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Phoenix box upgrade idea.

aftulusaftulus Member Posts: 668 Arc User
This is my dil fix idea from the other thread. I figured I'd give it it's own thread to see what people think. And I fixed the numbers a bit more.

The idea is to add a form of the campaign III rewards into a box buyable in the phoenix box with epic tokens. To do this, and make it a dil sink, make it so you can upgrade phoenix tokens then add something good enough to get people to spend cash on it via converting zen to dil for end game.

Basic idea:

Upgrade phoenix tokens. 5x per level
Add a campaign box.(With custom choices. See below.)
Make the box choice cost 4 epic tokens. (625 green tokens per epic. 2500 total)
Make lobi sellable on the market.

The campaign box would have two options:

1. T6 premium box
2. 2xT6 coupons + 1500 lobi

*After buying a box it could be account bound and allow between these two choices.

Both of these are presumed to be worth the same amount.

The base idea is to set them both at near the cost of the max 10,000,000 dil per character.

At 4 epic tokens this could cost 2500 green tokens per box.

For generic balance it's presumed to cost 100-200 dollars per box. This presumes 10-20(15 average) green tokens or equivalent per 10 phoenix boxes. This would take 250 10xpacks max.

At the low end of 10 greens per box it would cost 200 dollars. Or 250 boxes of 10xphoenix boxes for 20,000 zen. At 20 it would take 10,000 zen at 100 dollars. So that is your range. This can be reduced in several ways currently in game. (mostly via zen sales.)

This could be adjusted to pull in zen buyers for a sink. But this is my base idea. This is also set to a presumed max dil per characters. So, as the game gets more advanced in a few years, or for older characters, they could sink into this to use up their dil for a premium ship for each character.

Optional: if you make lobi sellable on the market they would have a value of between 213k - 740K on the market depending on the range. This would make lobi items buyable on the market in essence and make it worth time to buy zen to convert to keys to buy lobi to buy lobi items potenially at a better rate than random luck can make depending on the market. This makes lobi ships from between 192 mil to 675 mil ec. With a max of 792 mil if you include single boxes at 4,500 dil with 880k per lobi at worse case.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • raijinmeister#1931 raijinmeister Member Posts: 195 Arc User
  • aftulusaftulus Member Posts: 668 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    Make tokens upgradeable in the phoenix box then add the prizes from the campaign III box as prizes to act as a dill sink.

    At the end I think 4 epic tokens per box is best to fit the current game. It makes the lobi ships fit the same cost approximately of what they do now.

    You could also make lobi sellable on the ec to let people choose between buying with zen or buying with ec.

    This allows the 10mil dil on a full character to buy up to one t6 premium and/or 1 set of coupons and lobi to max out a character if they so desire.
  • edited September 2021
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  • aftulusaftulus Member Posts: 668 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    That was a purposeful super high estimate to double the cost of the box at 8 tokens.

    If it's 4 epic tokens I only used 10-20 greens per box. This takes into account the actual minimum and a potentially obtainable top end. That makes the average 15.

    It also allows 10 million dil to buy at least one prize and up to a second.

    I changed the OP to reflect the change to 4 epic tokens.

    With a 4 epic token price if you buy the 200 dollar zen buyout, even if you buy the 4500 dil boxes you will only need 22500 zen to gaurantee a box. This leaves 500 zen at worst case if you get the 23000 zen from the current bonus. And if that 20000 zen +3000 zen is the normal sale, or even if it's rare, Make a 500 zen coupon that allows the next 2500 phoenix boxes to get either 20 green equivalent or raise the odds somehow. A guaranteed amount would mess up any lobi sales on the ec short of the coupon. Random would still allow it and other market realities to exist. Unless I'm missing something and that is good for fixing key prices.

    The only downside I can think of is if it's bad for more better ships to be floating around the game. And given that we don't have tier 3 red TFO's common in random or easily startable means that is not the problem. It might help make those common for randoms like they were a long time ago. So, I bet this would help balance out the game again. That might draw in more players giving more chances at money being spent.

    Post edited by aftulus on
  • sniper1187sniper1187 Member Posts: 255 Arc User
    I'm surprised Cryptic hasn't just went into the accounts and just deleted Dil, or just drop the limit even more.
    "Nuke the entire site from orbit--it's the only way to be sure"
  • sci321sci321 Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    sniper1187 wrote: »
    I'm surprised Cryptic hasn't just went into the accounts and just deleted Dil, or just drop the limit even more.

    Because neither of those would fix the current issue with the dilex.

    In STO, there are four broad groups of players when it comes to dil and zen.
    1. Players who grind dil to use as dil.
    2. Players who grind dil to trade for zen.
    3. Players who buy zen to trade for dil.
    4. Players who buy zen to use as zen.
    Only players in groups 2 and 3 influence the dilex, and the current issue with it is a decline in players in group 3. The big reason for this is that players that used to be in group 3 have run out of things that they see as useful to spend dil on. Making dil more scarce won't increase its value to people that don't have a need for it.
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 7,026 Arc User
    aftulus wrote: »
    This is my dil fix idea from the other thread. I figured I'd give it it's own thread to see what people think. And I fixed the numbers a bit more.

    The idea is to add a form of the campaign III rewards into a box buyable in the phoenix box with epic tokens. To do this, and make it a dil sink, make it so you can upgrade phoenix tokens then add something good enough to get people to spend cash on it via converting zen to dil for end game.

    Basic idea:

    Upgrade phoenix tokens. 5x per level
    Add a campaign box.(With custom choices. See below.)
    Make the box choice cost 4 epic tokens. (625 green tokens per epic. 2500 total)
    Make lobi sellable on the market.

    The campaign box would have two options:

    1. T6 premium box
    2. 2xT6 coupons + 1500 lobi

    *After buying a box it could be account bound and allow between these two choices.

    Both of these are presumed to be worth the same amount.

    The base idea is to set them both at near the cost of the max 10,000,000 dil per character.

    At 4 epic tokens this could cost 2500 green tokens per box.

    For generic balance it's presumed to cost 100-200 dollars per box. This presumes 10-20(15 average) green tokens or equivalent per 10 phoenix boxes. This would take 250 10xpacks max.

    At the low end of 10 greens per box it would cost 200 dollars. Or 250 boxes of 10xphoenix boxes for 20,000 zen. At 20 it would take 10,000 zen at 100 dollars. So that is your range. This can be reduced in several ways currently in game. (mostly via zen sales.)

    This could be adjusted to pull in zen buyers for a sink. But this is my base idea. This is also set to a presumed max dil per characters. So, as the game gets more advanced in a few years, or for older characters, they could sink into this to use up their dil for a premium ship for each character.

    Optional: if you make lobi sellable on the market they would have a value of between 213k - 740K on the market depending on the range. This would make lobi items buyable on the market in essence and make it worth time to buy zen to convert to keys to buy lobi to buy lobi items potenially at a better rate than random luck can make depending on the market. This makes lobi ships from between 192 mil to 675 mil ec. With a max of 792 mil if you include single boxes at 4,500 dil with 880k per lobi at worse case.

    I highly doubt they will ever make event campaign rewards available for anything other than event campaign completion, and making promo/lockbox ships available from Phoenix boxes would be kind of pointless since Promo and LB drop rates are a hell of a lot better than the Epic token drop rate.

    Spending tokens to buy higher tokens might be a change they'd actually be willing to make though AND might make it worthwhile to chase UR and Epic tokens for the current rewards (at the current drop rate they might as well not exist at all).

    I haven't done any actual testing but I've opened over a thousand Phoenix boxes just for upgrades and I've never seen a single UR or Epic token. In contrast I've opened far fewer Promo boxes (maybe around 200? 300?) and won 4 promo ships, so if they made the event campaign reward an Epic Phoenix option you would still be better off opening Promo boxes instead.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
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  • edited September 2021
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  • aftulusaftulus Member Posts: 668 Arc User
    edited September 2021
    I was hoping giving an end game option for the whole account might give a reason to buy or grind for ships. This added to the dil market and zen market might get some people to take the zen to dil option with something expensive and hence add more zen sellers. Especially if it's something that exists in game normally and people might take as a standard upgrade option for their account..

    That or have this be an event option. But I figured the absurd price might be better if allowed for all players. And I figured events would only drain current dil. If you make it normal and something that can be useful for all characters over time it could become a standard upgrade option for large part of the game increasing the odds of getting zen to dil transactions.

    I assume the shear cost of 10 mil dil makes it a rarer upgrade path for F2P while making it viable as a buy option for spenders. Plus it's something that might help get resources like lobi. And if you add lobi to the store it can make a market reality that gives it to everyone more often. This could help balance out the game playwise and make more build diversity for more characters. And if the game is playing out better maybe it will draw in more players to potentially buy things. Development is the best means to get players. That gives more chances at sales. AT minimum it might draw in people with money who don't want to grind but want high end gear.

    I can grind 128,000 dil a day with what will soon be 16 characters. It would take me 78 days to grind out one box. Two if I'm lucky with drops. This is why it was originally higher than 4 epic tokens. I could get 4 of these boxes a year if I put all my effort into it. They could btw, add this and then adjust the drop rates if this is a good general balance. Although given I based it on drop rates it might mess it up a little. Either way, that is 2-5 character maxes a year to get high end gear. If anything this might make Red tier TFO's more common which could add more other options for making money and drawing in zen players as people might grind out dil for the day easier. That might make it so we can grind out 50 characters more reasonably over time. If you could grind 50 characters reasonably you could do 15 of these boxes a year (every 25 days.) for 7-15 character maxes each year (assuming lobi builds.). So, this might need to go with other content in the long run. But it might make room for it.

    BTW, this would then make it easier to make high end characters and delete them as you could more reasonably expect to grind out high end gear if you wanted. Even without the option of saving or transferring that high end gear. If red TFO's became common again this might make the game more fun at minimum. It at least gets randoms back to where they were many years ago and makes the entire game playable for everyone again.
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