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The Legendary Starfleet Captain's Bundle

baddmoonrizinbaddmoonrizin Member Posts: 11,255 Community Moderator
edited June 2022 in Galactic News Network [PC]
Have you had an opportunity to try out Star Trek Online’s newly revamped Tutorial experience for 2409 Federation characters? If not, now may be the best time to do so!

“Why now,” you might ask? Because for the first time, we will soon be offering an opportunity to jumpstart the career of just such a Cadet, thanks to the introduction of the Legendary Federation (2409) Captain Bundle. By obtaining this bundle, you can now instantly raise the level of any single 2409-era Federation character on your account to Level 65!

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  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,615 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    I've a soft spot for the Vesta line of ships, and this one sure does look pretty...
    I just wish I could afford it!

    However, let me express once more something I know a lot of folks want from these Boost Packs...
    ...we want the unique equipment and bridge officers to be reclaimable on our other characters as well!
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • captainhundleycaptainhundley Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    This looks fantastic, and I would buy it in a heartbeat! I won't, though, because the environmental suit and bridge officers can't be claimed on other characters.
  • dvonluckdvonluck Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    I want the ship and I actually like the look of some of the stuff like the EV suit and equipment. It says on the post "This level-up process is designed to be usable for characters of any level." so can I use it on my main character who's already lvl65?
  • f8explorer#7814 f8explorer Member Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    I don't feel this ship brings enough new / better to the table over the existing Vesta ships. Yes, it is 4/2 but that's about all she has to offer that halfway makes me think about raising an eyebrow.
    Joint Forces Commander ... / ... proud member of ... boq botlhra'ghom / AllianceCenCom!
    " We stand TOGETHER and fight with HONOR!"

    U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,620 Arc User
    Not for me.
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • doublechadoublecha Member Posts: 241 Arc User
    I want the ship, only the ship and I think we are very numerous.
  • istalon1istalon1 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    hm, I might have considered it if the ship didn't have two intel specialization seats. Intel - Command or Intel - Miracle Worker would have been more useful.
  • quinn11235quinn11235 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I would have loved a MW/TO ship (both of which actually would make sense to me based on the novels).
    However, I really don’t get how as a legendary ships it gets 2x Intel seats that is really a downgrade for me compared to the regular T6.
    It might actually end up being the first Legendary bundle I don’t buy and the Vesta is my favorite ship.
  • captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,926 Arc User
    I've a soft spot for the Vesta line of ships, and this one sure does look pretty...
    I just wish I could afford it!

    However, let me express once more something I know a lot of folks want from these Boost Packs...
    ...we want the unique equipment and bridge officers to be reclaimable on our other characters as well!

    I concur, the unique equipment and bridge officers should be reclaimable/be account-wide unlocks...
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    I have the T5 and T6 Vesta Bundles...its a nice line of Ships and i would have loved to get a upgraded/better one but.......HOW is this Legendary Vesta an Upgrade? And why should i bother for this Bundle?

    That "Single Char Only, once reclaimable" thing is something that should GO AWAY! Allready bothered me on the Legendary Jem Attack Ship, and is the reason why i didnt buy the Picard Bundle. Those Unique Items, Boffs and so on should be reclaimable for ALL Characters on that Account! Anything else is absolutely alt UN-Friendly!

    Back to the Vesta, the Original Vestas have 3 Variants, Main Focus is Sci (for obvious reasons) and secondary Focus is Tac/Eng/ and even more Sci depending on which version you use - but this Legendary Vesta does not cover all this 3 Versions! Furthermore, the "Normal" T6 Vestas have 2 Universal Boff Stations, that makes them adaptable to the Players Playstyle, the Legendary however has only One???? In Order to atleast somewhat cover all 3 Versions of the original T6 Vestas, the Legendary should have a much more flexible Boff Seatings like 3 or ATLEAST 2 Universal Boff Stations. The way it is, it would be a Downgrade for me, so why should i even consider buying this???? By all rights WHAT even justifies the "Legendary" in its Name???? Sure it comes with all Consoles and Shiptraits and Skins of the former Vestas - like all Legendarys do - BUT the Ship itself is nothing that i would consider as "Legendary". If you want to sell something, you should offer something that is worth buying, and this Ship/Bundle is definately not, not even with the 50% Discount.
  • gizzardukgizzarduk Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    The EV suit everyone has wanted since it appeared, and finally some nice looking Fed weapons, yet neither can be used by existing characters. Very disappointed in this move, really hope they change their mind or make something else based on those visuals.
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,857 Arc User
    As a huge fan of the Vesta, I really want this ship. However, it's the rest of the stuff in the pack, like the level boost that I have no interest in. A couple of the holo Bridge Officers I wouldn't mind, but I don't like this all being packaged and forced upon the one character. Very disappointed with this bundle and how it is a slap in the face to those of us who have been playing this game since the very beginning.
  • istalon1istalon1 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    Also, can we habe a T6 D'kyr, pls?
  • edited May 2022
    This content has been removed.
  • quinnftw76#3498 quinnftw76 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    1. With the nerf of Reputation Dilithium, I don't intend of making any new characters.
    2. It only takes a few hours to level up to 65 anyway.
    3. I certainly don't need any new ships. Or any of the other "also included" trash items.
    5. There's no way I would ever pay $120 to STO for any reason whatsoever.

    No deal, Ferengi
  • sierrafortunesierrafortune Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    This pack is probably only worth it if you haven't bought any of the Vesta's, and then only at the half-off price. If it's at full price, the T6 three pack is a much better bang for your buck, and the skins look better, but I'm not a fan of the original Vesta so YMMV.

    If some of the goodies in it were reclaimable, maybe. But as is it's just not impressive stuff.

    The Calien looks alright, but it's nothing to write home about stat-wise, and the trait isn't all that useful.

    The weapon skins are okay? If you all black everything though pick up some colony ground weapons.

    Holoboffs sound cool, but if their outfits aren't customizable like so many others, who cares. It was a dumb rule when it started, and it's only gotten dumber with every new show airing.

    Getting the new version of the EV suit sounds cool.

    None of it is even remotely worth it as a character-only claim though, especially if you don't main a 2409 Fed. The fact that none of it is likely to be reclaimable like the others just adds to how little it's likely to be worth.

  • kursed#7599 kursed Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    I don't mean to be a downer but some of us play STO to get away from the Starfleet only view of the tv series.

    I understand that not all of us are like, that but to me the best part of STO is viewing stories from the side other than Starfleet.

    Regardless of my feelings, Enjoy this content people! Hope to see some Klingon, Romulan or other non-starfleet content in the future.
    Nobody here, but us blue kittens.
  • doomsprocket1doomsprocket1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    The Bridge officers and enviro suit are not going to be account claimable? Is that for sure? I would buy this day 1 if I could get those on all my characters, if that is really the way it is that is a horrible mistake that will absolutely make a lot of people upset when they buy it.
  • sierrafortunesierrafortune Member Posts: 129 Arc User
    The Bridge officers and enviro suit are not going to be account claimable? Is that for sure? I would buy this day 1 if I could get those on all my characters, if that is really the way it is that is a horrible mistake that will absolutely make a lot of people upset when they buy it.

    If they work like the other single legendary/level boost bundles none of them will even be reclaimable on the character that opens it, let alone being reclaimable on other characters.
  • fewzzfewzz Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    Why would i pay this for a inflated price full of junk, the Legendary is worse than the actual Store T6 version, very weird, as for the trait, useless.
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    Guys (Cryptic) its 2 days before you're Scheduled Release of this Bundle, and yet no reaction to the countless Complaints here and other Sites (including Reddit) not to mention the Game Chats itself where People are Slamming that Bundle into the Ground over how Ridicilous it is? Are you seriously going to release that thing the way it is???

    Another hint showing how low the interest for this Bundle is, is the Dill Exchange that barely moved up since this Bundle was announced. You created a terrible Bundle, with a so called Legendary Ship, that is Worse than the "Normal" T6 Vestas and Items that are non Reclaimable and 1 Char only (esspecially a giant Slap in the Face of everyone when it comes to the Evo Suit that people were asking for a long time, and now it can only be used on ONE char only? How ALT-HATING is this???)

    You allready made that Mistake with the Legendary Jem Hadar Attack Ship, but at least the Ship Itself was good enough that the Bundle still sold - EVEN SO that the non reclaimable one char only Items were still just a BAD Move)

    (Flaming, trolling comments moderated out. - BMR)

    The Ship Itself needs another Specialization, 2x Intel is just nonsense! Not to mention that Intel is the last Specialization that anyone wants on his Sci Ship! Temporal is what people want or at at least Miracle Worker. Yea we got it, you reworked the Intel Specialization and now you want to release a Ship that utilizes that, but NOT this way! You Sacrifice this Ship just to have your way, even so that people hate the Stats, and you cant tell me that you dont noticed all those complaints all over the place!

    At least change the Lt. Commander Universal / Intel to Temporal or Miracle Worker! Also the "Normal" T6 Vestas have 2x Universal Boff Stations so that they are flexible for what people need, this so called Legendary Vesta however has only One??? HOW is that even an Upgrade? This just doesnt work fpr most people - including me - also the Normal T6 Vestas have 3 Variants, Tac/Eng or more Sci Focused as Secondary, so the Legendary cant cover all these Variants, this is just another Reason why it ABSOLUTELY needs another Universal Station, the Lieutenant Engineering Station would be perfect for the Second Universal Station, this would give the Ship enough flexibility to be useable by most People without Downgrading their allready existing Setups. The Account Wide T6 Ship Trait is also really Bad, i dont know anyone who thinks that it is good, so this would also need a serious Buff to be at least somewhat usefull - but this is the smaller Issue here, so if the other things get changed, than this would be "ok-ish -

    Last but not least, the Items, as i mentioned above, the one char only non reclaimable was allready a terrible move on the Legenday Jem Hadar, DONT make that move again! (and if you would care for you're Playerbase in the least, than you would change that for the Jem Hadar Bundle aswell) This is the WORST thing you can do to People with several Alts! This One Char only thing should GO AWAY, it is an ancient thing that should stay in the past and NOT applied to stuff like this anymore! Esspecially the Evo Suit being One Char only is infuriating - to say the least! -

    (Flaming, trolling comments moderated out. - BMR)
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
  • istalon1istalon1 Member Posts: 25 Arc User

    The Ship Itself needs another Specialization, 2x Intel is just nonsense! Not to mention that Intel is the last Specialization that anyone wants on his Sci Ship! Temporal is what people want or at at least Miracle Worker.

    I agree, although Command would also work well. I like building sci torpboats so I can dump all my weapon power to the aux systems, so Concentrate Firepower can be pretty powerful with sci ships as well. Anyway, double Intel is a bad choice of specializations. While I appreciate the cloak that comes with the intel specialization, I don't see how a double intel spec fits the Vesta, especially since the T6 version is temporal.

    Anyways, any other combination of specializations would be better than 2x intel.
  • luckyatpwc1979luckyatpwc1979 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    I just wish that in the notes about the gear it says what traits the boffs have and yep account unlocks for gear and boffs SHOULD be the case and would make them shift more bundles.
    Been playing for ages and need more coffee
  • highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    So here it is, released the way it is while ignoring all the Complaints, shows me how "much" you guys care for the playerbase. With the Legendary Jem Hadar Attack Ship you atleast did some changes to the T6 Ship Trait so it became usefull, here you just switched to "we dont care mode" and released that awefull Bundle, well NO DEAL, if you dont want to sell it to me, than i shall comply and not buy it, i gues you just have to much Money allready - by the way, just the last 2 Months you guys earned OVER 1400 Euros from me, and yesterday another 50 Euros for my Alt account (YES even for my Alt Account i spend Money) but i really should reconsider whether its a good idea to spend Money on a company who ignores their playerbase or not.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    dvonluck wrote: »
    I want the ship and I actually like the look of some of the stuff like the EV suit and equipment. It says on the post "This level-up process is designed to be usable for characters of any level." so can I use it on my main character who's already lvl65?

    If you buy the pack on your level 65 character literally nothing will happen. $60 will just disappear "poof" and the pack will no longer be available in the C store.

    After you go to a shipyard to see if you at least got the ship you will find that you have.

    If you load a less than level 65 character and look in the "items" tab of the store you will see the upgrade pack available to claim. Once you have this character only pack and open it you will see all the items you wanted for your level 65 main only available to this lower level character which will now be level 65 as well.
  • inferiorityinferiority Member Posts: 4,615 Arc User
    If you buy the pack on your level 65 character literally nothing will happen. $60 will just disappear "poof" and the pack will no longer be available in the C store.

    If you load a less than level 65 character and look in the "items" tab of the store you will see the upgrade pack available to claim. Once you have this character only pack and open it you will see all the items you wanted for your level 65 main only available to this lower level character which will now be level 65 as well.
    Not true. The pack can be opened on a level 65 character for all of the goodies, except the boost to level 65 which isn't needed.
    - - - - I n f e r i o r i t y - C o m p l e x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Everyone has a better name and Youtube Channel than me...  :/
  • qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    (Trolling comments moderated out. - BMR)
    Post edited by baddmoonrizin on
  • jcswwjcsww Member Posts: 6,857 Arc User
    It's a shame that one of my favorite ships in the Trek universe got put into one of these useless bundles. I hope they sell the ship separately at some point because I refuse to buy into something with 90% of the bundle is junk in my opinion. If the Bridge Officers were account-wide, that might not be so bad. Re-skinned fleet gear... No thanks. Level token, definitely not! Now, if those tokens were reworked to grant the player an XP boost that was useful beyond level 65 to help level a character through Specializations, at least that would be useful to more people.
This discussion has been closed.