I am looking for a good levelling (40 to 65) build for a Romulan Science captain flying
Daeinos Warbird Destroyer
I usually fly an engineer so this ship feels extra fragile (even accounting for the fact that as I took ownership I filled it with a variety of green thru purple Mk IV to Mk X items).
I am trying to keep the ship in its canon setup - i.e. with the weapon loadout it comes with - But I note that the build I got given when I purchased the ship was 2x Dual Plasma Cannon, Plasma Beam Array, Plasma Torpedo Launcher (Fore) and 2xPlasma Torpedo Launcher, Plasma Beam Array (Rear) which is a rather odd layout, so really, that's probably not going to work.
At any rate, I am terrible at making my own builds - I'd appreciate any advice on traits and skills my captain should take, BOFFs and BOFF skills and what crafted (I have an alt with max crafting in all skills) and mission gear I should equip as none of my Reps are levelled and I don't have the cash for an AH buying spree. Maybe 3mil EC tops.
Here is a little old video on how to build a budget build.
If you're short of EC then replay missions.
Look for the equipment you want and replay.
Let us know what you decide upon for weapons from mission replay and then we can provide some pointers for boff, doffs etc.
For some reason the boff seating would not go, but i'm sure others can provide a link for a solid build for skills and boffs.
One more thing, for some survival i suggest you get this trait from the House Pegh mission ASAP
Do yourself a favor, don't tie a hand behind your back with that weapon layout. Get all the weapons "typed" (i.e. beams or cannons) so you've got everything on-target at once (possible concession of a torpedo fore).
Also, when you hit 50, hop over to the Dinaes. It's the "big brother" version of this ship.
Later on,
I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)