Hi Trekkies,
Please take a look at my setup. Maybe u have some tips what I can improve or do better.
I'm an ENGINEER and have the 10th annual shipyard +Arbiter+Neandra+Ghemor
Additional info: my reputation with all factions is still very low. Max level is 4. Getting to 5 this week.
EC or Dil is not a problem. Fleet credits is a problem. Please be patient with me and consider I need every info in detail cause some things I still havent figured out and if you reply with too quick or short answers I might not be able to follow you.
Also I might not know every abbreviation by hard yet.
Thanks a lot for your effort and time!
Of course that site is not perfect, but it lets people see all the stuff you've slotted because trying to recognize them with only the icon is not realistic for most people.
In any case, what I see from your equipment is that its mostly fine. There are definite improvements you can make, but they aren't going to make a big difference.
You should replace the turret with another omni. I think that is the trilithium turret? Use the omni instead. One set omni, one crafted or box omni, that is the limit.
And once you get your reputations finished, there are other pieces you should look at. The set phaser from the terran rep, maybe the omni and console from the gamma rep, and the console from the disco rep are all good options out of reputations.
I'm not sure what all of your ship equipment items are. It looks like the Bajoran set shield but no other parts from the set? Get another one for a little bonus to phaser damage, engines are probably the best option there. I think you're using the mycelial core too? Well pair that with the deflector to get a very good defensive bonus.
Consoles are so many I don't quite recognize so I can't figure out where you might want to go not knowing what you have. However like I said, the disco rep console and the gamma rep consoles are two you should look at. I'd also look at grabbing a conductive RCS, as that ship turns like a slug and you don't seem to have much to help it. Competitive rep engines may be worth a look instead, for that purpose.
For your weapons, though, it may be better advised to not bother with omnis or those basic phasers and instead just use all the advanced phasers you can, maybe with the torpedo and probably with the terran rep phaser, due to the fact that they give a stacking buff the more you have. Of course that also depends on your crit rate to get the most out of it.
Traits I won't comment on because I don't know them by icons.
Boffs are okay. You should use EPTW 3, though, and basically move your ET 2 and Aux to SIF 2 down a slot. I'd also probably replace the polarize hull with photonic officer 2. Then you could change that second engineering team to emergency power to shields and use polarize hull 1 instead of science team when that seems to be necessary, and your second FAW could be a BO or kemocite laced weapons.
Overall though, its not bad. You shouldn't be having any major problems with that setup.
While I also tried to put in my stuff in that skillplaner....this planers doesnt recognize my ship or my engineering kit.
Legendary Temporal Flight-Deck Carrier is not in the listing there.
I mean I put all consoles with their names in the doc sheet. Maybe this will be sufficient!?
The consoles I chose are there as I think they are the best I have so far, there is no real purpose behind it why they are sloted really.
If I put in the console u mentioned ( I have it already ), the 2pc bonus would be:
5% Firing Cycle Hase for Energy Weapons
+15 Flight Speed
????? Is that really worth an dps increase?
The only consoles that dont give damage so far and I consider swapping for that are as following: (3)
(1) House Martok: +10% Max Hit Point, +5 Shield Power Setting, +5 Engone ect.
(2) Reinforced Squadrons
(3) Polaric Modulator
Which one should I sawp for another?
Those are the others which I find are pretty ok, if you know any better, I am open for suggestions.
The Proton Charge and Auxiliary Ejection give a 2pc bonus of 25% Phaser Damage
The Quantum Phase Converter gives 23,8% Phaser damage alone and its 2pc gives +15 accuracy
The Interphasic Instability gives +5% Damage and 7.5% Hull Damage
I am sorry, what exact "weapon" should I get instead of the turret now?
2) Ok sorry I got confused because u saying I should get the Omni from the mission Beyond the Nexus, but I already have that equipped in the very left rear. So I can only put in another Omni that comes either from a Lootbox or is not a set-bonus omni.
and now I am considering buying one from exchange.
Or what if I take a https://sto.gamepedia.com/Lorca's_Ambition#Wide_Angle_Dual_Heavy_Beam_Bank
to get the 2pc bonus from my front torpedo. I only have this torpedo cause I am speculating on Lorcas' Custom Fire Controls I will get at Level 5 reputation in a couple of days.
Bought Approaching Agony and Deconstructive Resonance Emitter, each ~8M EC.
DOMINO is a different thing, cause I can only get that with getting an epic phoenix token and I dont want to waste all my dill on boxes right now to get that one console. I hope I will get that naturally next update weekend!
What exactly means "+25% Phaser Damage for Directed Energy Weapons" - does that mean cannons only?
DEWs are cannon or beam.
Do you have a fleet, mate? Try to get tactical consoles from either the fleet spire, or the colony world.
They offer the same phaser dmg bonus, but in addition have increased crit chance (spire), or can trigger a self heal and have a little projectile dmg bonus as well (colony).
That's what immediately caught my eye. Sorry if it has been mentioned before, but I didn't see it.