I'm kinda doing a thing and i really want a full Reman crew. I am having trouble finding them though then i found out you can get "Romulan" Boffs from a fleet embassy. I'm not in a fleet so before i put the work in i wanted to check it out only to discover that the fleet embassy doesn't. This is strange because every other faction gets a good spectrum of options but not the Romulans.
found this too .... https://www.reddit.com/r/sto/comments/8fjzan/best_way_to_get_reman_boffs/
found this video too but the guy who made the video his accent might be difficult to understand at times ....
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Actually, I don't believe that's true. You just don't have the ability to choose male or female. The gender is randomly chosen, if I recall correctly from the last time I outfitted a Reman crew. If one is specifically looking to outfit an all female Reman crew, though, that could get expensive, because I think it is more likely to churn out male BOFFs.
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