I noticed something oddOn two of my S'Golths/S'Ateths, when running the Temporal Defense 2 Pc (Deflector/Impulse) I got this very nice "Miniature Iconian Gate" effect as such:
But yesterday I got a set for my main character, and instead it shows:
Now I had always thought skins/visuals for shields and engine were the sme regard less of ship, Mark, etc... But the only difference between the two is "With gates" is Mk XIV UR, and "Without gates" Is Mk XII VR. Does the visual of the TD Impulse engine change when it goes to UR, or is something else going on? Any help would be appreciated, I love those gate visuals.
Both shps have a spire plasma integrated warp core. "With gates" has an Iconian shield and Gamma vanity shield on visual, "Without gates" has the Jemmie shield.
Maybe that's what's going on here?