(Forgive the grammer an spelling errors, dyslexsic using wordpad to type..but I hope you like the basic concept of it )
Star Trek Imperial Commando
"Shuttle Tavnik One, you are cleared to launch" was the announcement that rang over he shuttle comlink, Centurian Vollana nodded to her pilot, "Launch, and go to warp as soon as we are clear" she turned around the the eight passengers seated as attention. Vollana was not just any Romulan, neither was anyone on the shuttle, they were Imperial Commandos, the best at what they do. every one of them was handpicked, as were commando units all acros the Empire, picked to do the most daring and dangerous of tasks, Vollana was not just one of the best, she loved her job and prided herself on her work, she surveyed the faces looking back at her and starts "We do not have much time, the Warbird Kroza was attacked by a Klingon raiding party and we suspect some of the crew were taken hostage, including a high ranking member of the Tal Shiar, we tracked the implant she was wearing to our destination." she saw the looks on the commandos faces, the Tal Shiar were not liked by the more combat orientated commandos "We are to go and ensure the Klingons do not get any use out of any information the opertive may or may not have given, and to rescue any other crew they may have taken, I want this operation to go smoothly, we may be rescuing a spook, but she is still Romulan, am I understood?" a muttered reply was given by the others "I said am I understood?" she said with a sharpness to her voice the aknowledgement was louder and more clearer, she note that they were nervous, most of the squad was inexperienced and this would be a tough test "The IRW Tavnik will be at the border to render assistance if we need it, but I have confidence we will not" just then the pilot announcd "we are clear of the Tavnik and ready for warp" Vollana sat in the co-pilots seat and gave a curt nod of readiness, the pilot activated the warp engines...
An hour later the shuttle lay adrift in Klingon space, power levels low, distress beacon active "Picking up a ship, B'rel class bird of prey, twelve lifesigns, they have picked up our call and moving in" said the Pilot, whose name was Tavon. one of the rookies, the squad medtech Rekar paced up and down the shuttle, "This is too dangerous, we should try and get out of here" Vollana was unmoved, The Klingon ship came into full view Tavon turned in his seat, "They have ordered our surrender, orders?" Vollana smiled "is their shield down?" he nodded an affirmitive "Good she said "Everyone get ready, Tavon, initiate beam out protocall Vollana One"...
The Klingon Captain was getting impatient, why was the Romulan Peta'q not responding to the hail, surely they knew a shuttle, especially one as disabled as this one could not match them for firepower, he turned to his first officer "Lower the shelds and beam them into the brig" the first officer stared at him "why not just kill them and be done with it?" the Captain slammed his hand down on the armrest of is chair "Because we need to know why they are this far into Klingon territory but by Kathless I promise you, when we find out what we need to know, you will have your wish" The first officer sneered, and lowered the shield, but before he could activate the transporters three transporter beams appeaed behind them...
Tavon shot two bridge officers with his disrupter before anyone reacted, Vollana and one of her more experienced commandos Korel took out the other two, leaving only the captain, he pulled out his Bat'leth "You are no arriors, today is a good day to die" he stared at Vollana with murderous intent. Vollana casually laid her disrupter rifle on the floor "Your right" she said staring back, every word dripping with contempt "Warriors fight for personal gain and for dubious cause, it is always personal glory for you people,I m not a Warrior,I am a soldier, I fight to protect others, I am better than you" with that the Klingon ran at her, Bat'leth raised high, at the last minue, she deftly ducked out of the way and before he could turn around, he unholstered her disruptor pistol and shot him in the head, as the corpse dropped limply to the ground she turned to the other commandos "Typical Klingon, self serving notions of honor, they do not know that is like to truely give themselves to serve others" and she poked the corpse with the toe of her boot, just then her communicator chirped it was one of the other commandos "Sharvik reporting, Engine room secure and we can account for all klingon, the ship is ours" Vollana smiled, the plan was off to a good start
within minutes the bridge was a hive of activity, Rekal walked up to Vollana who was on the captains chair chcking the recent logs of the ship she looked up as Rekar approached "you are wondering why we went to the problem of capturing this ship?" Rekar nodded "It was important, there is no way even cloaked could our shuttle make it to the planet, rescue the prisoners and make it back, plus this gives us the element of suprise, I was also sure the wouldn't just have shot us out of the stars, they would need to know why we were even there, Klngons for all their bluster are as paranoid as any Tal Shiar agent, we were lucky this ship fell for our ruse, a Vor'cha would have been more difficult to commandeer, satisfied Ulhan Rekar" she said using the medtechs rank, Rekar went stiff as if back on a parade ground and aknowledged before going about her duties, Vollana smiled to herself, it hd been a risk yes, but not as big as the risk they were about to take.
K'van son of Luskit slumped in his chair, first he was not allowed to join the force that took the Romuan Warbird by suprise,but now he has been left out of the supervision of the prisoners, instead he was stuck in the main control building on this desolate planet, his screen beeped signifying a ship warping into the area, he gave a frustrated sigh when he saw it was the Bird of Prey D'vat returning from a border patrol, he tried to hide his disappointment when he revcieved a hail from them "D'Vat to control, having a few issues with systems, need to pull into orbit for repairs" no visual, he assumed it was one of the issues they were having, looking over to his supervisor, who was busy sharpening his mek'leth grunted an affirmative at K'van "D'vat, you have permission do you need any assistance?" he asked, "If we need it we will ask" was the the sharp tougned reply, K'van just shrugged and went about his duties
Vollana and a squad beamed down just outside the complex and more importantly out of detection range, they were all carrying Klingon weapons, as Vollana told them i the briefing, it was important that thye leave as little trace of Romulan involvement around as possible. on the way there they had identified the best way into the cell block was through an old sewer system set up when it was just a colony, Sharvik made short work of removing the access cover and they headed inside before anyone seen them, posting two commandos just inside to protect the entrance
After what felt like an hour theynhad reached a junction that Sharviks instruments were telling him was directly below the cell block, they affixed a shaped charge to the ceiling but before activating it Sharvik activated a program on his stolen Klingon tricorder sneding a signal to the bases main computer...
K'van was ready to finish his shift, thinking about if the gagh in the messhall would be fresher than it was yesterday when everything went dark, sabotage!, he grabbed his disrupter and with the other warriors headed to the cell block, it had to be a breakout, it had to be
The charge took out three Klingons in the initial blast, Vollana took out the last personally "Sharvik, take two others and guard the entranceway, Ratak, Korel, with me" they ran to the cell block and started using the manual overrides to open the doors, the first one Vollana opened contained one Romulan, her uniform dirty and torn, her boots scuffed but still maintaining he air of arrogance "you must be Tavina, the Tal Shiar operative" she said dryly, Tavina marched up face to face and said in a commanding tone "Yes and you will get me out of here right now, I have to get to Romulus immediately, do you understand?" Vollana looked her up and down and sneered "understand yes, comply? no, I have a job to do" and with that turned round to help the other commandos with the cell doors
She stormed out the cell after Vollana "What are you doing?" asked Tavina, Vollana gave an annoyed sigh and turned around "We are rescuing the other survivors, but as we need to hurry so if you don't mind leaving us to it" Tavina stopped and saidin her most commanding voice "Leave them, I have information vital to the Empire, their sacrifices will be remembered", Korel raised an eyebrow but said nothing, instead busied himself unolcking the other cells but he could see Vollanas face and she did not look at all pleased
Vollana snapped, with very little effort grabbed Tavina by the collar of her uniform and pinned her with a jolt against the cell wall "Listen here you pathetic Tal Shiar spook" she hissed "People like you talk about loyalty and doing deeds for the greater good of the Empire, telling us to be good loyal subjects, yet you are willing to let these same people die? they and every soldier onboard that Warbird you were on would have given their lives for the Empire, some did give their lives, yet spooks like you doubt and undermine such loyalty with your paranoia and deceit" Tavina went to speak but Vollana kept on, ignoring her "You know nothing of true loyalty and trust, to you these are tools you can use to manipulate the common Romulan to do your bidding. You may think the rest of the crew are not worth rescuing but we will and if you think that I am disloyal for that, well, I don't care."
Back on the bird of prey Taron and Rekar were deep in conversation when Taron noticed something on sensors "Oh no, a Vor'cha class cruiser just entered the system" he moaned, Rekar looked up from her console, "We better inform Vollana" she uttered mournfully
"A cruiser? great just what we need" Vollana said sarcasticly as she checked up on Korel "The last of the prison cells have been unlocked" she looked up and saw a good dozen or so Romulan military personnel, uniforms ripped and disheveled, some of them now gripping weapons taken from the bodies of their Klingon guards. "Better tell Sharvik thats us ready and to rendevous at the beam out co-ordinates" Vollana said as she activated her comms "Sharvik, this is Vollana, we have everyone..." she was cut short "... Klingons got through...overwhelmed.. will try and hold them off.." then static, Vollana turned to Ratak, one of the commandos helping the prisoners "Ratak, take Tovin and help Sharviks team,if they are still there, either way, we need time to get to the beam out area" Ratak nodded gravely, he knew what was being asked, he picked up his weapon and went to find Tovin when three crew, carrying klingon disrupters said "We will help,five will do the job better than three" Ratak looked to Vollana looking for silent approval,she gave a curt nod and he replied as cheerfully as he could "I would be grateful for the help" and off they went
Vollana turned to the remaining crew and commandos "we do not have far to go but I suspect the Klingons may have the area covered so be vigilant and you will survive, Korel, move these people out"...
It was realatively quiet making their way through the sewer system but as Vollana feared,the Klingons were at the exit they hoped to use, a few well aimed rifle blasts dealt with them,it seemed easy,too easy, but they risked moving out into the clearing anyway, just as she was about to signal the ship a shout rang out "lay down your weapons and surrender yourselfs to the mercy of the Klingon Empire" Vollana looked up to see a Squad of Klingon appear from over the ridge "They will not be merciful, we cannot be captured again" said Tavina, "Shut up" hissed back Vollana, she then shouted "never, we would rather die", she heard the Klingon commander laugh "I was hoping you would say that..."just then the commnder and his nearest soldiers were cut down, Vollana turned around to see where the shots came from,it was from the sewer access, there stood Ratak, two of the Commandos from Sharviks team and one of the crewmen, "Fire" Vollana yelled and fired on the remaining Klingons,the other commandos joined in, cutting down the Klingons,who were thrown into disarray at the loss of their commander, fireing wildly or running towards the Romulans drawing their bat'leths only to be picked off by the diciplined accuracy of the commandos. Ratak ran up to Vollana and threw a lazy salute "Klingons are not far behind us,we managed to stall them with explosives and disabled blast doors" Vollana nodded "Good work" she activated her comm "Taron beam us onboard now, all Romulan lifesigns,got it?" a reply came back,"will have to be the cargo bay transporter but it will be done" they heard movement from within the sewer but by the time the Klingons got there, it was too late,they were gone...
...Vollana stormed onto the bridge and took her place at the captains chair, Tavina stood beside her "Status?" bellowed Vollana, Rekar looked up from her station and swallowed hard before replying "The Vor'cha cruiser has entered orbit and will be in weapons range in three minutes, they are not responding to hails either". Tavina raised an eyebrow "So, what now?" she said almost mockingly to Vollana, there was no snappy retort, no reply at all from Vollana, she merely unholstered her disrupter pistol, set it to low stun and shot Tavina, Rekar looked up worried "Shes fine" Vollana reassured her and then was all buisness again, "Taron, plot a course for the surface, right ontop of the base and prepare a salvo of torpedos", Taron took a minute to comply, shaking his head but knew better than to voice his concerns.
The Bird of Prey swooped down ignoring the attempts by the cruiser to stop, "Shields down to forty percent" Taron reported, Vollana, unfazed took a breath and said "when I give the order, fire all torpedos in a wide spread,then immediately plot a course out of the planet and engage the cloak" Taron looked at her in shock, "when we enaged the cloak the shields will go down, the blast..." he stopped when he saw that Vollana was not listening, on the viewscreen the base was looming larger and larger, then came the order "Weapons, fire torpedos, helm, engage cloak and get us out of here" Vollana said closing her eyes, this had to work...
The captain of the cruiser, a vetern of the Dominion wars by the name of Jut'mos son of Korvou stood from his command chair, his first officer reported that it seemed like the other ship's commander simply decided to crash into the base, but why? he was on way to collect some Romulan prisoners for interrogation, the ship was the IKS D'Vat and belonged to the Clan Toranus, yes after he has investigated the crash site he will contact the high council and demand why one of the most loyal clans in the Empire ordered what could only be seen as a cowardly honorless attack on the installation, surely they were not collaborating with the romulans? he shook his head and headed to the transporter bay, if he, or indeed any of the bridge crew had looked closer at the viewscreen, they may have seen a distortion consitent with a cloaked bird of prey streak past...
Back in Romulan territory and the captured bird of prey flying in formation to the nearest starbase with the IRW Tavnik, Vollana was in the captains ready room casually testing the captains Bat'leth, "nicely balanced" she uttered before using it to effortlessly slice a hanging banner in two as Tavina walked in and waited to be noticed, Vollana stopped and put the Bat'leth on the table "So? I see the stun blast didn't affect you..that much" she stepped closer "I'm sure you will threaten my family or my rank..or I'll just disappear some day for that" she said defiantly. Tavina dropped her gaze and softly said "No, I apologise, it was my first field mission and acted foolishly, if it wasn't for you and your troops I'd be dead. I'm sorry" she went to walk away "my report will not include any of our... differences" Vollana gave a rare smile "On your next mission, treat your fellow Romulans with respect and you will get loyalty, don't believe the propaganda told at the academy and you may be a decent officer" she said before going back to testing the bat'leth, Tavina walked out a little wiser.
The End