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adamrezeau1982 Arc User



  • Continuing to troubleshoot. It appears to be working properly against mech workers and irradiators, but not to mech architects.
  • I have raised this issue via support tickets previously and I have not had the best experience. I’ve played the game since shortly after launch…I’m very familiar with how it should work; ergo, it’s disheartening to raise and issue and receive the impression that those tasked with resolving issues don’t believe you (at…
  • I'll be honest, I feel a little conflicted about this. On one hand, I play Star Trek Online for recreation, which means I'm in it to have fun and enjoy myself, and for the most part, I'm generally quite satisfied with my experience. To volunteer my time to actively go looking for the flaws in something I like seems…
  • I don't mean to be nit-picky (read: I'm about to be niit-picky), but in the first sentence under the hearer "what this means for rewards" I think you want to use the possessive form of the pronoun. The end of the sentence would then read "... we expect that players will be able to earn more marks from playing these queues…
  • I have mixed feelings about this one. I don't usually post, but I want to speak up about this one after reading the forums. We all have a different personal experience. I am disappointed that I neglected to slot the project for last year's ship on an alt, and now I'll have no chance to change that. I was looking forward to…
  • The new Earth Spacedock is incredible. I was a little disappointed that my character materialized at Starfleet Academy after selecting the option to take a shuttle down. Given that a map has already been produced for the tutorial, would it be possible to connect that shuttle bay map to Starfleet Academy so officers really…
  • You could be looking at a continuity problem when it comes to the sword that was found on New Romulus. The voiceover for the reputation system has the doctor saying that it must have been made by someone called (and I'm probably going to butcher the name) S'task; however, upon finding the sword, everyone is talking about…
  • Thank you Cryptic for the closed beta invite, I was thrilled to get my hands on the content you've come up with, and I can tell that hard work is about to pay off. I'll try and keep these thoughts to a few key areas. 1) Virinat: I think it's been said, but I'll add my voice to that chorus, the opening was absolutely…
  • Just spotted two typos in Drake's dialog when stating he'd heard the character had been at Virinat. Should read a person your situation may have some pent up... The dialog button to advance also has one. The can be struck from the first sentence to read "As terrible as Virinat was, it's (that should have the apostrophe)…
  • I can't say I've noticed uniform clipping, but I have observed a lack of an undo button in the tailor which would be nice to have back.
  • I'm mostly pleased on the work that's been done on the UI. I know that can't be easy to change so completely and please everybody, but I wanted to offer a couple thoughts that I hope are constructive. 1) Font's would appear to still need a bit of finessing. Currently I'd characterize almost all fonts as a little too sharp.…
  • I wanted to weigh in on the visual effects related to the cutting beam. At this point, I don't want to touch the discussion related to how powerful it is, although I think I was expecting something a little more in line with the beam that decompressed Main Engineering on the Enterprise-D during The Best of Both Worlds in…