Might we use this juncture to unlock the single stalker fighters so they can be used on other ships? Maybe some of the other newly squadron-ed ships too?
"..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino
As is, having access to stalker fighters is the only things that makes the new Fed carrier unique, and we have already seen people complaining that the new Fed carrier isn't unique enough. Taking away their monopoly on the only cloaking fighter might drive some of them insane.
No, no. You miss understand. I'm not suggesting the Stalker Squadron (36 max per bay) be made universal, I'm suggesting the older [Hangar - Stalker Fighters] (6 max per bay) be made universal. I have the older one, but with the squadron they're outmoded, but none the less can't be used on anything but a Caitian carrrier. Similarly, the older style klingon B'Rotlh, and Qaw'Dun Birds-of-Prey can be made universal.
Post edited by blitzy4 on
"..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino
From what I hear, the new squadron fighters are no better than the originals. That being said, I see no reason to limit the stalkers to Caitian ships. I also see no reason why scorpion fighters don't have a battle cloak. Cryptic and logic mix about as well as oil and water.