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Hmm. Would this make the Legendary Bundle more palatable?

mattingly1mattingly1 Member Posts: 206 Arc User
Okay, so bear with me here for a moment: you can currently get 27,000 zen for $200 via the arc site (just for this weekend).

The Legendary Bundle is currently 18,750 zen.

One of the two Legendary packs (the Walker or T'liss) are presently 9,600.

Together, that's 28,350 zen. So... for about $10 more zen, you could potentially have one of the legendary ship packs, plus the anniversary pack. So, the question is, does that additional, truly legendary ship, plus the bundle, for ~$210 now make financial sense? I don't honestly have an answer, but it struck me as an option that was worth presenting.

Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • robynkaterobynkate Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Not really @mattingly1

    For me the bundle makes sense in its current form. The math of each individual item seems like a steal... But the Walker and T'Liss aren't really what I'd call worth 9600... they were better at 6,000 zen, but then they seem to punish people that don't buy things when they first offer them by hiking the prices and not dropping them back to that level again for a long while.

    This is how I see the current legendary anni. bundle...
    • 4 T6 Ships = 3k Zen each for a total of 12k Zen
    • 2 T6 100% off coupons = 3k Zen for a total of 6k Zen (running total of 18k Zen)
    • 500 Lobi = $50 per 200 lobi on average so that about 12.5k Zen (running total 30.5k Zen)
    • 6 T6-X tokens = 2k for 3 therefore 4k total (running total 34.5k Zen)

    The rest of the stuff I kind of don't care about... but at 34.5k Zen if I had to buy them individually, its already a steal.

    But with that being said, even I'm having a hard time still justifying it in my head and even if they did add the bundles you mentioned, it wouldn't add value to it for those of us that already have the captain bundles. What would do it for me would be? If they had done legendary ships that were much different than the same old same old. Example, previous 10th anni. ships had unique things while having the same traits. But no single ship in the 10th had another ships traits... Now in 11th one two ships share the exact same trait... Makes the ships pointless unless you just like them. And for me their not visually interesting enough to even go there yet...
  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    I don't see it that way. The bundle costs around $187 and the fact that you get bonus zen has nothing to do with it. It doesn't magically become part of the bundle as you would get bonus zen whether you're buying the bundle or not.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
  • edited February 2021
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  • doctorstegidoctorstegi Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    westmetals wrote: »
    My issue isn't the price, it's those T6 coupons.

    There's no documentation on if they are bound or not and I can't personally spend them. And my efforts to find out if they are bound or not from other players have gotten me about 50/50 disagreeing answers.

    I can tell you for me those T6 coupons do nothing I got almost all T6 ships I stopped buying into the bundles where they created one ship and put it out in 4 different colors so instead of the bundle i just bought one. They are going to keep making lockbox ships, promo ships and legendary ships so the chances that alot of t6 regular c-store ships come out is pretty slim. If we get 1 or 2 in a year that be much considering how much more money they make of the other ships. So yeah those coupons have the value in EC if you can sell them thats about it for me at least.

    C-Store Inc. is still looking for active members on the fed side. If you don't have a fleet feel free to contact me in game @stegi.
  • cbrjwrrcbrjwrr Member Posts: 2,782 Arc User
    westmetals wrote: »
    My issue isn't the price, it's those T6 coupons.

    There's no documentation on if they are bound or not and I can't personally spend them. And my efforts to find out if they are bound or not from other players have gotten me about 50/50 disagreeing answers.

    If it helps, for me, they're bound. As were the keys and the promo packs. The T6-X upgrade tokens aren't bound.
  • jamieblanchardjamieblanchard Member Posts: 561 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    I will have to say "No" still. Partly because even that is a bit rich for my blood yet, and can't really say I have that much use for the stuff in the packs, particularly things I can pick up individually - keys and things like that - for much cheaper at my leisure.
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  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,907 Arc User
    Not really because I don't have 200+ dollars to use on virtual stuff
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    Nope. They should have included a box ship of some flavor in the bundle itself. The existing 4 plus a D7 probably would have tipped the balance for many people.
  • hylia#6092 hylia Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    Yup thats how i looked at it your saving 13k plus of zen so and the ship i really like them
    robynkate wrote: »
    Not really @mattingly1

    For me the bundle makes sense in its current form. The math of each individual item seems like a steal... But the Walker and T'Liss aren't really what I'd call worth 9600... they were better at 6,000 zen, but then they seem to punish people that don't buy things when they first offer them by hiking the prices and not dropping them back to that level again for a long while.

    This is how I see the current legendary anni. bundle...
    • 4 T6 Ships = 3k Zen each for a total of 12k Zen
    • 2 T6 100% off coupons = 3k Zen for a total of 6k Zen (running total of 18k Zen)
    • 500 Lobi = $50 per 200 lobi on average so that about 12.5k Zen (running total 30.5k Zen)
    • 6 T6-X tokens = 2k for 3 therefore 4k total (running total 34.5k Zen)

    The rest of the stuff I kind of don't care about... but at 34.5k Zen if I had to buy them individually, its already a steal.

    But with that being said, even I'm having a hard time still justifying it in my head and even if they did add the bundles you mentioned, it wouldn't add value to it for those of us that already have the captain bundles. What would do it for me would be? If they had done legendary ships that were much different than the same old same old. Example, previous 10th anni. ships had unique things while having the same traits. But no single ship in the 10th had another ships traits... Now in 11th one two ships share the exact same trait... Makes the ships pointless unless you just like them. And for me their not visually interesting enough to even go there yet...

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  • darkbladejkdarkbladejk Member Posts: 3,857 Community Moderator
    westmetals wrote: »
    My issue isn't the price, it's those T6 coupons.

    There's no documentation on if they are bound or not and I can't personally spend them. And my efforts to find out if they are bound or not from other players have gotten me about 50/50 disagreeing answers.

    They come in the form of gift coupon boxes which do NOT bind until you open the box containing the coupon. The experimental ship upgrades don't bind either. You can trade all of them to other players if you wished
    "Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again." - Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek Generations

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  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    westmetals wrote: »
    My issue isn't the price, it's those T6 coupons.

    There's no documentation on if they are bound or not and I can't personally spend them. And my efforts to find out if they are bound or not from other players have gotten me about 50/50 disagreeing answers.

    They come in the form of gift coupon boxes which do NOT bind until you open the box containing the coupon. The experimental ship upgrades don't bind either. You can trade all of them to other players if you wished

    & I think that's a prime example of Cryptic actually doing better. If they were bound then the buyer would be stuck with them, but with unbound the buyer has the option to use or "gift" or sell/barter.

    What I would suggest, & this falls under the umbrella of communication, is offer those details in the announcements. We all know this process takes a couple of months at least from conception to release so think as a consumer sometimes & be thorough. It's why many of us suspect Cryptic didn't offer the Holo-Worf's traits beforehand except on the livestream exposing bare minimum effort.

    I don't see it that way. The bundle costs around $187 and the fact that you get bonus zen has nothing to do with it. It doesn't magically become part of the bundle as you would get bonus zen whether you're buying the bundle or not.

    I agree. Most cannot or don't want to separate the conflation of the two distinct offers, makes them feel like they're getting a better deal to internally justify buying in this case, & that's why Cryptic releases these offers close together. If the offers had more time distance it would be easier to notice.

    I didn't find this bundle favorable for multiple reasons & much wrong with it with some improved upon prior to release so I had to re-evaluate, still found it lacking, but others have liked it, bought it with no hesitation, hopefully they enjoy it & found enough value in it.

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,788 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    Nope, different offers.

    Also, the T'Liss pack is way overpriced if you already have leveled-up Romulan characters and have no use for the account-bound level 65 token + VR ordinary gear + boffs. I already have 4 Romulans at 65.

    The gear doesn't even include the PEN or OVER mod for beams and cannons like the ones I craft at Mk II, and the boffs are plain Operative instead of Superior. I have 20+ spare SRO boffs that I haven't gotten around to selling on the Exchange.
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  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    the thing is, the first Legendary bundle ships had for the most part, better layouts than it's predecessors, with the exception of the Defiant (IMHO). this KDF legendarys plain suck stat and Boff wise (again,IMHO) that and I have zero interst in a legendary Excelsior or ambassador. if they had not pooched the Vor'cha turn rate, and had added a raptor and the Neg'var, I would have bought it as it stands.
  • husanakxhusanakx Member Posts: 1,642 Arc User
    Its a terrible value no matter what. The single ship packs where both gamble box ships.
    Last years fed pack had 6 more ships (sorry t6 tickets don't count anymore they give them away all the time and long time players that may spend $200 on items for a decade old game already own any T6 ship they really wanted)
    Last years fed pack also had multiple ships that where gamble box.

    This pack has FOUR ships... 2 fed 2 KDF. There is a very good chance people looking for fed ships don't care about the KDF ships at all... and most die hard KDF players don't care about the fed ships. So Cryptic split demand in half right there.

    On top of all that most players find the layouts and choices made on these ships to be worse then just flying T6X versions, which any fan of any of these ships already has. The traits are also not stand out must haves. None of the traits in this bundle will be come meta... or even popular in a month. People still buy 5 year old lockbox ships for nothing but the trait on the ship.

    Long and short this pack doesn't really bring any real value. It a skippable pack... and I have to believe most people are doing just that.

    For myself I'll hold whatever zen I have, or may buy for perhaps the next Mudds 3 pack. I didn't buy the last carrier one cause frankly I wouldn't fly any of those things and none of them have traits or consoles that would be nice to unlock for my alts. But who knows the next pack may have a few of the old lockbox ships worth having unlocked.

    FWIW if Cryptic wanted to seriously sell this pack it would have included both the D7 AND the D4x. With both of those ships it still would have been a worse value compared to last years pack... but I believe most of could have justified that. It seems like Cryptic is slowly moving all the gamble stuff to the zstore as a leg version or to mudds as a direct copy paste unlock. So why they would hold the KDF aligned gamble box ships out of the year of the KDF leg pack is mind boggling to me. I can't see them adding them to mudds... unless they are planning to do smaller 1 ship packs for them later. In which case all I can say is there getting a little to greedy for my liking. I think they know they have the hardcore KDF players well in hand so why not milk them.
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