Is this in the realm of possibility for console? I mean, the hanger pet health is already a thing; would it be difficult to implement for separation pets?
I hate having to scan the battlefield to determine if my pets are dead.
I don't use it too often, but I remember a couple of weeks ago flying like half a Cure Found (ok, not the longest mission imaginable, but still) with my Chevron separated from the rest of my Odyssey, only to find near the end of the mission that it had already been destroyed for who knows how long.
Having a little icon with status bars like we have with regular pets would be an improvement.
My suspicion is that the devs were afraid separation pets might become too powerful and that's why they gave them limitations that hangar pets don't have, but the reality is they've become rather worthless and were never very good to begin with. They could really use some buffs and imo should have an interface just like hangar pets with pet commands and a health bar. Maybe they could even make them a built-in part of the respective ships, and adjust the various consoles to buff the pets somehow (significant stat increase and cooldown reduction maybe?) instead of enabling them? Would probably take too much time from the systems devs, but that would be my dream come true for separation pets.
I know that PC has a lot of abilities that consoles don’t have. I get that this game originally designed for PC, and a lot of this capable on PC simply cannot be done on console, but there have been a lot of things I’ve noticed that (I assume) wouldn’t be difficult to implement.
As for buffing separation pets, I definitely agree with that. They are waaay under powered, and I do not get why they run completely different load out than the one I’m running. I mean, one easy buff would simply be to have them running the same load out. I’d be happy with that.
If I’m running a plasma build, they shouldn’t be firing phasers lol.
I’m hoping that someone, somewhere, who has the devs ears will read this, but I’m not holding my breath.
The general consensus on console is that console players are not really given much thought. Which is a shame because in the years that I’ve been on STO, I’ve sank THOUSANDS of dollars into. I’m am both ashamed and not ashamed of that lol.
I mean, one easy buff would simply be to have them running the same load out. I’d be happy with that.
If I’m running a plasma build, they shouldn’t be firing phasers lol.
This one would probably be difficult to implement, it's simple in concept but every pet is essentially a friendly NPC with pre-determined weapons and abilities. To get it to mirror your build they would need to create separate versions of every separation pet for each damage type, that's six different pets each if they stick to the basic categories and a whole lot more than that if they were to do it for every variation (Disco, TOS, Andorian, 32c, etc). It just isn't feasible for them to do that.
I mean, one easy buff would simply be to have them running the same load out. I’d be happy with that.
If I’m running a plasma build, they shouldn’t be firing phasers lol.
This one would probably be difficult to implement, it's simple in concept but every pet is essentially a friendly NPC with pre-determined weapons and abilities. To get it to mirror your build they would need to create separate versions of every separation pet for each damage type, that's six different pets each if they stick to the basic categories and a whole lot more than that if they were to do it for every variation (Disco, TOS, Andorian, 32c, etc). It just isn't feasible for them to do that.
I don't know. They did it fairly easily with the cyclic modulating weapons. Press a button and swap damage type, which as far as I can tell is merely a buff. It seems reasonable they should be able to change damage type with pets and a simple buff.
I would agree about the AOE and warp breaches. One would assume that any officer put in charge of a separated section would have at least the intelligence level to say “We should probably avoid that cloud of space radiation, or those ships about blow.”
Hell, they buffed hanger pets to avoid breaches, or at least not be damaged by them.
All I want is an on screen indicator when they’ve been killed I’ll settle for that lol.
I don't use it too often, but I remember a couple of weeks ago flying like half a Cure Found (ok, not the longest mission imaginable, but still) with my Chevron separated from the rest of my Odyssey, only to find near the end of the mission that it had already been destroyed for who knows how long.
Having a little icon with status bars like we have with regular pets would be an improvement.
As for buffing separation pets, I definitely agree with that. They are waaay under powered, and I do not get why they run completely different load out than the one I’m running. I mean, one easy buff would simply be to have them running the same load out. I’d be happy with that.
If I’m running a plasma build, they shouldn’t be firing phasers lol.
I’m hoping that someone, somewhere, who has the devs ears will read this, but I’m not holding my breath.
The general consensus on console is that console players are not really given much thought. Which is a shame because in the years that I’ve been on STO, I’ve sank THOUSANDS of dollars into. I’m am both ashamed and not ashamed of that lol.
I don't know. They did it fairly easily with the cyclic modulating weapons. Press a button and swap damage type, which as far as I can tell is merely a buff. It seems reasonable they should be able to change damage type with pets and a simple buff.
Hell, they buffed hanger pets to avoid breaches, or at least not be damaged by them.
All I want is an on screen indicator when they’ve been killed I’ll settle for that lol.