Haven Fleet is recruiting new members and old players alike. We have a federation fleet which has a tier 5 starbase and everything maxed out except colony world which is level 4. We have been around since early 2020 and have come a long ways in building our federation fleet but still have a little bit of work to do. So if you dont mind getting your feet dirty so to speak come join Haven. Our KDF fleet is still a work in progress as well with most things at tier 2 and growing. We have weekly events to help develop those recruits in which we help you get those achievements done on their temporal devices. When ever new content comes out we like to run events for that as well so we share the experience of new content together as a family. We have a website and discord which is very active as we also play many other games besides STO. We strive to be a casual community who allows folks to play as they like and not have the worry of being kicked out for inactivity as the larger fleets will do to ya. So please click the link -->
https://havon1.gamerlaunch.com/index.php?gid=593911 and apply to join the Haven community of games. We look forward to seeing you out there!!