I have been thinking about this for awhile I think it would be really cool to have a legendary ferengi pack with a new playable ferengi based on the new ferengi look of sneed (damaged ear or not) from picard season 3. this could be done the same way the new klingons were done I really hated the ones from discovery but this version is really cool to me and have it available for both klingon and fed. And in the the pack you could add the ferengi 22nd century ship or even an updated version.

Make a whole new class being the Trader Class in which you would chose from a selected few races like ferengi,lurian,lessepian,dopterians,yiridian,ext. and they would only have access to shuttles and freighters that other factions can't get and be able to group buff and transport down supplies and illicit goods to surface for groups and in space buff groups and place defense platforms or use illegal weaponry. might have to be its own faction then chose fed or KDF. Just Something i have been thinking about please give your 2 cents on what you think and would add.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
But I would like to see more Ferengi ships. The ones from Picard would be nice. Making some variants of the Nandi available other than the Phoenix pack barter would be nice, too. If we have Mirror Terran ships, why not Mirror Ferengi ships? And what happened to the Quark Class in Mudd's store? I thought there was a pack that had it as a choice, but I can't find it. Did they remove it?
the quark class is in the infinity prize pack