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KDF/FED Teaming

asphyxiaactualasphyxiaactual Member Posts: 24 Arc User
I have friends who prefer playing as FED where as I like to switch between the two, yet when I'm on my KDF I can't play with them...

Given the current endgame content is it not about time we're able to team up with captains of other factions for queuing into TFOs etc?

I presume there's no clever way of being able to do this?
We Are The Borg. Lower Your Shields And Surrender Your Ships. Your Technological And Biological Distinctiveness Will Be Added To Our Own. You Will Adapt Yourself To Service The Collective. Our Survival Is Your Survival. You Will Be Assimilated. Resistance Is Futile.


  • spiritbornspiritborn Member Posts: 4,359 Arc User
    westmetals wrote: »
    I believe it is already possible to do a private TFO with both factions, but you would have to have all five players.

    It is possible and has been for as long as I can remember. That it is correct that you need 5 or 10 members (depending on the TFO) to launch but if you have those it doesn't matter if you're FED or KDF (it doesn't allow pre-allied roms and jemmies nor 23c (aka AoY and AoD) characters who haven't joined "modern" time).
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    I figure this alliance battlecruiser and those blogs are just part of the bigger task at hand to rolling us into one big happy alliance as one faction. Hopefully too after that is accomplished that we get a re-work of battlezones removal of people just spawn camping and more combat based instead of pressing F and waiting 5 minutes.
  • qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    I have been following a lot of these discussions too. When I read the Joint Fleet Service message I too took it to indicate an intention towards sharing locked faction content or a new reputation system.

    I think a dedicated poll or thread would be a better way to talk about this. But from what I have read from here and other forums it seems that...

    1) Thomas Marrone the ship designer said in a priority one or something that the anniversary ship was a one-off ship unless there is a lot of interest in more. I do not have the source, I saw it written on Reddit.

    2) The argument at the time of the Romulan expansion was that a two-faction system is too hard-wired into the game to work around. And these types of questions tend to reproduce that argument.

    3) A considerable portion of the KDF-only players already feel slighted by the lack of attention to the KDF—those players tend to get defensive about things that would mitigate their content or give their benefits to other players.

    I doubt really that anything is impossible and imagine Cryptic may come back to this Joint Fleet concept. But it seems like they are working on other projects right now.

    What did you make of the Khitomer announcement Trill? I would be interested in hearing your opinions.
  • gaalomgaalom Member Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    I took this thread as trolling at first, but I suppose it works different when doing pugs, as opposed to a friends list. The teaming for stfs does not bother me, as kdf and fed captains on pugs have been doing stfs together for a very long time now. As for rolling the KDF into the FED over my cold dead Klingon corpse, of course the devs could care less what I have to say, but I think you Feds and your Idea of a grand alliance need to knock this **** off. Let me explain why.

    The Fed player base wanted carriers. The devs gave it to you.
    The Fed player based wanted more cloaks. The devs gave it to you.
    The Fed player base wanted universal bridge officer slots. The devs gave it to you.
    These are only three of the things of seen over the years go this way.

    On the KDF side we are still waiting for a tier 6 bird of prey that looks Klingon for this era, that is not made out of paper. Dont get me wrong ive managed to get the Kor working to an extent but only because of my Hegh'Ta days going way back.

    The KDF does not have much by comparison. Is this on purpose or because of a bruised devs ego, or because the KDF does not offer enough demand and produce enough money, I do not know. I have zero interest none at seeing the KDF merged into Federation. Especially at Fleet level.

    This is the opinion of one who's main is a Klingon toon, created long before there was a complete list of episodic content for the KDF.
  • qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited March 2020
    gaalom wrote: »
    I took this thread as trolling at first, but I suppose it works different when doing pugs, as opposed to a friends list. The teaming for stfs does not bother me, as kdf and fed captains on pugs have been doing stfs together for a very long time now. As for rolling the KDF into the FED over my cold dead Klingon corpse, of course the devs could care less what I have to say, but I think you Feds and your Idea of a grand alliance need to knock this **** off. Let me explain why.

    The Fed player base wanted carriers. The devs gave it to you.
    The Fed player based wanted more cloaks. The devs gave it to you.
    The Fed player base wanted universal bridge officer slots. The devs gave it to you.
    These are only three of the things of seen over the years go this way.

    On the KDF side we are still waiting for a tier 6 bird of prey that looks Klingon for this era, that is not made out of paper. Dont get me wrong ive managed to get the Kor working to an extent but only because of my Hegh'Ta days going way back.

    The KDF does not have much by comparison. Is this on purpose or because of a bruised devs ego, or because the KDF does not offer enough demand and produce enough money, I do not know. I have zero interest none at seeing the KDF merged into Federation. Especially at Fleet level.

    This is the opinion of one who's main is a Klingon toon, created long before there was a complete list of episodic content for the KDF.

    My main is KDF too, started at level 34 in the early days of FTP. And I dig that you want to keep the faction unique...

    Here is some good news according to a recent Priority One:

    Season Twenty[4]
    Continuation of the J'Ula story arc
    Graphical revamp of a lot of old Klingon assets such as maps, and improvements to much of the Klingon faction content

    And the Al Rivera podcast. I haven't heard it yet. Will probably listen to it tomorrow when my wife is at work.


    I also agree that the KDF has really been neglected. And of course the argument is that there are fewer KDF players, which is a sad argument in my opinion because Klingons are tough as nails, and we need more KDF content.

    I do not mean to troll. And I am sorry if I upset you! My KDF characters feels pretty maxed out and there is not a lot new stuff for them to do. I think creating joint assets may be a way to encourage more KDF players or participation. But it may not too...

    And yeah I would like a BOP that is a little more sturdy too.
  • gaalomgaalom Member Posts: 531 Arc User
    Its not so much upset as much as I get tired of people trying to merge the KDF into the Federation. They are completely different. In the end my opinion is just one opinion, and the devs will do what the devs want to do. Although that part about Q'onoS caught my ear. The original courtyard for the game was one of the best things the KDF had. The new chambers and first city was better then the original. Maybe they will add the courtyard experience again.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    I am against a merger as well. I love how people who happen to have a couple kdf toons think they are KDF.. but the writing has been on the wall every since LoR. I just refuse to surrender.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    I joined the game when a player had to level a Fed char to 25 to unlock Klingon content. So I worked a Rigellian ENG to 26 and then created my first Klingon.

    I never looked back. Or wasted time thinking about what might have been. I was highly enthused when The Year of Klingon was announced. I have been pleased with what warriors of the Empire have been given so far.

    I still have Crell@thunderfoot1007. All of the Fed chars I made back then are long since deleted and forgotten. I have since made Fed chars and I have a KDF aligned Rommie ENG whom I really enjoy playing. But Crell was and remains something special.

    He has a complete KDF Honor Guard ground set which was earned by turning in Encrypted Data Chips to CDR Roxie on the original DS9 map. I never get tired of hearing that grenade launcher cough and the ting ting ting of the expended shell casing hitting the deck shortly afterwards. He has or has used every single bat'leth available in the game. I've spent hours working on the best combination of moves with it to drop Elite Tactical Drones with one or two strokes. And of course I've spent a bunch of RL cash to get him the best of everything tlhIngan and then optimizing it so he is effective and efficient in any TFO played on any level.

    I purchased every single one of the Mirror Universe KDF ships. Some I still enjoy using. Others were bought simply for the KDF Mirror universe skin. Which is still both pretty and distinctive after all these years. And Crell now has, and will always have, at least one ship named, "Ratlh tlhIngan (Remain Klingon)", since the advent of ST:DSC

    T'Kuvma was correct, after all.

    Whatever direction the game takes, Crell jev tuq will remain a loyal son of the Empire.
    "yo' yay ben law' batlhmey je. HeghDI' ghoS, reH ratlh batlh."
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    By the beard of Kahless, this previous post might as well been written by me! :o
    It's like someone watched what I was doing with my main, Bahn, and recorded it for posterity and to share on the forum. :D

    You, Sir, are a true warrior of the Klingon Empire and it has always been an honor to serve with the likes of you on the KDF side of STO at any given time.
  • desilu#4957 desilu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    Personally I think they should allow cross faction teaming. However with some strict requirements:

    1. Players in both factions should have completed the Solonae Dyson Sphere story arc to open cross faction teaming. (to coincide with the events of the arc and the ending of Fed/KDF war).
    2. Story missions from Delta Quadrant to current should be open to cross-faction team play.
    3. Story missions from player intro through Solonae Dyson Sphere should remain barred from cross-faction teamplay. (As war is present between the Feds and KDF).
    4. This does not affect the current settings of TFOs, which allow for cross faction teaming anyway.
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  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    Everything from LFG, chat channels, Fleet content(Fleet Actions, Fleet Alerts, etc), Battlezones and so forth all this stuff is extremely out of date and some of it past the initial launch of the game and most of this being implemented so far back to season 5 and 6 is where most of this content came out that its long overdue for an overhaul. Especially battlezones that do not need interact garbage when you can just make it an ACTUAL battlezone and not just something waiting to be attack but enemies that are also on the offense and sometimes on defense.
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