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Ship interiors...Devs answer please

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited July 2010 in The Academy
Hi, are there any plans to let us customize the decks and rooms of our ships? similar to bridge options, to change the main engineering, sick bay etc layout?

also, will the ceiling hight be lowered to be in more proportion with the type of ship eg, lower for smaller ships?

Are we going to see the ship sizes in more proportion to eachother too?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Maybe down the line but there's many more serious issues in this game than playing Martha Stewart with your ship interior.

    Why aren't you more concerned that being inside your ship completely cuts you off from the outside world (takes the MM out of MMO) instead...?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Maybe down the line but there's many more serious issues in this game than playing Martha Stewart with your ship interior.

    Why aren't you more concerned that being inside your ship completely cuts you off from the outside world (takes the MM out of MMO) instead...?

    For a brief second I thought you meant "outside world" as in away from the computer... Then I realized "outside world" meant sector space or something. I prefer to do my socializing away from the computer therefore I personally have absolutely no concern whatsoever that the interiors take me away from the random people I'm not listening to in zone chat. Not everyone plays online based video games to socialize... and acronyms to me this is just a video game. To each their own.... right? ;)

    While I can see customizing ships interiors being quite popular, I'd prefer to see interior functionality over customization first.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Hi, are there any plans to let us customize the decks and rooms of our ships? similar to bridge options, to change the main engineering, sick bay etc layout?

    There are plans for this. We know this, because the devs have said so. They also intended to put additional functionality in our interiors, like having minigames in Engineering and Sickbay.

    They ran out of time. It's safe to assume they'll get round to adding more stuff to interiors someday.
    also, will the ceiling hight be lowered to be in more proportion with the type of ship eg, lower for smaller ships?

    Now, this is a problem. The game's camera can't handle ceilings that are too low or walls that are too close. And remember, this game's locked to a third person perspective; there's no first person mode.

    One of the devs who works on ship interiors is very enthusiastic about lowering ceilings, and has posted in threads about various ways to do it. But he needs to deal with his bosses and colleagues in other departments. It is not an easy thing.

    Prior to ship interiors being released, the devs were talking about possibly having large interiors for combat maps, but smaller versions for our non-combat ship interiors (which would make it easier on the camera, etc). Nothing seems to have come of this idea, however. But they're obviously aware of the issue and working on solutions.
    Are we going to see the ship sizes in more proportion to eachother too?

    There's two things here. Yeah, some of the scaling in game is obviously out - Deep Space Nine, for instance, is way bigger than in canon vs. ship sizes. That's obvious, but that's also intentional by the devs and not a mistake.

    Ships, though - that's trickier. Can you prove the ship scales are wrong? Which ships look wrong to you? Because remember, Star Trek has never been very consistent about the size of ships. The Defiant is one of the worst offenders, because its size seems to magically change depending on the episode.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Acylion wrote:
    Ships, though - that's trickier. Can you prove the ship scales are wrong? Which ships look wrong to you? Because remember, Star Trek has never been very consistent about the size of ships. The Defiant is one of the worst offenders, because its size seems to magically change depending on the episode.

    it's that shrink ray messing with things still
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Someone told me interiors were too big again lol (huge ahllways). Oh we'll find out in a few hours or less!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Why aren't you more concerned that being inside your ship completely cuts you off from the outside world (takes the MM out of MMO) instead...?
    Amusing since the Ship interior is meant for Socialization with friends so its stile MMO perspective so your comment is not really valid
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Acylion wrote:
    Prior to ship interiors being released, the devs were talking about possibly having large interiors for combat maps, but smaller versions for our non-combat ship interiors (which would make it easier on the camera, etc).

    Huh. That's odd, 'cause the Rapier's bridge (from the mission arc of the same name) is a combat map with a much smaller version of the escort's Tactical Bridge (complete with a low ceiling). I'd much prefer to fight in the one players get and have the mission version for my own bridge.

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Hi, are there any plans to let us customize the decks and rooms of our ships? similar to bridge options, to change the main engineering, sick bay etc layout?

    also, will the ceiling hight be lowered to be in more proportion with the type of ship eg, lower for smaller ships?

    Are we going to see the ship sizes in more proportion to eachother too?

    No but you can choose the size of you ship insides, small, med or large.
    You can add trophies and that's it.

    I hope they add functionality to the ship at some point.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Acylion wrote:
    There are plans for this. We know this, because the devs have said so. They also intended to put additional functionality in our interiors, like having minigames in Engineering and Sickbay.

    This is the only part that was correct in your comment.

    Prior to ship interiors being released, the devs were talking about possibly having large interiors for combat maps, but smaller versions for our non-combat ship interiors (which would make it easier on the camera, etc). Nothing seems to have come of this idea, however. But they're obviously aware of the issue and working on solutions.

    No they didn't, ever.

    They said they are adding an option to change your ships insides from small, med or large.
    If I'm wrong (I'm not lol) please post the link where they said that.

    Ships, though - that's trickier. Can you prove the ship scales are wrong? Which ships look wrong to you? Because remember, Star Trek has never been very consistent about the size of ships. The Defiant is one of the worst offenders, because its size seems to magically change depending on the episode.

    No it didn't, it was always the same.
    They didn't make a new Defiant for every show or a new set lol, talk about making things up to fit your comment.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Acylion wrote:
    Ships, though - that's trickier. Can you prove the ship scales are wrong? Which ships look wrong to you? Because remember, Star Trek has never been very consistent about the size of ships. The Defiant is one of the worst offenders, because its size seems to magically change depending on the episode.

    scales of most starfleet ships are known, problems never came up until Star Trek (2009). Defiant-class scale is and has been known. No one could tell you that the new 1701 is twice as big as a Galaxy-class. Point being, there is a scale issue with the smaller ships, the Miranda and Ski'Khar for instance, the Centaur should be noticeably larger than the other two. Also the Constitutuion, and its variants. the runabout also, its too big. These are knitpicky, even though I own 300 Trek models.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    "Small, medium, large"

    I've monkeyed with the settings but I can't really find a difference. How does that work? Do the small sized interiors omit items like engineering or sickbay or is the distance between them just less?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Kanharn wrote: »
    No it didn't, it was always the same.
    They didn't make a new Defiant for every show or a new set lol, talk about making things up to fit your comment.

    No he's absolutely corerect as in some of DS9's more famous 'multi-ship' shots; depending which ship models they used (and there were two Defiant filming models as well during the run of the DS9 series); the on screen scale WAS different.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    "Small, medium, large"

    I've monkeyed with the settings but I can't really find a difference. How does that work? Do the small sized interiors omit items like engineering or sickbay or is the distance between them just less?

    Not as far as I can tell. The only difference seems to be less real estate devoted to corridors. Though, size does seem to affect how dismal one's bedroom is on the Klingon side.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    "Small, medium, large"

    I've monkeyed with the settings but I can't really find a difference. How does that work? Do the small sized interiors omit items like engineering or sickbay or is the distance between them just less?

    Nevermind - I figured it out. The layout size effects the amount of hallway you have to traverse to get from room to room in the lower decks. Small means the rooms are fairly close together, large meaning you've got a long walk to get from engineering to the engineering labs or from sickbay to the captain's quarters, etc.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Here is something I don't get...

    When I step into the Engineering Deck, it has (at least to me) the right feel in approximate size. The hallways look good, and seem sized fairly appropriately.

    But if I hit the Crew Deck, I feel like I'm walking through the Promenade on DS9.

    When I enter my personal quarters, I feel like I'm in a cavern or an Opera house.

    Why the difference?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    "Small, medium, large"

    I've monkeyed with the settings but I can't really find a difference. How does that work? Do the small sized interiors omit items like engineering or sickbay or is the distance between them just less?

    Where does one change this? I looked at the Ship Customization, and didn't seem to find an option to change this. My Nova class has the same interior as my Galaxy class variant.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    Where does one change this? I looked at the Ship Customization, and didn't seem to find an option to change this. My Nova class has the same interior as my Galaxy class variant.

    Ship Configuration (just like you'd use to alter the ship's appearance) Bridge Button, Layout is the 2nd tab on the window that comes up.

    I like the idea that it gives a sense of size of the ship interior. Smaller hulls would have the rooms closer together and the massive admiral sized hulls would have plenty more rooms and bigger hallways to accommodate. Having experimented with it I can only find two real areas of improvement:

    1) Make a default so that smaller hulls have the small setting, Captain sized hulls switch up to medium and Admiral hulls default to large setting. This can (of course) be player altered to fit their tastes and play style but it would make sense (to me, at least) that a default would allow for a sense of growth and achievement in the mind of the player that does roam the interior of his vessel.

    2) More turbo lifts on the bigger maps. While exploring the Crew Level in the large I started getting impatient getting back to the turbo lift to go explore the Engineering Level. Small maps need only the one life per level but mediums could have one at each end of the hallways and large should have at least three per.

    These aren't complaints, just suggestions. :D

    Also - the engine room in my Klingon's ship is AWESOME!!! It was great walking among the crew. I'm just hoping that there are going to be missions involving the interior of my ship both PvE and PvP.

    Grats Cryptic: you've reawakened my interest in the game.
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