I have a DSC character at level 55 and had ran out of the normal missions for duty officers. I my staff just that bad, at 26, so I think i am missing some packs. the rest at this level have 49-50. I can still do assignments from BOff but no missions are available or with met requirements.
You'll get your last doff pack for free at about level 64, but it's often worth while to purchase a small number of green or blue doffs with some of the right characteristics (and none of the wrong ones) for common missions such as Diplomacy: Entertain Foreign Dignitaries or Third Party Peace Talks. I usually need a bartender, entertainer, chef, and security officer. Peaceful and tactful good, aggressive and unruly bad.
One of the best things you can do is go to Starfleet Academy on a regular basis and see the Personnel Officer by Lt Ferra as well as the two cultural exchange officers behind the same building (Andorian and Tellarite) and the Vulcan in the courtyard. These missions will help you doff for more doffs to expand your roster as they reward doffs. You can always sell extra whites on the exchange. There's also missions in sector space and in the nebulas that reward doffs as well as and doffs rewarded after you complete each rank from Lt Ferra. Be sure to check your department heads while flying around in sector space, and keep an eye out for Cryptic's Junior Officer Appreciation weekend event.
As you fill out your roster with a wider variety of doffs, more missions will come up with met requirements and doffing becomes much better ^^
Also what missions you have avaible depends on where you are located at least in the quadrant level, so switching quadrants should provide you with new missions. You should remember that you don't have to fill all the traits in the missions UI just enough that you got a reasonble chance of success, what is reasonble chance depends on the mission but it's always less then 100% demanded.
You can see other missions but don't have the doffs available for the completion of the missions.
If you only have 26 doffs you are just getting started
See my post above for missions at Starfleet Academy that award doffs (and other suggestions) so that you can expand your doff roster and their quality to allow you to do more doff missions with a higher chance of success.
If you go to your bridge and find the person or console to "contact duty officers" you can also sometimes get the Espionage mission to "Instigate Defection" which rewards a doff.
Refugees can be used for recruitment missions, Sol space + Earth Spacedock (Fed) and First City (KDF) have them often, and there are other locations for recruiting in sector space.
In the Alpha quadrant you can exchange a prisoner for the chance at a doff.
Once in a while there are "duty officer recruitment" weekends where you can play a mini-game to get doffs.
There was a way to get all the borg doffs but no idea if it is still available. So check out the wiki and hunt them down. Also as a tip its really good for dilithium farming to farm around the badlands in the cardassia sector.