If this is my biggest problem I’m doing pretty good. I try and make each of my alts use a different build. I don’t want to play the same on each character. That being said, on my eng, i have tried to make into a torps boat. I have several doff boosting torps and my stats have maxed dps. He flies a odyssey with phaser beams. All my consoles boost torps or phasers.
I have tried several different torps but the phasers are blowing everything up before the torps even gets there. What are the fastest torps for speed and cool down?
The torps are only useful right now with boss battles. I just have to find targets with enough hit points to stay alive. I like the damage my torps are doing. I unloaded a spread3 on a grav well in a TFO and it was a firestorm of explosions.
Outside of targetable torps(there are several ways to improve their speed), there isn't much you can do to improve the payload delivery time outside of closing the actual distance to the targets before firing.
Aside from that, the suggestion I'll make is use the Romulan Hyperplasma torpedo. While it is a slower, destructible torpedo, if you blow up your target, the torpedoes will find a new one. You can also improve the speed of desctructible torpedoes with a few things, but they are always slower than normal torpedoes.