[Mission] Acquired mission: Assimilation Complete
[Mission] "Assimilation Complete" complete!
How do I complete this these days after Battle Group Omega is gone? The Wiki tells me I can reclaim the BOff in the dilithium store, but the option is grayed out. Or do I need an empty BOff slot for this?
Thanks in advance for any help!
You can reclaim the Borg Science Officer in the Dilitihum store, if the option is greyed out you already have the Science Officer active or in your roster.
However there is no way to complete or drop the mission, best you can do is hide it.
Good to know, thanks. But if I ever get there, I won't hide it, I still have the Junior Appreciation Officer Event "Reinforcement"-mission that promised the unique Romulan DOff active on all my Romulans old enough to get it.