Well, I "crossed the Rubicon"! I bought the "much 'ballyhoo'd'/'vaunted'/'celebrated' LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION! Now, I just have to get control of my breathing! And turn on my computer, and log out of my account, and log back into it, to "confirm my 'new' STO status", that's if I've been reading the ARC games STAR TREK ONLINE LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION page 'correctly'.
Wish this "totally clueless 'DUNSEL', a lot of luck! Believe me, I can use every bit of it, I can get!
I'm sure your DPS is great, but as Kahless said, "a petaQ with high system mastery is still a petaQ." (Well, he should have said it...!)
> Well, welcome. Looking forward to meeting you at the Captain's Table... If I'd ever go there again.
Went to "The Captain's Table", didn't see any "Hot & Cold running Dabo Girls, ( Damn! Another fantasy, SHOT to HELL!)
The Captain's Table is really a superflous place - a cool sounding idea that serves no practical purpose.
What is however fun is the Fireworks. It's something only lifers (and veterans, which these days is probably 90 % the same) get, it's a fun toy. I always put it next to my Slipstream drive on the top right of my hotbar.
Recommended uses:
- While watching cool ships from other people or flying a new cool ship, activate to as greeting and to express your joy of enjoying ship TRIBBLE.
- During the Breach, use it (if available, together with Rock & Roll) when flying through the exit after you blew up the central core.
- Greeting at the beginning of Task Forces.
- Celebrations at the end of a successful Task Force fun.
And you know, everyone that fireworks back, was just as crazy as you and also bought a lifetime subscription.
Lol, I remember getting the shakes after I bought my PS1 from Electronic Boutique at the mall. At the time it was the biggest purchase I had made w/ my own money. I think it was $300.
> wdwormack214 wrote: »
> Well, I "crossed the Rubicon"! I bought the "much 'ballyhoo'd'/'vaunted'/'celebrated' LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION! Now, I just have to get control of my breathing! And turn on my computer, and log out of my account, and log back into it, to "confirm my 'new' STO status", that's if I've been reading the ARC games STAR TREK ONLINE LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION page 'correctly'.
> Wish this "totally clueless 'DUNSEL', a lot of luck! Believe me, I can use every bit of it, I can get!
> Lol, I remember getting the shakes after I bought my PS1 from Electronic Boutique at the mall. At the time it was the biggest purchase I had made w/ my own money. I think it was $300.
Hey, I bought 'MY' PlayStation at "ELECTRONIC BOUTIQUE"! When I learned that you could put up a pre pay deposit for the PlayStation I went to the Lincolnwood Town Center, with the money to pay the FULL PRICE (tax included plus a buyer's insurance extended warranty) for the console. You wanna talk about a"case of nerves! Try taking the BUS home, from the store, with your brand new PlayStation console, in your hot little hands!
Some of the best money, I EVER SPENT!
(I'm sure that once I run out of REALLY STUPID QUESTIONS, about how certain things work in STAR TREK ONLINE, I'll be able to consider the money I've spent for the STAR TREK ONLINE LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION, some of the best money I've ever spent!)
They are not the best ships in STO by any means, but they are decent and fun to fly. Sadly you need to spend a fleet module to get them at fleet level.
Welcome to the "other side"
Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010