How exactly are beams checked to see if a proc occurs ?
It is my understanding that they are checked once per cycle , what i want to know is are they checked individually once per cycle ? Example -> If i am running Quantom phase ,1 Bio Phaser array up front with Speed tweeks Omni and console are all 3 beams being checked every cycle ? ie. 1 (one) 2.5% chance to shield drain , 1(one) 4.5% chance for bio proc with set bonus , 1(one) % chance for haste and 3 (three) separate chances at 2.5% each for sub system off line proc.
I don't want speculation , i want to know exactly how this works.
A bio phaser has 2 separate procs , if i add embassy console it has 3 separate procs , if i add Iconian rep trait + 2.5% chance for radiation proc the phaser now has 4 procs , are all 4 procs being checked every cycle on every beam ? Now if i have 4 bio phaser , each phaser is being checked individually once per cycle for 4 seperate chances to proc ?
I was getting conflicting information on how procs are checked. I needed to know for certain that 5 arrays in autofire are all being checked each time they cycle.
In my mind 5 arrays in autofire = 1 weapon cycle ( for the sake of this thread )
Good idea or bad idea is another question. I set up a science ship with 400 EPG slotting Temp Op primary , strategist secondary and did not want a torpedo boat. I used Engineer captain to keep weapon power up , slotted 1 torp for superchaged weapons and run 5 arrays in FAW3 +Kemocite 2 as often as it comes up , i am getting haste from speed tweeks set , M6 console E-Power to weapons and Temp Ops primary. I didn't want my ship weapons sitting as place holders for set bonus.
The weapon does not fire when the line goes in a circle...THAT is the break between cycles.
That is on each individual weapon, and each weapon type it is different.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -- Benjamin Franklin
Got it. Position 1 beam fires first starting it's weapon cycle and is checked , position 2 fires next starting it's cycle and is checked and so on. So all 5 arrays are being checked individually because they cycles are independent of each other.