how about adding holodecks to our ships (and faction homebases) with different "programs" for DPS benchmark tests for ground and space combat with our ships and captains?
ground combat would have a few cases like single target practise dummies and a groups of enemies to test your equipment on.
space combat would have something similar with enemy ships to either test the dps of your own ship on them, or test how much punishment your own ship can take from different damage sources.
at the end of the simulation, you get the result of how much damage you were able to deal or take.
this would help us get a feel how to optimize our builds without having to rely on third party programs, and it would add a cool function to our ship interior.
well, i did include adding these to the homebases (ESD, qonos, new romulus, DS9).
what they would be effectively is map instances anyways. but you would be able to access from anywhere if your ship has an interior like that.