If you use a ship upgrade token and upgrade your T6 to a T6-X (as I did with the Legendary Temporal Flight Deck Carrier), it upgrades one single ship for one character, only.
This was confirmed by support.
Of course then support goes on to say that you can simply re-apply the upgrade. Yes...certainly, for 2000 Zenni per 3 tokens for each character. (So if you have 9 characters you will spend 9000 Z in the store to re-apply the upgrade).
All I am asking is that a note be added in the store that the token is a one-use item and will not affect your account, only a single ship, period. Because right now the tips states that is account-wide, which is incorrect.
Just sharing this with other folks before you decide to get one
With that kind of setup those would be two different ships as far as the x-upgrade is concerned, so upgrading the legendary version does not upgrade the secondary ones but upgrading one secondary one once should upgrade it for everyone else on the account who claims it.
However, char 2 that wants to upgrade that ship still has to go to the ship management and press the upgrade button to upgrade their copy of the ship. They DON'T need a token to do this.
Do note that if you try to upgrade a ship for the first time without a token in your inventory you can't do it. You can do it freely if it is a ship that has been upgraded by another character.
I think I'm with them. I think the key is the use of the word "apply." It will not be applied automatically. But you can manually apply it like the free T5-u stuff some ships get. So, check at the ship area to see if it's freely upgradable.
It is applied to that ship on the account. You have to reapply it to all the other characters. They have been VERY clear on that.
* Odds of UR token roughly 1:1,000,000,000 or some other undisclosed number. More seriously my guess is 1:250 - 1:500.
I love how you circled the bit that fit your narrative and completely ignored the real explanation, which is the last paragraph - and I quote from your image directly:
I'm not one to spare Cryptic any critique when they deserve it. In this case, they do not: the entire procedure was explained when the T6-X tokens came out and support just relayed that information again to you in their message.
Trying to claim that's not the case is not only unfair, but totally false and unjustified.
Ci sono tre tipi di giocatori:
- quelli a cui non va mai bene niente... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che sono talmente imbesuiti da credere a qualunque cosa i dev dicano, perfino che la luna è fatta di formaggio... e vanno sul forum a trollare;
- quelli che credono a quello a cui è giusto credere, sono d'accordo con quello con cui è giusto essere d'accordo e sono critici con quello che non va;
Ai giocatori dei primi due tipi, gratis in omaggio un bello specchio lucente su cui arrampicarsi. E una mazzata in testa per la loro poca intelligenza e compassione verso gli altri giocatori che non la pensano come loro.
Agli appartenenti al terzo tipo, invece, dico grazie. Anche se non sempre si riesce a mantenere la calma, siete quelli per cui vale la pena incazzarsi.
2) Gets furiously angry when doesn't work like he thought.
3) Complains to support, and then fails to read their reply carefully.
4) Posts angry rant on forums.
lather, rinse, repeat...
"In order to apply this token, you must be at a Ship Selector available in most social zones, generally near the Ship and Shuttle Requisitions vendor. Navigate to your ship's Starship Mastery status window to perform the upgrade".
If you've already upgraded a ship on another character, using the same upgrade button (found as described above in italics) will complete a free upgrade
And yes we also see Events that sometimes offer Experimental and/or Ultimate Upgrades like the Red Alert we just did.
I do believe Cryptic tries to be fair to everybody, despite the fact we'd all like them to drop a little bit more.
Which is why you never open Phoenix Boxes for Experimental Upgrade Tokens.
If you get one, great.. but never crank away on Phoenix Boxes just hoping to get an Experimental Upgrade Token.
The current exchange rate is roughly 485:1. If the average is 1 Million Dilithium then for that same Dilithium you could get approximately 2061 Zen.
Keys are right around 9M a pop, your 2061 Zen gets you 17 keys assuming there is no sale. Selling 17 keys makes you 153 Million EC.
Experimental Upgrades sell on the exchange for 40-45 Million EC.
Instead of cranking those boxes, you could just buy a Token and still have over 100M EC left over.
You could also use the Zen to just buy Tokens directly from the C-Store, or just wait for the next Red Alert event to get one completely free. They usually run one between each 'meta' event, so there will be another one in 3 weeks.
Don't make bad decisions.
Once applied on one toon just go on another it upgrades for free at the ship yard
Yeah, no. Even though you still have to physically press 'Upgrade' on an account ship you unlocked elsewhere, said upgrade is free; as in costs you absolutely nothing.
Even works on lock box ships. Unblock an Iktomi on one toon, get to upgrade it for free on your other toons that have it. Support even told you so.
EDIT: You only have to pay for the Upgrade once, of course.