It is very difficult to get credit for the v-rex final boss in the dyson battlezone now. Players are so powerful they can burn down the v-rex as fast as it spawns. This prevents everyone else in the zone from getting the final reward. This map is intended to be cooperative play, but the final boss is now cut-throat. A player could do nothing but camp and then burn down the v-rex for a substantial reward, while the players who captured the zone get nothing. Surely this is not working as intended.
I understand that camping the v-rex spawn has been mandatory for awhile, but now even camping will not always lead to reward. Pity the new player who has no frost boots and no lightning ball. Nobody wants to spend 45 minutes completing a zone only to see the final boss go up in smoke in 2 seconds flat.
There are many obvious fixes to the problem. The simplest one is to simply give the final reward to anyone who captured a point in that zone, and not to a player who just camps and burns down a v-rex.
First, yes, it's very annoying that this still hasn't been fixed and leeching is basically encouraged since it's the only real way to get any credit nowadays. For me, it has removed any wish to actually help conquer the zone so I just stopped bothering. When I go there, it's usually just for an endeavour or to shoot at some random enemies and then I just leave when I get bored.
Second, I believe they are looking at solutions.
It's rather old content by now though, so I can see why it doesn't seem that much of a priority to fix it.
The best way of dealing with it, in the meantime, is making sure that the last point that's being captured is a generator point close to the V-rex spawning point. Those little carts will keep moving on their own, so after you've killed the four Voth that usually spawn near the end of the line and the three others somewhere in the middle, activate the last console and then run to the V-Rex.
I'm aware that it's not always possible to plan this, but if you can, it should give you enough time to get to the V-rex.
I think the only real solution to this is to significantly buff the V-Rex. It should have at least a couple million hitpoints if it doesn't already. I mean the map is designed for about 20 players spread over three main areas? If there's an even number of players in each area thats 6-7 players per area. More often than not there are more clustered around one point. I don't think its single players burning down a V-Rex I think its everyone opening fire all at once that does it. In the meantime I suggest knowing where you are on the map, when you see the V-rex for your area go down (if it goes down before you get there), run straight to a teleporter and go to another area. The outskirts has a really convenient transporter right around the corner from a V-Rex spawn point. Also, have abilities that increase running speed, tactical officers have motion acceleration and you can train BOFFs to use them. There are options besides frosted boots.
For starters, a 1-2 minute timer should do the trick. This would be enough time to get to a t-rex area, from any point on the map. As it is, the t-rex spawn is instant, once the requirements are met and the people to far from a spawn point are left dry. And to pour salt on that game design wound: the people who are the farthes away from t-rex, are usualy the ones who captured the points and are the most deserving of the credit.
How about an 'adaptive defense' effect for the V-Rex? Give it more health, yes, but make it increasingly vulnerable based on the number of people attacking it. Just like the Borg trait box, the more people attacking it, the lower its resistance. Makes it harder for the campers to kill it quickly and actually provides an incentive to wait for people arrive at the silo. Alternatively (or maybe in addition?) give it a reflect that distributes among the people attacking it. A sort of 'inverse' adaptive defense. This makes it harder for the mega-dps players to kill it without killing themselves.
Put a shield around where the Rex spawns that only drops 1 minute after the BZ is set to full control and the rex does not spawn till that shield drops. Easy.
have a button beam everyone in the zone to the silo and then spawn the rex after 30 seconds, sorta like the way the undine space zone does the final battle
I appreciate the advise on how to get to the v-rex, but you can literally be standing there at the spawn, shoot, and not get credit.
Credit for a v-rex kill is worth 1200-5000 dil, depending on captures and kills. The other missions give some reward, but that is not as good as the final reward.
Simply camping and dropping a v-rex will give you 1200 dil - a very generous reward for doing little. I understand that a fix was done to stop players from getting credit for a single shot. That makes it harder to get credit now.
If the v-rex drops in 2 seconds then few get a chance to get the final reward. In theory it is possible to run to another v-rex and do enough damage to get credit. That is getting more unlikely as more players get more fancy kit modules. Now you can have 3 players getting final reward, and the 12 players who actually capped the zones get nothing.
Dyson is old content, but definitelly quite fun to play after years, it is closest what we have to warzone (If we do not count Kobali), and I had my great share of adventures there with other players in RP even out of it. With good music it always felt like band of brothers. Some revitalazation would be amazing, so it is again meaningful place. Last time I was there, I saw only two options. A) Speed run, where I couldn't do anything because everyone just burned through map like crazy. 2) Empty map.
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Second, I believe they are looking at solutions.
It's rather old content by now though, so I can see why it doesn't seem that much of a priority to fix it.
The best way of dealing with it, in the meantime, is making sure that the last point that's being captured is a generator point close to the V-rex spawning point. Those little carts will keep moving on their own, so after you've killed the four Voth that usually spawn near the end of the line and the three others somewhere in the middle, activate the last console and then run to the V-Rex.
I'm aware that it's not always possible to plan this, but if you can, it should give you enough time to get to the V-rex.
Credit for a v-rex kill is worth 1200-5000 dil, depending on captures and kills. The other missions give some reward, but that is not as good as the final reward.
Simply camping and dropping a v-rex will give you 1200 dil - a very generous reward for doing little. I understand that a fix was done to stop players from getting credit for a single shot. That makes it harder to get credit now.
If the v-rex drops in 2 seconds then few get a chance to get the final reward. In theory it is possible to run to another v-rex and do enough damage to get credit. That is getting more unlikely as more players get more fancy kit modules. Now you can have 3 players getting final reward, and the 12 players who actually capped the zones get nothing.