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Its more dangerous – The ships of the line

xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
edited September 1 in Fan Creations
The discussion-

In the dimly lit command center of the interstellar outpost, Commander Lexa of Fleet Intelligence and Commander Drake from Fleet Command engaged in a hushed conversation, their faces illuminated by the holographic displays depicting the impending cosmic threat.

Lexa, her eyes fixed on the ominous data streams, spoke with a sense of urgency, "Drake, the scans don't lie. The approaching threat is unlike anything we've encountered. Our current fleet won't stand a chance."

Drake, analyzing the holographic projections, nodded gravely, "Lexa, you're right. We need advanced ships, something beyond our existing arsenal. These aren't ordinary foes. Our survival depends on cutting-edge technology and firepower."

Lexa clenched her jaw, contemplating the gravity of the situation. "We can't afford delays. Contact the shipyards immediately. We need prototypes, experimental designs—whatever it takes to stay ahead of this threat. The fate of the galaxy rests on the wings of our new fleet."

As Lexa spoke, a shadowy figure emerged from the corner of the room. It was Agent Kieran, a representative from the secret agency known as Section 31. "Commander Lexa, Commander Drake," Kieran said, his voice low and calculated, "we anticipated this threat. Fleet Intelligence has been working on three prototype vessels, each based on renowned starship designs."

Kieran activated the holographic projector, revealing three distinct ships. "The first prototype is based on the Maelstrom Heavy Destroyer, optimized for offensive capabilities and maneuverability. It'll pack a punch against any adversaries we encounter."

He continued, "The second vessel draws inspiration from the Titan Science Vessel. It's equipped with state-of-the-art sensor arrays and scientific instrumentation, providing us with unparalleled reconnaissance and analysis capabilities." When discussing the Titan Science Vessel, Kieran added, "And regarding the saucer section, it's based off the 'World Razer,' a vessel known for its advanced capabilities.

Kieran gestured toward the third ship, "And lastly, we have a design inspired by the Odyssey. This prototype is a formidable combination of durability and firepower. It'll serve as the backbone of our defensive operations."

Drake studied the holographic images, impressed by the diversity of the prototypes. "These are exceptional, Kieran. Let's integrate them into our fleet immediately. With this variety, we'll be well-prepared for any challenge the cosmos throws at us."

The trio, now armed with the promise of advanced starships, embarked on the task of coordinating the integration of these prototypes, readying themselves for the impending cosmic threat.

As the holographic images of the three prototype ships shimmered in the command center, Commander Lexa, Commander Drake, and Agent Kieran delved into a crucial discussion about bringing these new vessels to life.

Lexa, with a determined look, turned to Kieran, "These designs are impressive, Kieran. But we'll need the best engineering teams to ensure these ships become a reality. Get in touch with the top minds from across the galaxies. We can't afford any shortcomings in the construction process."

Kieran nodded in agreement, "I'll initiate contact with the renowned shipyards and engineering experts discreetly. We need efficiency and secrecy in this operation. The fate of the galaxy is at stake, and we can't afford any leaks."

Drake chimed in, "Agreed. We should keep this operation under wraps. The fewer people who know about it, the better. We don't want our enemies catching wind of our plans."

Lexa emphasized the importance of discretion, "This mission is off the records. Only those directly involved should be aware of the prototypes and their development. We can't risk any interference or espionage."

Kieran, already considering the clandestine nature of their endeavor, assured them, "Rest assured, commanders. Section 31 specializes in covert operations. The construction of these ships will be shrouded in secrecy. The galaxy will only know of their existence when they emerge as the vanguard against the impending threat."

With a shared understanding of the need for the best engineers and absolute secrecy, the trio set forth on a mission that would shape the future of their galaxy, relying on the expertise of skilled engineers and the discretion of those involved in bringing these advanced prototypes to life.
Post edited by xmenmr on


  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 1
    In the heart of the United Galactic Shipyards, three distinguished engineering teams were tasked with transforming existing starship designs into advanced prototypes that would serve as the galaxy's last line of defense against an imminent cosmic threat.

    The Nadion Engineers of U.S.S. Dark Angel:
    Led by Chief Engineer Amelia Stellan, the Nadion Engineers were renowned for their expertise in harnessing powerful energy sources. Tasked with the transformation of the Maelstrom Heavy Destroyer into the U.S.S. Dark Angel, this team delved into the mysteries of Nadion energy. The ship's propulsion systems, shields, and weaponry were all enhanced by the efficient utilization of Nadion particles. With each modification, the Dark Angel became a formidable force, ready to unleash the power of Nadion against any adversary that dared to challenge.

    The Graviton Pioneers of U.S.S. Eclipse Runner:
    Under the leadership of Chief Scientist Kellen Varian, the Graviton Pioneers were a team of brilliant minds specializing in gravitational studies. Tasked with transforming the Titan Science Vessel into the U.S.S. Eclipse Runner, they embraced the power of Graviton energy. The ship's sensor arrays and research laboratories were upgraded with cutting-edge Graviton-based technology, enabling unparalleled exploration and scientific discovery. The Eclipse Runner emerged as a beacon of knowledge, ready to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos through the manipulation of gravitational forces.

    The Flight Deck Innovators of U.S.S. Titan Blade:
    Guided by Chief Engineer Roderick Vance, the Flight Deck Innovators were known for their ingenuity in ship modifications. Tasked with turning the Odyssey into the U.S.S. Titan Blade, they embarked on a groundbreaking project. The team converted a section of the cruiser into a fully functional flight deck, capable of launching and recovering a squadron of advanced fighters. The Titan Blade, now a Flight Deck Cruiser, became a symbol of versatility, ready to deploy and support fighters in strategic operations, adding a new dimension to the fleet's tactical capabilities.
    As the three engineering teams worked tirelessly, each ship underwent a metamorphosis that reflected the unique strengths of their respective energy sources. The Dark Angel pulsated with Nadion energy, the Eclipse Runner resonated with Graviton power, and the Titan Blade emerged as a Flight Deck Cruiser, standing as a testament to the collaboration and innovation of the galaxy's finest engineers. Together, these advanced prototypes represented humanity's determination to face the cosmic threat head-on, armed with the ingenuity of Nadion, the knowledge of Graviton, and the versatility of flight deck capabilities.
    Post edited by xmenmr on
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 1
    The First Ship of the line-

    Chief Engineer Amelia Stellan stood proudly on the deck of the bustling starship construction yard. The hum of machinery surrounded her as engineers and technicians hurriedly worked on the final adjustments of the newly transformed vessel, the U.S.S. Dark Angel – an Abaddon-class Heavy Destroyer born from the Maelstrom design.

    With a triumphant smile, Amelia tapped her communicator, "Commander Lexa, Commander Drake, the U.S.S. Dark Angel is ready. We've successfully implemented the enhancements, and this ship is a force to be reckoned with."

    Lexa's voice crackled over the communication channel, "Excellent news, Chief Engineer Stellan. We're on our way to inspect the Dark Angel. Your expertise has been crucial in this mission."

    As Lexa and Drake arrived, Amelia guided them through the sleek corridors of the newly christened U.S.S. Dark Angel. The ship emanated power, its design seamlessly blending agility and firepower. In the heart of the ship, the trio stood in the command center, surrounded by holographic displays.

    Drake admired the craftsmanship, "Impressive work, Chief Stellan. The Dark Angel looks formidable. I trust it will give us the edge we need."

    Amelia nodded, "Absolutely, Commander. We've integrated state-of-the-art weaponry, reinforced the hull, and optimized the propulsion systems. The Maelstrom's foundation now houses the essence of an Abaddon-class vessel. This ship is a marvel of engineering."

    Lexa, studying the tactical displays, added, "Our enemies won't see this coming. Chief Stellan, your team has outdone themselves. Now, let's proceed with the other prototypes."

    As they left the Dark Angel's command center, Amelia couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. The culmination of their efforts marked a turning point in the battle against the cosmic threat. The galaxy now had a new guardian in the form of the U.S.S. Dark Angel.

    Over the following weeks, Amelia continued her work on the other prototypes, each one named after celestial entities that echoed their purpose. The Titan-inspired vessel became the U.S.S. Eclipse Runner, excelling in scientific pursuits, while the Odyssey-based cruiser was named the U.S.S. Titan Blade, standing as a beacon of defense.

    The collaboration between Fleet Intelligence, Fleet Command, and Section 31 proved to be a formidable force. As the prototypes neared completion, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The galaxy held its breath, unaware of the impending emergence of these advanced vessels, ready to face the cosmic threat that loomed on the horizon.
    Post edited by xmenmr on
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Testing the first ship of the line-

    In the vast expanse of space, the U.S.S. Dark Angel, newly transformed from the Maelstrom Heavy Destroyer by the skilled hands of the Nadion Engineers, prepared for its inaugural combat testing. Commander Lexa and Commander Drake, along with Chief Engineer Amelia Stellan, stood on the bridge, anticipation in the air as the ship's systems hummed with Nadion energy.

    "Engage combat protocols," Commander Lexa ordered, her eyes fixed on the holographic displays.

    As the Dark Angel cruised through simulated combat scenarios, the power of Nadion energy manifested with unparalleled brilliance. The ship's weaponry unleashed torrents of energy bolts, and its shields held firm against simulated enemy attacks. Maneuvering with unmatched agility, the Dark Angel danced through the training exercises, a formidable force in the vastness of space.

    Commander Drake, observing the combat simulations, remarked, "This is impressive, Chief Stellan. The Dark Angel is living up to its name. Nadion energy is proving to be a game-changer."

    Amelia, her eyes focused on the displays, responded with pride, "Commander Lexa, Commander Drake, the Nadion modifications have exceeded our expectations. The ship's energy output is stable, and its offensive and defensive capabilities are far beyond the standard. The Dark Angel is ready for any combat scenario."

    As the simulated adversaries increased in complexity, the Dark Angel adapted effortlessly. Its weapons, powered by Nadion energy, struck with precision, and the ship's shields deflected incoming attacks seamlessly. The combat testing became a showcase of the Nadion Engineers' expertise, demonstrating the effectiveness of their modifications.

    Commander Lexa, observing the flawless performance, commended the team, "Chief Stellan, you and your team have done exceptional work. The Dark Angel has proven itself in combat. We'll integrate this ship into the fleet immediately. It's time the galaxy sees the power of Nadion against the cosmic threat."

    Amelia, with a satisfied smile, replied, "Thank you, Commander. The Nadion Engineers are honored to contribute to the fleet's strength. The Dark Angel is a formidable asset, ready to defend the galaxy."

    As the Dark Angel concluded its combat testing, the success echoed through the United Galactic Shipyards. The Nadion-powered vessel had surpassed all expectations, setting a new standard for combat prowess. The galaxy, still unaware of the advanced fleet in the making, would soon witness the might of the U.S.S. Dark Angel as it soared through the cosmos, a guardian fueled by the extraordinary power of Nadion energy.
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    The first ship of the line, baptism by fire-

    The vast expanse of space stretched before the U.S.S. Dark Angel as it received a distress call from a freighter in desperate need of assistance. Commander Lexa, now at the helm, along with Chief Engineer Amelia Stellan and the crew, understood the urgency of the situation. The Dark Angel, powered by Nadion energy and armed with advanced weaponry, was the closest ship to respond to the call, tasked with a daunting mission – facing six enemy vessels alone to save the distressed freighter.

    As the Dark Angel approached the coordinates provided in the distress call, the enemy ships came into view, ominous silhouettes against the backdrop of stars. Commander Lexa, cool under pressure, ordered the crew to battle stations. The hum of Nadion energy resonated through the ship as it prepared for the impending confrontation.

    The enemy vessels, clearly aggressive and well-armed, closed in on the Dark Angel. The crew, focused and disciplined, operated with precision. Amelia monitored the ship's systems, ensuring the Nadion energy flowed seamlessly, while Commander Lexa strategized the engagement.

    "Raise shields, and charge the weapons to maximum. Let's give them a taste of Nadion power," Commander Lexa commanded, her eyes fixed on the approaching threat.

    As the battle unfolded, the Dark Angel danced through space, utilizing its agility to evade incoming fire. The Nadion-powered weaponry unleashed torrents of energy, striking the enemy vessels with precision. The Destroyer ship's tactics were proving effective, leading to the destruction of four of the six aggressors.

    The Dark Angel's primary cannons, enhanced by Nadion energy, played a pivotal role. On the first pass, as the ship deftly maneuvered through the enemy formation, the cannons discharged concentrated beams of energy that cut through the defenses of two adversary vessels. The precision and power of the Nadion-infused weaponry dispatched these ships with swift efficiency.

    The enemy ships, realizing the Dark Angel's formidable capabilities, adjusted their tactics. The remaining two vessels, battered and outmatched, retreated into the depths of space. The Dark Angel, though not unscathed, had successfully fended off the attackers and secured the safety of the distressed freighter.

    Amelia, reporting from the engineering bay, stated, "Commander Lexa, the ship sustained minor damage, but we're still fully operational. We held our ground, and the freighter is now out of danger."

    Commander Lexa, acknowledging the crew's efforts, declared, "Well done, everyone. We faced impossible odds, and the Dark Angel prevailed. Patch up what you can on that freighter, and let's get that reighter back to safety. The galaxy has witnessed the resilience of Nadion-powered Destroyers today."

    As the Dark Angel escorted the freighter away from the scene of the battle, word of the encounter spread throughout the galaxy. The enemy, having witnessed the vicious might of the U.S.S. Dark Angel for the first time, now knew that crossing paths with this formidable Destroyer ship was not a venture to be taken lightly. The Dark Angel's reputation as a relentless defender and its formidable Nadion-powered cannons became the stuff of legends, a tale whispered among the stars.
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    --=First Ship of the line Stats=--

    [Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer (Maelstrom)]
    Abaddon Heavy Destroyer
    U.S.S. Dark Angel

    Tier: 6
    Type: Destroyer

    Hull: 56250
    Hull Mod: 1.25
    Shield Mod: 1.00
    Turn rate: 16
    Impulse: .24
    Inertia rating: 70
    Bonus Power: +20 weapon power, +10 aux power

    Bridge Officers: Commander Tactical (MW), LT Commander Engineering (Int), Lt Commander Universal, Lieutenant Universal, Ensign Universal

    Weapons: 5 x 2+1(Experimental Weapon Slot: Wide Angle Abaddon Tail Gun)
    (Can equip dual cannons)

    Device slots: 4

    Consoles: 5 tac, 5 eng, 1 sci, 1 univ
    Can be upgraded t6x

    Ability: Innovation Effects

    Mastery: Destroyer
    **Level 1 = Precise Weapon Systems (+5 Accuracy Rating)
    **Level 2 = Enhanced Weapon Banks (+15 Critical Severity)
    **Level 3 = Devastating Weaponry (+2.5% Critical Chance)
    **Level 4 = Enhanced Weapon Systems (+10% Kinetic Damage & +10% All Energy Damage)
    **Level 5 = Mask Energy Ambush (Mask Energy Signature is now an Ambush opportunity and can be used in combat by drawing Nadion energy into the subsystem negating power loss bringing forth, (Efficiency Masking) and (Energy Ambush) = Use while in combat, Drops Stealth when firing weapons, Based off rank of Mask Energy Signature/Ambush)

    Admiralty Ship Stats:
    ** Eng: 40
    ** Sci: 10
    ** Tac: 60
    ** Special: +5 All stats per any ship

    Experimental Weapon Slot: Wide Angle Abaddon Tail Gun
    A Unique dual cannon will fire at any target in the 180 degree arc. Defaults to Rapid Fire I firing mode. This cannon can be modified by higher ranks of Scatter volley, rapid fire or Surgical Strikes bridge officer abilities.
    **Passive ability: +5% Cannon Energy Damage
    **180' targeting arc (base)/360' targeting arc (Nadion Synergy)
    **to target: 338.3 Phaser Damage (615 DPS)
    **to self: -10 Weapon Power while this weapon is firing
    **to target: 2.5% Chance: Disable 1 Subsystem for 5 sec
    **Nadion Synergy (unlocks only from 2 piece set)
    **Part of Nadion Synergy Set
    **Can only be used on Abaddon and its classes
    (Can equip other experimental weapons)

    Console - Universal - Nadion Saturation Bomb System:
    Obtained from Abaddon Heavy Destroyer
    Player may only equip one of these consoles
    This console can be equipped on any ship
    Firing the Nadion Saturation Bomb lays down an explosive fire that strafes between the ship and its target and then continues to detonate past the target. Any enemy ships caught in the explosions will take damage. After detonation, an intense Nadion Radiation Field lingers in space, creating a deadly hazard for enemies.
    **Passive ability: +5% Kinetic Damage
    **45' targeting arc/6 Bombs
    **On Click: Fires a Nadion Bomb for _____ Phaser Damage per Bomb (Each Target can be hit by no more than 3 Bombs)
    **Each Bomb creates a Nadion Radiation Field for 10 secs that deals _____ Phaser Damage per sec
    **Maximum 6 charges, charges refill once per 20 second
    **Part of Nadion Synergy Set

    Nadion Synergy: (Space set)
    1: Wide Angle Abaddon Tail Gun
    2: Console - Universal - Nadion Saturation Bomb System
    Set 2: Unlocks Wide Angle Abaddon Tail Gun Unique ability allowing Cannon Rapid Fire, Cannon Scatter Volley or Surgical Strikes to upgrade Abaddon Tail Gun to Omni Directional for duration of the fire mode
    Add Nadion Radiation burn to Wide Angle Abaddon Tail Gun for 10 secs that deals _____ Phaser Damage per sec.
    Passive ability: +20% Phaser Damage & 5% Weapon Haste
    Ability: Mask Energy Ambush (Upgrades Mask Energy Signature)

    Rank I: Ensign
    20 sec Cool Down
    (Efficiency Masking - Use while in combat, Stealth lasts max 10 seconds)
    On click stops firing weapons
    +4505 Stealth (base)/Firing Weapons drops Stealth
    -20 Shields
    (Energy Ambush - After leaving Stealth for up to 10 seconds)
    +30% Defense
    +15% Fire Cycle Haste
    +4% Critical Chance
    +6% Critical Severity

    Rank II: Lieutenant
    20 sec Cool Down
    (Efficiency Masking - Use while in combat, Stealth lasts max 10 seconds)
    On click stops firing weapons
    +4605 Stealth (base)/Firing Weapons drops Stealth
    -20 Shields
    (Energy Ambush - After leaving Stealth for up to 10 seconds)
    +40% Defense
    +30% Fire Cycle Haste
    +8% Critical Chance
    +12% Critical Severity

    Rank III: Lt Commander
    20 sec Cool Down
    (Efficiency Masking - Use while in combat, Stealth lasts max 10 seconds)
    On click stops firing weapons
    +4705 Stealth (base)/Firing Weapons drops Stealth
    -20 Shields
    (Energy Ambush - After leaving Stealth for up to 10 seconds)
    +50% Defense
    +45% Fire Cycle Haste
    +16% Critical Chance
    +24% Critical Severity
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    The second ship of the line-

    With the U.S.S. Dark Angel standing as a testament to engineering prowess, Chief Engineer Amelia Stellan shifted her focus to the U.S.S. Eclipse Runner – the Titan-inspired vessel designed for scientific excellence.

    In the expansive starship construction bay, Amelia led Commander Lexa and Commander Drake to the gleaming Eclipse Runner. Its streamlined form and advanced sensor arrays hinted at its capabilities in exploration and scientific discovery.

    Amelia gestured proudly, "Captain, Commander, allow me to present the U.S.S. Eclipse Runner. This ship is a masterpiece in scientific innovation, equipped with the latest sensor technology and research laboratories. It's ready to delve into the unknown and uncover the secrets of the cosmos."

    Lexa observed the vessel with a sense of admiration, "Impressive, Chief Stellan. The Eclipse Runner will play a crucial role in understanding the cosmic threat we face. Our scientific endeavors just got a significant boost."

    Drake, nodding in agreement, added, "This ship will be invaluable in gathering data and providing us with insights into the anomalies we're dealing with. Well done, Chief."

    As the trio explored the Eclipse Runner's interior, Amelia highlighted its advanced research facilities, cutting-edge laboratories, and a dedicated team of scientists ready to embark on groundbreaking missions.

    Lexa, looking toward the vastness of space through the ship's view port, remarked, "The U.S.S. Eclipse Runner will be at the forefront of our exploration efforts. Let's ensure it's fully integrated into our fleet. Commander Drake, coordinate with Fleet Command for the deployment schedule."

    Drake nodded and tapped his communicator to relay the orders. Meanwhile, Amelia couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as her engineering team's hard work materialized into a vessel that would push the boundaries of scientific discovery.

    The U.S.S. Eclipse Runner, with its sleek design and advanced capabilities, stood ready to chart a course through the unexplored regions of the galaxy, contributing to the overarching mission of safeguarding their civilization against the cosmic threat. As the engine hum of the Eclipse Runner reverberated through the construction bay, the anticipation for the next phase of their plan heightened, leaving the galaxy unaware of the advanced fleet that would soon emerge to face the impending danger.
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Testing the second ship of the line-

    Amidst the celestial canvas of the United Galactic Shipyards, the U.S.S. Eclipse Runner, a marvel born from the ingenuity of the Graviton Pioneers, prepared for its maiden voyage and combat testing. Commander Lexa, alongside Commander Drake and Chief Scientist Kellen Varian, stood on the bridge, their eyes filled with anticipation as the Eclipse Runner hummed with Graviton energy.

    "Initiate combat simulations," Commander Lexa commanded, her gaze fixed on the holographic displays.

    As the Eclipse Runner engaged in combat scenarios, its Graviton-powered systems came to life. The ship's sensors, enhanced by Graviton technology, detected adversaries with unprecedented precision. In the simulated battles, the Eclipse Runner showcased its maneuverability, seamlessly navigating through asteroid fields and evading enemy fire.

    Commander Drake, observing the combat simulations, remarked, "This Graviton technology is remarkable, Kellen. The Eclipse Runner moves like no other science ship I've seen. It's agile, responsive, and its sensors are unparalleled."

    Kellen, his eyes reflecting the pride of a scientist witnessing the fruits of his labor, responded, "Commanders, the Graviton enhancements not only amplify the ship's maneuvering capabilities but also provide a distinct advantage in combat. The Eclipse Runner can manipulate gravitational fields, disrupting enemy trajectories and creating strategic opportunities."

    As the simulated adversaries increased in complexity, the Eclipse Runner's Graviton-powered weaponry came into play. Streams of energy manipulated by gravitational forces struck with precision, disabling virtual enemy vessels. The ship's shields, reinforced by Graviton fields, absorbed incoming attacks, allowing the Eclipse Runner to hold its own against a variety of threats.

    Commander Lexa, witnessing the combat capabilities firsthand, commended Kellen and his team, "Chief Varian, you and your Graviton Pioneers have crafted something extraordinary. The Eclipse Runner is proving itself in combat. We'll integrate this ship into the fleet immediately. It's a testament to the power of Graviton technology."

    Kellen, with a satisfied nod, replied, "Thank you, Commander Lexa. The Graviton Pioneers are honored to contribute to the fleet's strength. The Eclipse Runner stands ready to explore and defend the galaxy with its unparalleled capabilities."

    As the Eclipse Runner concluded its combat testing, the success reverberated through the shipyards. The Graviton-powered vessel had exceeded expectations, demonstrating its unique combat prowess. The galaxy, still unaware of the advanced fleet taking shape, would soon witness the prowess of the U.S.S. Eclipse Runner as it ventured into the cosmos, a guardian armed with the extraordinary capabilities of Graviton energy.
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    The second ship of the line, scans reveal all-

    The U.S.S. Eclipse Runner, a Graviton-powered marvel crafted by the Graviton Pioneers, embarked on its first real mission to explore a mysterious nebula on the outskirts of known space. Commander Lexa, alongside Commander Drake and Chief Scientist Kellen Varian, led the mission to delve into the secrets concealed within the cosmic clouds.

    As the Eclipse Runner approached the nebula, its sleek silhouette contrasted against the swirling hues of interstellar gas. The gravitational forces within the nebula intrigued Kellen, who eagerly directed the ship's advanced sensors to commence scanning.

    "Begin scanning the nebula. I want detailed readings of its composition and any anomalies within," Commander Lexa ordered, her gaze fixed on the holographic displays.

    As the scanning operation unfolded, the ship's sensors penetrated the veils of the nebula, revealing its intricate structures. Kellen, engrossed in the data, began to unravel the nebula's secrets, uncovering gravitational phenomena that challenged existing scientific understanding. Something else puzzling showed up in the sensors. “What are those,” Kellen said?

    However, amidst the scientific marvels, the tranquility was shattered as the ship's alarms blared with urgency. Hostile vessels emerged from the nebula's concealment, launching a surprise attack on the unsuspecting Eclipse Runner.

    "Red alert! Battle stations!" Commander Lexa barked, the crew responding swiftly to the imminent threat.

    The hostile force, concealed within the nebula, trying to utilize the element of surprise to assail the Eclipse Runner. Energy bolts and disruptor fire streaked through the darkness of space as the Graviton-powered ship maneuvered to evade the unexpected attackers.

    Commander Drake, at the tactical station, analyzed the incoming threat. "Multiple hostile vessels, Commander. They've caught us off guard, but our shields are holding."

    Kellen, torn between the marvels of the nebula and the urgency of the battle, assisted in coordinating the ship's defensive maneuvers. "Commander Lexa, these attackers seem drawn to the nebula. They might be protecting its secrets."

    As the Eclipse Runner engaged in a dogged defense, the hostile vessels continued their assault, their motives obscured by the cosmic clouds. The ship's Graviton-enhanced weaponry retaliated with precision, striking back against the ambushers.

    Despite the surprise attack, the Eclipse Runner's crew, well-trained and resolute, fought back valiantly. The nebula, once a realm of scientific curiosity, became the backdrop for a fierce battle between the Graviton-powered ship and its unseen adversaries.

    Commander Lexa, rallying the crew, declared, "We won't let them deter us. Fight back, and let's show them the power of the Eclipse Runner!"
    As the battle raged on, the Eclipse Runner, despite sustaining damage, held its ground. The Graviton technology, a testament to the ingenuity of the Graviton Pioneers, provided the ship with unprecedented maneuverability and defensive capabilities.

    With tenacity and strategic prowess, the Eclipse Runner gradually gained the upper hand. The hostile force, realizing the resilience of their target, retreated back into the depths of the nebula.

    Commander Lexa, assessing the situation, remarked, "Secure from battle stations. Kellen, gather whatever data you can from the nebula. We may have stumbled upon something they wanted to keep hidden."

    As the Eclipse Runner emerged victorious from its unexpected skirmish, the crew, though fatigued, shared a sense of accomplishment. The mission, initially one of exploration, had transformed into a battle for survival, showcasing the Eclipse Runner's capabilities as both a scientific vessel and a formidable force in the cosmos. The story of the Eclipse Runner's first real mission, entwined with the secrets of a nebula and an unforeseen confrontation, would become a tale whispered among the stars, a testament to the uncharted challenges awaiting those who ventured into the cosmic unknown.
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    --=Second Ship of the line Stats=--

    [Temporal Science Spearhead (Titan that has World Razor style saucer)]
    Hecate Spearhead
    U.S.S. Eclipse Runner

    Tier: 6
    Type: Science Spearhead

    Hull: 46000
    Hull Mod: 1.2
    Shield Mod: 1.2
    Turn rate: 14
    Impulse: .2
    Inertia rating: 60
    Bonus Power: +20 auxiliary power, +10 engine power

    Bridge Officers: Commander Science (Temp), LT Commander Tactical (Int), Lt Commander Universal, Lieutenant Universal, Ensign Universal

    Weapons: 4 x 3
    (Can equip dual cannons)

    Device slots: 4

    Consoles: 5 tac, 1 eng, 5 sci
    Can be upgraded t6

    Type-specific slot: Secondary Deflector

    Ability: Molecular Reconstruction
    Sensor Analysis

    Mastery: Science Vessel
    **Level 1 = Enhanced Particle Generators (+15% Damage to Exotic Damage abilities.)
    **Level 2 = Advanced Shield Systems (+10% Shield Hit points.)
    **Level 3 = Enhanced Restorative Circuitry (Improves Hull healing abilities by 10% & Improves Shield healing abilities by 10%.)
    **Level 4 = Reactive Shield Technology (5% Shield Regeneration every 6 seconds & Reduces Damage to Shields by 5%.)
    **Level 5 = Omnipresent Broadside Bombardment (Using gravitational steering, For the duration of any Beam: Fire at Will ability upgrades the fire mode of a single torpedoes slotted in the aft of the ship the ability to fire in a 360 degree ark.)

    Admiralty Ship Stats:
    **Eng: 10
    **Sci: 60
    **Tac: 50
    Special: +8 Eng and Tac per any ship

    Unique Weapon: Omni-Directional Graviton Phaser Beam Array
    **Passive Ability: +5% Control Expertise
    **360' targeting arc
    **to target: __ Phaser Damage (__ DPS)
    **to self: -10 Weapon Power while this weapon is firing
    **to target: 2.5% Chance: One Random Subsystem Offline for 5 sec
    **To Target: 5% Graviton Chance: Pulls enemies near target together
    *-0.18 Repel
    *554.9 Kinetic Damage Blast
    *Reveals cloaked ships
    *2.5 km radius area of effect
    **Part of Graviton Synergy Set
    **Shares uniqueness with Kinetic Cutting Beam

    Console - Universal - Graviton Parasitic Cascade
    Obtained from Hecate Spearhead
    Player may only equip one of these consoles
    This console can be equipped on any ship
    Firing this Graviton Parasite will drawn all enemies to it and damage all enemies based off the health of the target. For each second active it will use the total health of the target against its surrounding. If no targets are hit it will implode on itself and detonate.
    **Passive Ability: +5% Control Expertise
    **360' targeting arc
    **On Click: Launch Graviton Syphon at your foe
    **Pulls enemies with in 5.0km near target together
    **Damage based off health of target: Total health of target: _HP_of_Target_*(Control Expertise*.0008) to all enemies per sec for 5 sec in a 5.0km area. If Graviton Syphon hits no enemies the energy is released internal: (_HP_of_Target_*(Control Expertise*.0008))*1.5 to primary target.(Cannot Crit)
    **Part of Graviton Synergy Set

    Graviton Synergy: (Space Set)
    1: Omni-Directional Graviton Phaser Beam Array
    2: Console - Universal - Graviton Parasitic Cascade
    Set 2: Unlock Graviton Synergy
    Passive ability: +20% Exotic Damage & 5% recharge speed on anomalies
    All energy weapons and torpedos get: Graviton ability from Omni-Directional Graviton Phaser Beam Array
    Starship trait – Omnipresent Broadside Bombardment
    While this trait is slotted, Any rank of Torpedo spread or High Yield will fire in 360 degree ark while Beam: Fire at Will is active. Only fires a torpedo in the aft area of the ship. Torpedo selection based on global cooldown.
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 1
    The third ship of the line-

    Having successfully unveiled the U.S.S. Dark Angel and the U.S.S. Eclipse Runner, Chief Engineer Amelia Stellan now turned her attention to the final prototype: the U.S.S. Titan Blade, a powerful cruiser inspired by the Odyssey design. As Commander Lexa and Commander Drake followed her through the shipyard, anticipation filled the air.

    Amelia proudly presented the U.S.S. Titan Blade, its exterior showcasing a formidable combination of strength and firepower. However, what set this cruiser apart was a significant modification that transformed it into a flight deck carrier.

    "Commander Lexa, Commander Drake, I present to you the U.S.S. Titan Blade," Amelia announced. "This vessel not only boasts enhanced defensive capabilities but has undergone a unique transformation. We've converted a section of the ship into a fully functional flight deck, capable of carrying and deploying a squadron of advanced fighters."

    Lexa, intrigued by the development, inquired, "A flight deck carrier? That's a substantial modification. What led to this decision, Chief?"

    Amelia explained, "Given the versatility of the Odyssey design, we saw an opportunity to maximize our tactical options. The U.S.S. Titan Blade can now launch and recover fighters, providing us with increased agility in combat scenarios. It adds a new dimension to our fleet strategy."

    Drake, studying the ship's blueprints, nodded approvingly, "This modification will give us a tactical advantage. The ability to deploy fighters from a cruiser is a game-changer. Well done, Chief Stellan."

    As they explored the U.S.S. Titan Blade, Amelia showcased the intricacies of the flight deck, detailing its advanced launch and recovery systems. The hangar bay, once dedicated solely to cargo and shuttles, now housed a squadron of sleek fighters.

    Lexa, contemplating the strategic implications, remarked, "This ship will serve as the backbone of our defensive operations. The Titan Blade's versatility makes it a key asset in our fleet. Let's coordinate with Fleet Command for its strategic deployment."

    Amelia nodded, "Certainly, Captain. The U.S.S. Titan Blade is ready for action. With the Dark Angel, the Eclipse Runner, and now the Titan Blade, our fleet stands prepared to face the cosmic threat."

    As the trio left the Titan Blade, the construction bay echoed with the hum of activity. The advanced fleet, born from collaboration and innovation, was poised to take its place in the ongoing battle to safeguard the galaxy. The U.S.S. Titan Blade, with its unique flight deck capabilities, added a strategic layer to their defense, setting the stage for the imminent confrontation with the cosmic menace.
    Post edited by xmenmr on
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    Testing the third ship of the line-

    Amidst the bustling activity of the United Galactic Shipyards, the U.S.S. Titan Blade, transformed into a Flight Deck Cruiser by the innovative Flight Deck Innovators, stood ready for its comprehensive testing. Commander Lexa, joined by Commander Drake and Chief Engineer Roderick Vance, witnessed the culmination of the Flight Deck Cruiser's capabilities, including the synchronized fleet formation and the strategic deployment of fighter squadrons.

    "Initiate full combat testing," Commander Lexa commanded, her eyes scanning the expansive hangar bay.

    As the simulated adversaries engaged the Titan Blade, the hangar doors opened, releasing a swarm of advanced fighters. The synchronized fleet formation, guided by the wingmen protocols, showcased a stunning display of coordinated maneuvers. The Flight Deck Cruiser's strategic launch and recovery systems ensured the fighters operated seamlessly.

    However, the real test came when simulated adversaries targeted the fighters. The Titan Blade's defenses, reinforced hull and advanced shielding, proved resilient. The cruiser adeptly maneuvered, placing itself between the attackers and the vulnerable fighters, effectively shielding them from harm.

    Commander Drake, observing the simulation, noted, "The Titan Blade is not just protecting its fighters; it's shrugging off attacks with remarkable resilience. This cruiser is not to be underestimated."

    Chief Vance, monitoring the ship's systems, explained, "Commander Drake, the Titan Blade's design prioritizes the protection of its fighter squadrons. The reinforced hull, coupled with advanced shielding and adaptive maneuvering systems, allows it to absorb and deflect attacks, ensuring the safety of our fleet's most valuable assets."

    As the simulated adversaries intensified their assault, the Titan Blade showcased its versatility. The cruiser executed evasive maneuvers, creating openings for its fighters to retaliate. The synchronized fleet formation, coupled with the cruiser's protective capabilities, created a seamless ballet of defense and offense.

    Commander Lexa, witnessing the Titan Blade's performance, commended Chief Vance and his team, "Chief Vance, this is beyond impressive. The Titan Blade not only deploys fighters strategically but also serves as an impenetrable shield. We'll integrate this cruiser into the fleet immediately. It's a guardian in every sense."

    Chief Vance, with a nod of satisfaction, replied, "Thank you, Commander Lexa. The Flight Deck Innovators are proud to contribute a cruiser that not only launches fighters but ensures their safety in the heat of battle. The Titan Blade stands ready to defend the galaxy."

    As the comprehensive testing concluded, the success of the U.S.S. Titan Blade echoed through the shipyards. The Flight Deck Cruiser, with its synchronized fleet formation and resilient defense capabilities, had become a formidable asset. The galaxy, still unaware of the advanced fleet's readiness, would soon witness the coordinated power of the Titan Blade and its fighter squadrons as they ventured into the cosmos, prepared to face any challenge with unwavering strength.
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    The third ship of the line, Deliver us from Evil-

    The U.S.S. Titan Blade, recently commissioned as a Flight Deck Cruiser under the watchful eyes of Chief Engineer Roderick Vance and his team of Flight Deck Innovators, faced its baptism of fire. The urgent distress call from a vulnerable colony reached Commander Lexa, who wasted no time in directing the Titan Blade to the front lines, tasked with defending the colony and ensuring the safe evacuation of its inhabitants.

    As the Titan Blade dropped out of warp near the threatened colony, the sight of the impending conflict unfolded. Four menacing enemy ships loomed on the horizon, their intentions clear – to lay siege upon the defenseless settlement.

    "Red alert! Battle stations! We need to buy time for the colony's evacuation. All hands, prepare for engagement," Commander Lexa declared, the urgency in her voice resonating through the ship.

    The Titan Blade's flight deck buzzed with activity as fighter squadrons launched in synchronization, ready to engage the approaching adversaries. Commander Drake, at the tactical station, analyzed the tactical display.

    "Enemy ships closing in, Commander. Let's show them the might of the Titan Blade," he stated, determination in his eyes.

    The initial engagement unfolded with intensity. The Titan Blade's fighters, operating in synchronized fleet formation, engaged the first wave of adversaries. The cruiser's ablative armor and advanced shields held their own against the initial onslaught. The battle was fierce, and victory seemed within reach.

    However, just when the Titan Blade's crew thought they had gained the upper hand, the ship's long-range sensors detected an ominous development – four more enemy ships were approaching, reinforcements joining the fray.

    Commander Lexa, assessing the situation, knew the odds had shifted dramatically. "All hands, brace for impact! We're facing twice the number we anticipated. Keep our defenses up, and let's buy as much time as we can for the colony's evacuation."

    The Titan Blade, now outnumbered and facing a formidable challenge, executed evasive maneuvers, weaving through the chaotic dance of enemy fire. The fighters, under the skilled guidance of their pilots, engaged multiple adversaries simultaneously, attempting to disrupt the coordinated assault.

    Chief Vance, monitoring the ship's systems, relayed updates to Commander Lexa, "Commander, the Titan Blade is holding up, but we can't keep this pace for much longer. We need to finish this quickly."

    Commander Lexa, acknowledging the urgency, replied, "Agreed, Chief Vance. We have to press on. Fighters, concentrate fire on their vulnerable points. We're not backing down."

    As the battle intensified, the Titan Blade demonstrated resilience against overwhelming odds. The ablative armor and advanced shields deflected attacks, and the synchronized fleet formation of the fighters created pockets of resistance.

    Commander Drake, at the tactical station, reported, "Enemy reinforcements taking significant damage, Commander. We might just pull through this."

    The Titan Blade, against all odds, continued to hold its own in the face of the eight-strong enemy fleet. The colony's evacuation proceeded amidst the chaos, guided by the valiant efforts of the Titan Blade's crew.

    Commander Lexa, observing the ongoing struggle, issued a determined command, "Keep fighting, everyone! We're not letting them overrun us. Protect the colony, and let's drive these attackers back."

    As the battle unfolded, the Titan Blade's crew exhibited unwavering resolve. The outcome of this first fight would not only shape the ship's legacy but also mark the beginning of the Titan Blade's reputation as a stalwart defender in the face of overwhelming odds. The colony's evacuation hung in the balance as the battered Titan Blade continued to stand firm against the relentless assault of eight enemy ships, a beacon of hope in the vastness of space.
  • xmenmrxmenmr Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 1
    --=Third Ship of the line Stats=--

    [Command Flight Deck Cruiser (Odyssey)]
    Astraeus Heavy Cruiser
    U.S.S. Titan Blade

    Tier: 6
    Type: Flight Deck

    Hull: 64000
    Hull Mod: 1.5
    Shield Mod: 1.00
    Turn rate: 10
    Impulse: .18
    Inertia rating: 45
    Bonus Power: +10 weapon power, +10 engine power, +10 auxiliary power

    Bridge Officers: Commander Engineering (Command), LT Commander Science (Int), Lt Commander Universal, Lieutenant Universal, Ensign Universal

    Weapons: 5 x 3
    (Can equip dual cannons)

    Device slots: 4

    Consoles: 1 tac, 5 eng, 5 sci
    Can be upgraded t6

    Hanger Bays: 2 (Bay 1: Alliance Phaser Fighter Squadron, Bay 2: Peregrine Fighters)

    Ability: Inspiration
    Shield Frequency Modulation, Attract Fire

    Mastery: Flight Deck Carrier
    **Level 1 = Absorptive Hull Plating (+25 Physical Damage Resistance Rating & +25 Kinetic Damage Resistance Rating.)
    **Level 2 = Rapid Repairs (Regenerates 1.25% of your maximum hull every 3 seconds in Space. Twice the amount is regenerated out of combat.)
    **Level 3 = Quick Deployment (20% recharge time reduction to launching Carrier pet crafts & +50% Rank Up XP for all Hangar Pets.)
    **Level 4 = Enhanced Hull Plating (+25 All Energy Damage Resistance Rating & +25 Radiation Damage Resistance Rating.)
    **Level 5 = Synchronized Maneuver Protocols (The commander of your ship will direct your hanger bays and the primary specialization of your ship will provide new potency. Together, this protocols provide extra abelites to your ship.)

    Admiralty Ship Stats:
    **Eng: 60
    **Sci: 50
    **Tac: 10
    **Special: +10 ENG per TacShip

    Unique Hangar Pet - Alliance Phaser Fighter Squadron
    Player may only equip one of these Hanger Pets
    Fighter Squadron Weapons:
    **Micro Phaser Beam Arrays
    **Micro Phaser Pulse Cannon
    **Fighter Squadron Abilities: Focused Assault 3 & Attack pattern B
    **Part of Synchronization Synergy Set

    Console - Universal - Synchronized Fleet Formation
    Obtained from Astraeus Heavy Cruiser
    Player may only equip one of these consoles
    Passive Ability: +5% damage for all energy weapons, +10% damage for all pets
    This console can be equipped on any ship
    All your current active hanger pets will stop moving and face your primary target and start a focused fire attack for 10 sec. All pets firing will have energy weapons upgraded to:
    **.5 fire rate
    **280% of their normal damage
    **30 additional Accuracy Rating
    **30% additional Critical Chance
    **60% additional Critical Severity
    **Hanger pets immune to damage, protected by carriers shields and hull. (Damage to pets transferred to ship)

    Synchronization Synergy: (Space Set)
    1: Unique Hangar Pet - Alliance Phaser Fighter Squadron
    2: Console - Universal - Synchronized Fleet Formation
    Passive ability: +5% recharge on all Specialization abelites
    Unlocks Wingmen Protocols on your ship with 2 Alliance Fighters
    Starship trait - Synchronized Maneuver Protocols
    While this trait is slotted on a ship with two hanger bays, hanger pets will be granted a synchronized protocol ability based off the commander seat of the ship. Science - pets provide Secondary Deflector. Engineering - pets provide Advanced Engineering. Tactical - pets provide Advanced Tactical.

    Hanger Pet rarity determines strength
    Science: Rare Pet = MK XII Rare Secondary Deflector, Very Rare Pet = MK XIII Very Rare Secondary Deflector, Ultra Rare Pet = MK XIV Ultra Rare Secondary Deflector.
    Engineering: Rare Pet = MK XII Rare Advanced Engineering, Very Rare Pet = MK XIII Very Rare Advanced Engineering, Ultra Rare Pet = MK XIV Ultra Rare Advanced Engineering.
    Tactical: Rare Pet = MK XII Rare Advanced Tactical, Very Rare Pet = MK XIII Very Rare Advanced Tactical, Ultra Rare Pet = MK XIV Ultra Rare Advanced Tactical.

    Science: Hanger Pet Type for Inhibiting Deflector - Highest Specialization seat = Intel, Miracle Worker, Pilot
    Science: Hanger Pet Type for Deteriorating Deflector - Highest Specialization seat = Temporal, Command, None

    Engineering: Hanger Pet Type for Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold - Highest Specialization seat = Intel, Miracle Worker, Pilot
    Engineering: Hanger Pet Type for Hangar Craft Power Transmission - Highest Specialization seat = Temporal, Command, None

    Tactical: Hanger Pet Type for Vulnerability Exploiter - Highest Specialization seat = Intel, Miracle Worker, Pilot
    Tactical: Hanger Pet Type for Vulnerability Locator - Highest Specialization seat = Temporal, Command, None
    Post edited by xmenmr on
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