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2 weeks 2 days and I am only level 17

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User

Yes it is true playing almost 3 hours every day for the last 2 weeks and 2 days that's 48 hours game time I have only got to level 17. Clearly I must be doing something wrong as people are claiming to be RA 5 a little after two weeks.

I think my game might be broken or is it perhaps that I might actually just be a normal playier not rushing through to the end. Or perhaps do you think people are just making this stuff up ?

Playing at my current rate it will at least take me another 3-4 weeks by which time I would have clocked up 100 hours.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    First problem I see is that you neglected to take two weeks off from work in order to power level.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    That, and you haven't been throwing enough mines at the Crystalline Entity.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Or done enough PvP to level quicker..........
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It really does depend on your playstyle.

    Some people took a few days to hit RA5. They either did the (then easily repeatable) sector defense missions or spammed exploration missions. There might be another technique that I'm not aware of, but I've heard those are the fastest. Personally, it took me a week to hit RA5 spamming exploration missions for hours every day (and yes I do have a job, just no life beyond that, lol).

    Other people prefer the journey, and play the episodes, engage in a little PvP in their spare time, or do defense/exploration missions to fill in the gaps. It's a slower, but infinitely more entertaining leveling experience.

    And of course, there's the group/fleet aspect. Some people play with a static, stable group. They can burn through episodes and missions faster than you can solo (if everyone is on the same page). That can contribute to speedy leveling while at the same time experiencing the full range of content available.

    Just play at your own pace. You could level faster, yes, but will you enjoy the process?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Kai wrote: »
    It really does depend on your playstyle.

    Some people took a few days to hit RA5. They either did the (then easily repeatable) sector defense missions or spammed exploration missions. There might be another technique that I'm not aware of, but I've heard those are the fastest. Personally, it took me a week to hit RA5 spamming exploration missions for hours every day (and yes I do have a job, just no life beyond that, lol).

    Other people prefer the journey, and play the episodes, engage in a little PvP in their spare time, or do defense/exploration missions to fill in the gaps. It's a slower, but infinitely more entertaining leveling experience.

    And of course, there's the group/fleet aspect. Some people play with a static, stable group. They can burn through episodes and missions faster than you can solo (if everyone is on the same page). That can contribute to speedy leveling while at the same time experiencing the full range of content available.

    Just play at your own pace. You could level faster, yes, but will you enjoy the process?

    Totaly agree with you there, i've been taking my time and only LtC 6 and loving every moment. No need to rush too many people just want it all right now.

    Have fun

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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Standard MMO Operating Procedure (for many):

    0) Stalk new game.
    1) Eagerly wait for a game.
    2) Get game.
    3) Play non-stop until eyes bleed.
    4) Hit level cap in 5 days.
    5) Troll forums complaining there's nothing to do.
    6) Goto 0
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Eh I hit Commnader-6 last night at just under 51 hours /played, and I wasted (yes WASTED) quite of bit of time with the God-awful crafting system before giving up on it. I also used to fly to a SB to sell stuff everytime my inventory was full when I still cared about ECs, so I'm sure I could be Captain by now if I just did the missions. The thing that bothers me is I think I'm actually leveling faster as I gain levels, and this is the only MMO I've ever played that I can say that about.

    I'm not really even trying to level. If I just did DSEs and PvP, I probably could have been Admiral in that time. I can't blame people who did level that way, because TBH DSEs and to a lesser extent the PvP is actually more compelling than the quests. If I could grind Fleet Actions I probably would have...at least I could have avoided the lame TRIBBLE ground combat entirely.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Exploration missions = rinse , repeat
    After story missions , did all the patrol missions
    Deep space encounters = rinse , repeat = grind when i was
    very close to the next level
    New area same formula
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    That, and you haven't been throwing enough mines at the Crystalline Entity.

    Those things work great, from what I hear.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    @ OP <I smell a troll but i'll take your word for it>

    If your NOT a troll Good for you.

    Now to be able to do that you have done any of the following in an combonation.

    1 - Sat around SOL most of the time, looking at the exchange or editing your uniform

    2 - Spend most of the time AFK

    3 - Spent all your time in the Crystaline entity

    4 - Still in starting zone doing deepspace missions in there

    5 - Have yet to figure out how to get out of the first encounter therefore just farmed the borg to death

    6 - Idled around in sector space

    7 - Have yet to figure out how to go forwards, and are always in reverse.

    Now I notice you did not state your /played, you just said you play 3 hours a day every day, <tip it takes 6 hours top's to get out of the mirander>

    Any of those accurate.

    Now incase your a troll...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUXNZ_mhZjo is all I have to say
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    @ OP <I smell a troll but i'll take your word for it>

    If your NOT a troll Good for you.

    Now to be able to do that you have done any of the following in an combonation.

    1 - Sat around SOL most of the time, looking at the exchange or editing your uniform

    2 - Spend most of the time AFK

    3 - Spent all your time in the Crystaline entity

    4 - Still in starting zone doing deepspace missions in there

    5 - Have yet to figure out how to get out of the first encounter therefore just farmed the borg to death

    6 - Idled around in sector space

    7 - Have yet to figure out how to go forwards, and are always in reverse.

    Now I notice you did not state your /played, you just said you play 3 hours a day every day, <tip it takes 6 hours top's to get out of the mirander>

    Any of those accurate.

    Now incase your a troll...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5_NJmEn8Tw&feature=related is all I have to say

    Actually i would say the OP was not a troll...as ive been playing the same time and im also level 17, though my work colleagues have played roughly the same time and just hit Captain yesterday... though i must say i have been sitting a SOL trying to sort out the fleet uniforms then *****ing at the fleet options lol
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NinetyNine wrote:
    First problem I see is that you neglected to take two weeks off from work in order to power level.

    LOL...LOL...and MORE frikin LOL...this is sooo TRUE...! alot of these RA 5 running around beat the game..then complain on the forums about a lvl cap..and how the game sucks...these are the peeps who HAVE NO LIFE and most likely have NO JOB...dude I play about 4 hrs a day, every day..Im at Capt.4...I thought I play alot..NOPE..the 1st week this game was out..there were at least half a dozen rear admirals braging on the forums..anyway..take yr time...enjoy the game for what it is...have fun!!!..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    wildmugato wrote: »
    LOL...LOL...and MORE frikin LOL...this is sooo TRUE...! alot of these RA 5 running around beat the game..then complain on the forums about a lvl cap..and how the game sucks...these are the peeps who HAVE NO LIFE and most likely have NO JOB...dude I play about 4 hrs a day, every day..Im at Capt.4...I thought I play alot..NOPE..the 1st week this game was out..there were at least half a dozen rear admirals braging on the forums..anyway..take yr time...enjoy the game for what it is...have fun!!!..

    I don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic or not, but this post is hilarious. You do realize that you're very close to the cap yourself, right?
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic or not, but this post is hilarious. You do realize that you're very close to the cap yourself, right?

    yep...taking it slow...I like to play STO...wating till Napoleon: Total War expansion comes out..then will be playing less of STO...on a day to day..
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Powergaming is easy.

    If you are a student, don't partake in any of the campus hoohaa. Go to class (or don't) then straight back to video games.

    If you are a parent, just neglect the childrens. Or fool yourself into thinking you are spending "quality time" with your 5 year old because they happen to be in the same room as you while you play video games.

    If you absolutely have to work, make it somewhere that requires no effort or dedication, like kmart or burger king.

    Or just go on medicaid because you're "disabled".

    See, easy.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Be proud of yourself for not being one of those that try and finish every MMO they play as fast as they can, so they have time to whine, troll, etc.
    "Learn the game".....even if it takes time, its not a race.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    NinetyNine wrote:
    First problem I see is that you neglected to take two weeks off from work in order to power level.

    This. You're doing fine. I would imagine at your pace OP, you're experiencing the mission content and enjoying it. Those people you talk about, haven't I don't care what they try to tell you. They power leveled by way of Deep Space Encounters or other means and haven't actually experienced the game. Then they come here b*tching, moaning, and complaining about how there's no end content or any content at all.

    Me, I'm a Commander 7 and have been playing since Closed Beta. I learned all the ins and outs to power leveling and chose not to do it when the game released so that I could really focus on the content. With beta I tried to race towards the end to see what was available to the players.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I've been playing since release and I'm only Commander 2. I'm mostly playing Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 2 right now. Hopefully Cryptic will add more content to the Klingons by the time I finish those 2 games.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If your NOT a troll Good for you.

    Now to be able to do that you have done any of the following in an combonation.

    1 - Sat around SOL most of the time, looking at the exchange or editing your uniform .

    2 - Spend most of the time AFK

    3 - Spent all your time in the Crystaline entity

    4 - Still in starting zone doing deepspace missions in there

    5 - Have yet to figure out how to get out of the first encounter therefore just farmed the borg to death

    6 - Idled around in sector space

    7 - Have yet to figure out how to go forwards, and are always in reverse.

    1- Ok I have to put my hands up to this I have returned to Sol 3 times to alter my uniform because I saw someone else have a better style idea than me :(

    2. Only when I have to go to the kitchen to make a cup of earl grey tea.

    3. Heard of it never been their.

    4. Erm not idea what you are talking about

    5- NOOOOOO

    6- You just running out of ideas now should have stuck with just 5.

    7 No really 6 was to much you are just putting random letters against numbers now :)
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You might be running slow, but if so so am I. My highest character is commander 1 or 2 - I forget which.

    I do not play every night; just when I feel like it. I go at the pace I want and read the dialogs so I can enjoy the story. I tend to do things like check the kitchen and fold a few clothes during long travel times.

    Sounds like you are not in a rush, so enjoy your journey!
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It took me 3d 23h 14m 13s to hit RA via /played command... not RA5 but just RA1, I did not repeat any sector defense missions, nor exploration missions unless I had to (to reach a new level to unlock more missions)
    I am by no means (what I consider) a hardcore gamer, I'm casual and play the content given to me. And by doing so made RA1 in the time I had. So yea, the real hardcore gamers/grinders could hit max level in wayfastsuperquick time.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well good for you dear OP and i mean that in the most honest way i can.

    If you are having fun playing it slow and taking your time thats your 14 bucks a month who are we to say you are doing it wrong.

    Same applies to me i was RA before 02-02-10 it took me 2D 9 minutes does that mean i am worth more or less then the OP, i dont think so cause its how i wanted to spend my 14 bucks.

    Youre free to do what you want in the game and that includes the trolls and complainers its their 14 bucks.
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    Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I'm glad you feel the need to state how slow your playing the game to milk the most out of it (there isn't much to milk) and the rest of your slowlane buddies but some ppl don't play like that and not all of us come in here and flame up the forums to high hell an back like some of the other.

    Have I brought up issues like why is the tribble breeding so indepth an exspansive and the crafting or lack of it at memeory alpha is a 2 bit pos system that is pointless to do, yes but I'm still playing the game with my fleet and having fun.

    Sad thing is eventually and sooner rather than later unless you cut your time down to an hour a day you will reach RA5 an have nothing to do an after a few days of the SAME TRIBBLE over an over oh wait thats what most of the game is, you will reverse your butt-buddy fantasy with STO an you too will start nerd-raging in these forums, why because some of the fanboi's are already jumping sides.

    I would like to also thank the OP for giving me this chance to get this out, so in future keep your narrow minded self serving comments about how much you suck at this game to yourself.

    please flame on I don't care
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