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Cutting down on spam fleet requests

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
Lately I've been getting more requests to join fleets from people I don't know and have never talked to. We need some tools or options in game to cut down on this spam.

Consider adding a "Report Spam" button to the Accept/Reject dialog box. A player that exceeds a threshold of reports in a period of time (e.g., 3 reports in 1 week) should lose the ability to send requests, temporarily at first and permanently if their privileges have been revoked several times before.

Fleet officers should receive notification of members reported for spamming.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Agreed. Also add it for friend/team requests.

    I have no idea why people think I would want to add them as a friend if they don't have the common curtosy to at least say "Hello" first. Joining a fleet of random joes.. no way.

    The one that really bugs me are the team request. Join team..decline. Join team...decline. Join team...ignore.....
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Well we do have the option of setting our team options to not allow requests.
    Something similar for fleet requests, like allowing only requests to join a fleet from people that are already your friends would probably cut this problem down almost nothing.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    camenecium wrote: »
    Lately I've been getting more requests to join fleets from people I don't know and have never talked to. We need some tools or options in game to cut down on this spam.

    Consider adding a "Report Spam" button to the Accept/Reject dialog box. A player that exceeds a threshold of reports in a period of time (e.g., 3 reports in 1 week) should lose the ability to send requests, temporarily at first and permanently if their privileges have been revoked several times before.

    Fleet officers should receive notification of members reported for spamming.

    I totally sign this. There has to be a punishmet for this kind of spam.

    At the moment my reaction of those ninjarequests is, search player and add him to my ignore list. Sadly this ain't punishmet at all for them, just a possibility for meto get some peace from those spamninjas.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    mister_dee wrote:
    Well we do have the option of setting our team options to not allow requests.
    Something similar for fleet requests, like allowing only requests to join a fleet from people that are already your friends would probably cut this problem down almost nothing.

    This would work for me.

    As someone else stated, I don't only get hit with Fleet requests, but the occassional blind friend request. The latter of the two just seems so odd to me...also sad and desperate.


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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    So I tried something new today when I got a spam fleet request. I used "ignore and report spam" on the person, found a more senior member of that fleet, and had a quick conversation about the member's behavior. I can't really tell if it worked because of the ignore, but it felt like a much more productive way to handle the situation.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    Macumba wrote:
    I totally sign this. There has to be a punishmet for this kind of spam.

    At the moment my reaction of those ninjarequests is, search player and add him to my ignore list. Sadly this ain't punishmet at all for them, just a possibility for meto get some peace from those spamninjas.

    I do this religiously. . .no invite spammer escapes my ignore hammer. Having never been in a fleet since STO started I can honestly say though it's not as bad as it used to be. A few months after launch I was getting upwards of 5 fleet invites a day, now it's down to 1 or 2 a week.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    In digging around for details about custom chat channels, I found this post from GMDestra url=http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=140207]Spam Silencing Updated[/url about "Report as Spam":
    GMDestra wrote:
    The Report Spam functionality is for reporting real money transaction spammers only. Remember, the GMs still review the reports that are generated when you use this functionality, so every time you report someone, we see your name and the line of chat you reported as spam. This means that abuse is very clear. If you see or hear of players abusing it, there is no need to let us know; we will see the automatic reports as they come.

    So, reporting Fleet Request spam this way is a bad idea, and I'll just be using tell and ignore going forward. That said, I would at a minimum ask that Cryptic add "ignore fleet requests" to the social blocking options.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Lately I've been getting more requests to join fleets from people I don't know and have never talked to. We need some tools or options in game to cut down on this spam.

    Consider adding a "Report Spam" button to the Accept/Reject dialog box. A player that exceeds a threshold of reports in a period of time (e.g., 3 reports in 1 week) should lose the ability to send requests, temporarily at first and permanently if their privileges have been revoked several times before.

    Fleet officers should receive notification of members reported for spamming.

    First few months it was not really getting bad. Now its getting unbearable I did not have to put many people on ignore just those who went out of their way to troll me on spec issues. Now its like anytime i go where there is heavy traffic of players they are trying to hit me with fleet requests or wanting me to carry them through the klingon sorties. I am a nice guy and attempted to help people but after awhile I am starting to figure out that most of these players just want me to play the game for them and be a number in their fleets is why I hope cryptic gives me an isolation ability with these fleet requests and ability to just use an away team of BO's for STF's. I've said my 2 cents I hope someone with the power can make something happen but I doubt it with this starbase stuff I hear about it sounds like they want to push people who do not like fleets into having to join one and put up with untolerable gaming atmosphere.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Zeuxidemus wrote:
    I hope cryptic gives me an isolation ability with these fleet requests and ability to just use an away team of BO's for STF's. I've said my 2 cents I hope someone with the power can make something happen but I doubt it with this starbase stuff I hear about it sounds like they want to push people who do not like fleets into having to join one and put up with untolerable gaming atmosphere.

    Dude, you can't be serious. BOs for STFs? Did you even do any STF in this game? It will not work with BOs EVER. The three consoles in Infected, the Transformers in Cure, etc. You can't even do Assimilation properly without setting your BOs on passive, prohibiting them from using certain skills and giving them targets. They'd pull the whole map otherwise. And STFs are MUCH harder than Assimilation.

    What's wrong with teaming up with other players? This is a multiplayer game. Being alone here brings you nothing but being in a good fleet has only advantages. Of course, there are fleets which only want to bloat their number of players by randomly inviting everyone. But there are really good fleets here which bring you through the STFs in no time and help you in every way they can. Fleets full of nice people (but they don't accept everyone, of course). You can hardly call this an "intolerable gaming atmosphere".

    BOs for STFs... :rolleyes: Unbelievable.

    Back to the topic:
    What bugs me more are the invites to challenges. I get so many invites for them again and again. Even from player who are 20 levels or so below me. I could accept and blow them to smithereens, but I hate wasting my time with such people. One time I got 9 invites to a challenge in a row. He didn't even stop after I whispered him to stop sending me invites. So he went on my ignore list. But this is partly the fault of the invite function for challenges. If someone leaves or enters the map, the names move in the list, but the checkboxes stay where they are, resulting in invites for the wrong players.
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