between romulans/Jem Hadar and Cardassians is that the roms/jems are factions, albeit not full ones, and the cardassians are just playable species that can belong to either the fed or kdf factions.
The Disco Klingon ships come with white quality disruptor that use those visuals, and as stated random quality disco style disruptors drop in the disco missions/patrols/tfo's. However they don't have the special mods that the lockbox ones do.
Just so you know that console wasn't made for the M'chla retrofit, it originaly came with one of the B'rel ships, I think the T5 version. That is why its a set with the Kor's console. They should have gave it a new console that paired with the T6 M'chla pilot ship console. On the bright side though the skin works on the…