I'm looking to get myself a T6 fleet ship for my Tactical Romulan-Fed allied character. Here's the specs for what kind of ship I'm looking for:
Nimble/decent turn rate like an escort or destroyer so nothing like a Dreadnought/Cruiser
Must be able to equip dual cannons
No KDF, C-Store, or Exchange ships must be from Fleet only
Must have commander tactical station
Must have at least 4 tactical console slots
So far I've looked through many of the fleet ships and the Fleet Recon Destroyer is my best option, the only downside to it is that it only has 4 forward weapons while I'm wanting 5. It's not a requirement to have 5 fore weapons but it is preferred so wondering if anybody can point me towards a fleet ship that meets my specs and has 5 fore weapons, or at least a better option than the Fleet Recon Destroyer.
The closest you can get is the Pilot Ships which are C-Store only. Ships with 5 forward weapons and a commander tactical are not easy to come by, there are only a handful in the entire game.
Not a deal breaker, Critical Severity is pretty easy to boost. Both of them have the 2.5% Critical Chance which is far more important.
The closest you will find to what you're looking for is the Fleet Shepard Miracle Worker Battlecruier.
It doesn't have the turn rate you want, but you can make up for that with the Prevailing Fortified Impulse Engines.
You're missing the Commander Tactical but obviously you're not going to get everything on your list. If you're just looking for the best DPS Fleet Ship, this is it. You're not going to get a higher DPS potential out of any other ship in the game without going to a Lockbox.
The Shepard and the Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship are the top DPS ships from the store but the Vanguard does not have a fleet version. The only thing with higher DPS is the Vaadwaur Juggernaut which is a lock box ship.