This is my first time playing after about 4 or 5 years. Level 65 character with T6 ships. It seems like nothing I do to my ship's build changes and it is becoming frustrating. I just want to be able to play episodes on normal difficulty without blowing up all the time. So what I need is information that will describe a set of equipment, weapons, bridge officer skills, and a "how to play" guide for a Federation T6 Cruiser so I won't blow up any more. ;-)
Right now I am level 65, in a new ship - Oddesy T6 Tactical Star Cruiser. I have 6 Mark XI [Acc] Tetryon beams (3 fore, 3 aft) and 2 regular mark X photon torpedoes.
My consoles are field emitter mk XIII, booster modulator mk XII, Field emmiter mk Xii, diburnium hull plating mk Xii, nanite reinforced curcuitry mk x, emitter array mk x, universal transwarp computer, universal flagship tactical computer, Tetryon pulse generator Mk XIII (x3)
My Bridge Officers have Emergency power to shields I and II, reverse Shield polarity III, Tactical Team I, beams fire at will I, Beams overload II, attack pattern beta II, Engineering team I, emergency power to weapons I and II, aceton beam III, Polarize hull I, science team II.
shields: covariant shield array mk xi [cap]x2,
warp: field stabaliuzing warp core mk xi [secspd][sss]
impulse: Jem'hadar combat impulse engines mk xi (very rare)
deflector: deflector array mk X
I am not sure what that is. I'm just doing episodes. The only season open to me without replaying content is Cardassian Struggle. I managed to get through Spoils of war, and Jabberwocky, and it took me a few hours to get through The Factory . Now I am stuck on The New Link because I am no match for any single ship. And now it's camping my respawn. o_O
It's all Vulcan to me. No idea about any of this. I have 14k zen credits, I have no attachments to ships other than Federation ships and I like them to look like the Constitution ships. ;-) It looks like I have 48k dilithium.
does this work for any ship I buy from the C-store? I always thought if I dismissed a ship I'd loose it, so I never did it.
That's a nice looking ship. I think I mist have misunderstood something I read... for some reason I bought the Odyssey T6 bundle instead of the battlecruiser bundle.. I think I was thinking a tactical cruiser was a battlecruiser... but I just read up on the Arbiter on gamepedia, and that sounds like an awesome ship..
So my next field of research is going to be - what is the different between Operations, Science, and tactical ships..
On a side note, I wish there was a way to filter the C-Store to see just the bundles. The names get lost in the list of ships.
1. 430,835 ec is too little to upgrade anything. You should do Tour the Galaxy to build up the ec. It does not matter if you do not finish it any progress will get you ec. No combat involved just travel.
2. The reason your are dying is that your gear should be XII (very rare) and above. Looking at your ship spec it a mess and the best value for gear are mission rewards. However you cannot do mission rewards since you are too weak so you need to get some sort of temp gear that you can do past mission to get gear.
3. If you join a fleet, you can buy fleet gear, Convert some zen to dil. Then you have to gather fleet marks. Then get Elite Fleet Protomatter Deflector and Elite Fleet Channeling Covariant Shields. Those are top quality gear. Once you have the gear to do missions go get mission weapons. After that update your warp core and impulse engine from missions. Later you can choose other core and engine according to your play style.
4. As soon as you can buy personal Trait: Ablative Shell from the exchange.
5. Keep universal flagship tactical computer. The fire cycle haste is very useful. Take the other ships console from the bundle and make a set from it.
6. Later make sure your weapons type's are the same energy type when you get from mission set. If you decide to go with Quantum Phase Catalysts set it a phaser type . Therefore all the mission set you get should be phaser type.
7. Are you Tac, sci or eng? Need to know to sort out the personal trait. Skill Tree?
8. Change Emergency power to shields II to reverse Shield polarity II, Beams fire at will I to III, Aceton beam III to Directed Energy Modulation.
If you want to get ec quick and do not care about spending zen. Buy the 20 keys pack with the ultimate upgrade. Then sell the keys for ec.
Edited: Just notice your last mission done is the factory. It's probably easier to restart a new toon and try not to level fast so that you can use mission gear. You have so far only completed less than 1/5 of the storylines. Do not delete this toon later when you have the ec you can upgrade this toon. You also need a toon to keep your zen.
Where are you able to see that? I 've been looking for a place to share my character so I'm not doing so much typing. ;-)
Thank you for the link to Tour the Galaxy. That's a great one for EC.
I was invited to a fleet, and a could of guys there gave me some upgraded weapons and equipment. We ran a few team events (Romulan Mines). I feel like as link as enemies are not shooting at me I'm OK, but I blow up pretty quickly. I just can't understand why Cryptic made this so hard. They should have an easy mode for people like me who just want to watch some Trek. ;-)
At any rate, it sounds like a lot of grinding before I can even begin to enjoy the game. Starting over doesn't sound like fun to me as I don't like repeating content. I wish I could change my level back to 60, or 50 and just keep playing.
Thank you for the tips on bridge officer skills. I have no clue what to do. As for the skill tree, I've done it twice now. I just don't know if I should spend points in weapons or shields. I bought the Arbiter ship because I thought it would do more damage - I see other players swoop in and blow up enemies in 1 to 2 seconds, as it take me that long to blow up.
Anyways, thank you for your advice, I'll try those BO abilities you recommended. \\//,
I read that from one of your post. The easiest way to show your character is to take a picture.
I do not think Cryptic meant it to be hard. All factions will end up playing some of the mission at different level so Cryptic made it that the enemy match the level you are at. It just most players do not realize that the higher you level the more difficult the enemy.
For the skill tree it depends on your playing style. I was going to recommend the basic survival and damage skills but since you have joined a fleet you should be getting good advice and help there. It better not to make any changes to skill for now until you know your play style.
Arbiter is a good ship. No matter how good is the ship if you do not have the right gear it would be useless.
Is your character a tactical, science or engineer? Personal traits makes a difference. There are a bit different for each career path.
There not much work to be done if you just want to play mission. It a lot of work and can be expensive you if want to be a strong dps player. It's just you need to know what work you need to do.
I can only see Bridge packs and Starter Packs but no Ship Packs.