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Vor'cha vs Kamarag

colonelmarikcolonelmarik Member Posts: 2,235 Arc User
So, I have the tier 5 Vor'cha retrofit, and I have the tier 5 Kamarag retrofit. I like the Vor'cha, because it's a canon ship, and in my character's backstory, he commanded such a ship (The Heart of Honour), during the era of The Next Generation and the Deep Space 9. By the time of the Dominion War, he was commanding a K'tinga, and the Kamrag is meant to represent that ship, since I only have the tier 3 K'tinga.

However, I'm finding something very odd.

When I play the Vor'cha, it gets completely chewed up by almost everything it encounters, and it turns like a bus carrying a load of cows. On the other hand, when I play the Kamarag, using the EXACT same equipment and armament, it performs FAR better. The Kamarag absorbs damage better, and does more damage.

Now, there are a couple of statistical differences, according to the wiki. The Vor'cha has slightly more health, and has a LtCdr Engineer slot, where the Kamarag has a LtCdr Science slot. The Kamarag is also very slightly more manueverable, having a turn rating of 10.5 compared to the Vor'cha's 10.

So... my question is, why would the two ships perform SO differently? They're equipped identically, and crewed almost identically. Same traits, same everything. Why does the Vor'cha underperform so badly?

Has anyone else experienced this?
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    What's your boff layouts? Chances are that's the big difference. Like just slotting gravwell on the Kamarag makes killing stuff a whole lot easier.
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  • foxrockssocksfoxrockssocks Member Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    Well, the easy answer is you're imagining it. A turn rate difference would be magnified by any turn rate consoles or other abilities, but its still not big enough to realistically matter between the two ships. And their survivability stats are largely identical.

    So assuming you're talking about fighting the same enemies in the same content, you're basically imagining it is the only reasonable answer.
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  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    1.) Cheers on the Kamarag Retro, it's definitely one of the rarer ships in the game(I enjoyed using it back in the day before I got my T5 Tac Bortasqu).

    2.) This definitely sounds like a case of Placibo Effect. I know I personally love the 'floatiness' of the Vorcha Chassis's inertia in the game. I find it has a very satisfying way of swinging around it's forward firing arcs with cannons.

    3.) The T6 Vor'ral is a an excellent ship if you like that TNG style; same flight characteristics as the Vor'cha/Tor'kaht; Fleet version has 4 tac consoles. The Trait it comes with is excellent as well - probably one of my favorite 'tank' traits in the game. It's console is pretty wild with a +50% firing haste on activation(basically a Cannons: Rapid Fire rate of speed for all your weapons).

    Outside of some hidden bugs under the hood, the ONLY potentially valid points I could see is if the weapon hardpoints are significantly more distributed on the Kamarag(larger effective firing arcs) and/or if the Vor'cha hitbox is larger(catches ship explosions/Anomalies easier).

    This might sound dumb, but are you using the Attack power configuration on the Vor'cha? That's about the only thing that comes to mind to explain the damage difference you're reporting without actually seeing things in action/better detail.
  • gaalomgaalom Member Posts: 531 Arc User
    So the turn problem can be solved with the vor'cha. I fly a tier six Negh'var and it makes skid marks all the time, because I am able to turn with it as I need to. Your going to need fleet consoles, the engineering ones have a turn rate bonus. Second in your skill points your going try to want to pick up the skills that have to do with engine power levels, and enhancing your speeds/turn rate. Be careful not to go overboard, it is a delicate balance. On your bridge officer abilities the Inertia dampeners helps with the turn rate too on bridge officer abilities. There is also some ship console combos that help with this, but Ive been collecting for many years, so I do not want you to be discouraged. As a result I will not mention them. EPS power flow transfer is also important. As if you find yourself in a pinch this will allow you to enhance your engines, weapons, or shield power levels rather quickly.

    My Negh'var uses Dual heavy cannons, its possible. When you look at a ship you have look at its inertia as well as its turn rate. Just keep that in mind. As for blowing up and difficulty. Back in the day difficult actually meant something because the regular bridge officer abilities had not yet been nerfed into oblivion. These days its not the same. Stay clear of Elite unless you have maxed out MK XV gold gear. Its not you, it just what its designed for. Advanced if your in the in between of MK XV gold gear and some purple gear. Normal if your fresh. Speaking of max level of course.

    As for flying keep in mind your weapons have max damage range. The further you are away the less damage your energy weapons will do. Lastly remember to stack things. Your traits, your skills, your consoles, so your fighting in one single direction. Each buffing up the other. Example I use reverse shield polarity explosion, because my ship carries a field nullifier that does damage to ships in the area. I also use exotic particle damage in skills. So I can combine the activation of the field with the RSP explosion at the same time for maximum effect.

    I hope this helps. Its hard to put all this together without missing something important.
  • foppotee#4552 foppotee Member Posts: 1,704 Arc User
    I'm sure that Vor'cha is the favorite & it is a good ship but I've always liked that Kamarag's design & for the too brief of time is made sense to pilot it I enjoyed the feel of going into battle using it. I'd like a T6 Kamarag, I know there's that Kamarag Retrofit for low-tier 5, or at least the Kamarag skin option for a T6 ship.
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