I've been playing Star Trek Online for about 10 years now on and off (since beta) and I've been a part of fleets but mostly I've been playing solo due to life.
17 months ago, our son came into our lives. He was a little early however he fought hard from day 1 and was home with us after only 2 weeks in ICU. He changed our lives.
3 months later during a routine checkup, we were informed that since his previous one 2 weeks ago, he had lost most of his sight. 3 months of tests later and we found out that he is the youngest person in the world with Revesz Syndrome. In that time, his bone marrow failed and we were hoping a transplant would give us 15 or 20 years with him. In October, we were told that he would not survive the transplant due to other complications arising. At that time we were given 6 months with him.
5 months on, and Sionnach (Fox) is still fighting. He's currently in the Children's Hospital asleep with his mama. He picked up a minor infection and that means at least a week in hospital receiving antibiotics and transfusions as well as painkillers to keep him stable. Due to the outbreak of Corona Virus, the hospital has a 1 parent visitor at a time policy. I'm not allowed to stay with them. I don't drink and I could be called to be at the hospital at a moments notice.
I'm effectively in quarantine, and have been so for the past 9 months.
I'm playing Star Trek Online alone at home at night because I miss them. I only have 2-3 real world friends who play so meeting up with them between hospital visits in game is hard.
I suppose what I'm asking is that if you see me out there in the Galaxy, give me a wave or a high five. I'm not looking for shoulders to cry on, just a little smile or a nod every now and then.
I'm in Ireland so GMT. I've been known to be around later on stressful days.
Thank you for reading this and for being a brilliant community.
I read up on the disease. Dr. Royal Rife invented a machine in the 1930's that treats illnesses and cancers. It uses radio frequencies to destroy cancer cells and genetically damaged cells. The Rife machine works my little brother just used it to beat several types of stage four cancers. You might also want to check with doctors in Israel they have the most amazing medical doctors in the world. My heart is breaking 💔 for you and your family. I can't even begin to imagine how you feel. You are in our thoughts and prayers 🙏. You are not alone...
Thank you.
"I'm not Picard" - Sisko
You see Fleet Admiral Rowena@echatty or Jhanell@jhanell#0859 out there, give us a shout.
"I'm not Picard" - Sisko