The following is a screenshot of my loading screen...

Now seriously I'm not complaining... I only stare at that screen for 40-50 seconds every time I change instances. But it illustrates something that I observe all the time. You regularly make small changes to the game's code that have "Unintended Consequences".
Unless of course I'm completely wrong and you intended to 'deface' your loading screen for players with a 21:9 aspect ratio display. If that's the case then carry on. I'll just accomidate your quirky sense of humor, or whatever is going on.
What I do object to is when you make these 'small changes' that have an adverse effect on the playability of STO. And what I'm going to suggest is for you use your test server to help eliminate some of this errata. Of course getting enough players to participate may require some incentives. For example: you might consider awarding small amounts of Zen to players that participate and give you useful feedback.
Simply put it would make your look more competant as programmers. As your current methods do not leave that impression.